digikam problem

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I originally sent this message to the Fedora users list, but the only
response I got was a note from Patrick O'Callaghan suggesting it might be
better directed to the KDE on Fedora list.  (I had previously posted on the
digikam users list, but got no response.)  So here it is:

On a fully updated Fedora 20, I've had the following problems importing
images from a Canon EOS SL1 since the update from digikam 3.5 to 4.0
(which I got July 26):

- The digikam camera window doesn't show thumbnails or previews, just icons
  for RAW and/or JPEG.  I can't seem to preview the images to select the
  ones to import.  Digikam does recognize the camera, it just won't show
  thumbnails or previews of the images on the camera. 

- Digikam gets the date from JPEGs to do renaming as I have specified, but
  it seems to think that all of the RAW files were created on 1969-12-31
  at 19:00:00, at least from the filenames it's generating.  Once the files
  are imported (I just import all of them without doing any selection), the
  "File properties" in digikam shows the correct date for each image. (Well,
  up to time zone issues: my camera is set to Eastern Daylight Time, and
  Digikam seems to be interpreting that as Universal Time and then correcting
  for my computer's time zone, so things are off by 4 hours--but this was true
  before the update, too. Is this a configuration problem on my part?)

- I have digikam set to create a new sub-album with the date; so I have
  <root album>/<year>/<month>/<date>.  I'm importing into the <month>.
  JPEGs are correctly put in a sub-album with the date, but RAW images are
  put into the <month>, not into a sub-album.  I assume this is connected
  to not being able to correctly get the date for the RAW images during the

All of this (except for the time zone stuff) worked fine with 3.5.  I
tried downloading the bodhi builds of digikam 4.2 for Fedora 20, but I'm
seeing the same issues as with 4.0.  I looked through the digikam mailing
list archives and saw that some other people had problems with previewing
images from the camera with Canon cameras on 4.0, but the only response
was a claim that digikam was using gphoto2, with no details or follow-up.
(I can download the images from the gphoto2 command line, too.  The
problem is not seeing thumbnails in the camera window to decide
what to download, or getting the dates on RAW images.)  Shotwell seems to
be able to generate thumbnails of images in the camera before downloading
and gets the correct dates on RAW images.  

I only started using digikam in early July, so it may well be that this is
pilot error, but I haven't been able to figure it out from the
documentation.  I don't think I changed any digikam settings with the
upgrade from 3.5 to 4.0, and nothing about the camera changed at that

Thanks for any help.  If nobody's got a solution, should I file it on the
Fedora bugzilla, or upstream?


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