Fedora Infrastructure
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- New,
Seth Dawson
- Re: New,
Mike McGrath
- <Possible follow-ups>
- new,
- cacti misreports koji disk space,
Mike McLean
- Change freeze request: Enforce website freeze in syncStatic.sh,
Ricky Zhou
- Self-Introduction: Diego Búrigo Zacarão,
Diego Búrigo Zacarão
- Emergency Change (app4),
Mike McGrath
- Change freeze request: Fix invalid login pages,
Toshio Kuratomi
- Change (already) - steved,
Mike McGrath
- Change Freeze!!,
Mike McGrath
- [redhat.com #609992] need ordb.org removed from Red Hat MX mail servers (fwd),
Mike McGrath
- Jury Duty,
Toshio Kuratomi
- CVS common directory,
Christian Iseli
- snapmirror status tool?,
Matt Domsch
- proposed MM patch: improve rsync_acl query,
Matt Domsch
- need ordb.org removed from Red Hat MX mail servers,
- app servers updated,
Toshio Kuratomi
- Meeting Log - 2008-04-10,
Ricky Zhou
- Possible new CLA,
Paul W. Frields
download*.fedora.redhat.com rsyncd change request,
download2.fedora.redhat.com is behind; download3 overloaded,
Matt Domsch
Is someone rebooting app5?,
Toshio Kuratomi
torrent migration, reversed,
seth vidal
Meeting Log - 2008-04-03,
Ricky Zhou
Change Freeze (IMPORTANT),
Mike McGrath
service accounts for bz and FAS,
Matt Domsch
Looking for team reps,
Mike McGrath
Nagios down?,
susmit shannigrahi
Outage Notification Torrent.fedoraproject.org - 2008-04-03 13:00 UTC,
seth vidal
FAS2 problems,
Michael Schwendt
xen7 networking issue?,
Toshio Kuratomi
GSoC: Transifex-committer,
Christos Τrochalakis
sub-optimal torrent for F9 Snapshot 1,
John Poelstra
Away for a few days,
Mike McGrath
download.fp.o -> proxies and redirects,
Matt Domsch
introduction all around,
Fedora CA Project,
Dennis Gilmore
CVS storage use,
Paul W. Frields
FAS2: group membership policies,
Nicu Buculei
app2 rebuild,
Mike McGrath
Outages and Koji,
Mike McGrath
Release Day planning and notes,
Paul W. Frields
Meeting Log - 2008-03-20,
Ricky Zhou
Release day planning call,
Paul W. Frields
Asterisk and Town Hall meeting,
Paul W. Frields
Re: Asterisk and Town Hall meeting,
Jeffrey Ollie
Infrastructure Survey,
Mike McGrath
FAS2 Home Page Feature Request,
Thomas Chung
vacuum script to delete expired visits,
Toshio Kuratomi
ensuring an NFS dir mounted via puppet configs,
Matt Domsch
Introduction - Jeremy Fluhmann,
Jeremy Fluhmann
FAS2->bugzilla permissions,
Jon Stanley
Self-Introduction: Lucian Langa,
Lucian Langa
Lucian Langa
Introduction (As the 'Getting Started' on Wiki),
Alessio Giovanni Baroni
fedorapeople.org notice,
Dennis Gilmore
Meeting Log - 2008-03-13,
Ricky Zhou
Password Migration,
Frank Chiulli
MyFedora cross domain authentication issues,
John (J5) Palmieri
ssh problem. Its me or the server ?,
susmit shannigrahi
FAS2 ships!,
Mike McGrath
Metalink support,
Bram Neijt
another issue to fix with the FAS2 switch: Kojis ssl certificate,
Till Maas
Rename cvsextras during FAS2 switch?,
Warren Togami
Host DOWN alert for gateway! (fwd),
Mike McGrath
But 429469,
Mike McGrath
Mike McGrath
Meeting Log - 2008-03-06,
Ricky Zhou
puppet 0.24.2,
Mike McGrath
Mailman list for triage - special requirements,
Jon Stanley
header intact,
ballout merouene
Announcing FAS2 Tests!,
Mike McGrath
Re: Announcing FAS2 Tests!,
Mark Wormgoor
Wiki changes,
Mike McGrath
Fedora Project Wiki down?,
Thomas Chung
This week important topics concerns,
Meeting Log - 2008-02-28,
Ricky Zhou
Fedora Needs another Primary mirror! (fwd),
Mike McGrath
a fresh member introduction,
Re: Fedora-infrastructure-list Digest, Vol 21, Issue 34,
Rajagopal Swaminathan
Mike McGrath
Infrastructure beat is ready,
Huzaifa Sidhpurwala
Problem commiting to the new CVs repository for libvirt localization,
Daniel Veillard
Meeting Log - 2008-02-21,
Ricky Zhou
Mailman List Policy for Fedora Hosted,
Jeffrey Ollie
- Re: Mailman List Policy for Fedora Hosted,
Mike McGrath
- Re: Mailman List Policy for Fedora Hosted,
Jon Stanley
- Re: Mailman List Policy for Fedora Hosted,
Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams
- Re: Mailman List Policy for Fedora Hosted,
Mike McGrath
- Re: Mailman List Policy for Fedora Hosted,
Brett Lentz
- Re: Mailman List Policy for Fedora Hosted,
Jesse Keating
- Re: Mailman List Policy for Fedora Hosted,
seth vidal
- Re: Mailman List Policy for Fedora Hosted,
Gianluca Varisco
- Re: Mailman List Policy for Fedora Hosted,
Jeffrey Tadlock
- Re: Mailman List Policy for Fedora Hosted,
Toshio Kuratomi
- Re: Mailman List Policy for Fedora Hosted,
Mike McGrath
- Re: Mailman List Policy for Fedora Hosted,
Matt Domsch
- Re: Mailman List Policy for Fedora Hosted,
Ricky Zhou
- Re: Mailman List Policy for Fedora Hosted,
Luke Macken
Jonathan Roberts
Koji bandaid,
Mike McGrath
Meeting Log - 2008-02-14,
Ricky Zhou
Self-Introduction: Stephen Smoogen <smooge>,
Stephen John Smoogen
Welp, I've failed.,
Mike McGrath
Mirror sync times,
Eric Ross
Re: Haskell Packaging Guidelines Review,
Yaakov Nemoy
Fwd: fedora-web, live and git,
Christos Τrochalakis
Paul W. Frields
TurboGears-1.0.4/SQLAlchemy-0.4 upgrade,
Toshio Kuratomi
join a FIG,
ramez hanna
Mike McGrath
Moin 2.0 (or as I call it, mediawiki),
Mike McGrath
- Re: Moin 2.0 (or as I call it, mediawiki),
Thomas Chung
- Re: Moin 2.0 (or as I call it, mediawiki),
John Poelstra
- Re: Moin 2.0 (or as I call it, mediawiki),
Mike McLean
- Re: Moin 2.0 (or as I call it, mediawiki),
James Laska
- Re: Moin 2.0 (or as I call it, mediawiki),
Mike McGrath
nagios config for mirrorlist monitoring,
Chuck Anderson
typo in links to Nodoka on fedorahosted,
Martin Sourada
torrent tracker/primary seed software,
seth vidal
Hi all,
Harsimran Singh
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Hi All,
Callum Scott
Moin 1.6,
Mike McGrath
Postgres Vacuum Update,
Toshio Kuratomi
infrastructure news ready for FWN#118,
Huzaifa Sidhpurwala
Anand Capur
Apache Test Page,
Anand Capur
Safe to upgrade,
Toshio Kuratomi
download1 is out of sync with the others,
Chuck Anderson
app4, back online,
Mike McGrath
Meeting Log - 2008-01-31,
Ricky Zhou
Re: Spam Mail and Fedora-docs subscribers,
Mike McGrath
Postgres vacuuming update,
Toshio Kuratomi
Collaboration Servers!,
Mike McGrath
Fedora Search,
Mike McGrath
Koji vacuuming,
Toshio Kuratomi
Introduction to the Infrastructure Group,
Baldwin Sung
Problem with @fedoraproject.org mail address,
Marcin Zajączkowski
Meeting Log - 2008-01-24,
Ricky Zhou
Cron <root@hosted1> /usr/bin/pgrep puppet > /dev/null || /etc/init.d/puppet start (fwd),
Mike McGrath
Marcus Quy
Linuxtag 2008, Berlin, Germany,
Gerold Kassube
[Fwd: Fedora LXR status?],
Rahul Sundaram
Thanks Mike,
mandeep bhatia
something up with bzr browsing in trac?,
seth vidal
Yahoo Implements OpenID,
Mike McGrath
Meeting Log - 2008-01-17,
Ricky Zhou
Introduction letter,
ramez hanna
Printing Problems on F8,
Frank Chiulli
Christian Berendt
small fix for kojihub tonight,
Mike McLean
Ticket #116 - Fedora Poll,
Frank Chiulli
Meeting Log - 2008-01-10,
Ricky Zhou
file has vanished,
Chuck Anderson
xen1 outage,
Mike McGrath
Re: Fedora-infrastructure-list Digest, Vol 20, Issue 8,
Cyber Bob
Announcing a new FIG! sysadmin-tools,
Mike McGrath
Jeffrey Ollie
Fudcon and a busy week,
Mike McGrath
the syncmail script,
Mike McGrath
FC6 guests,
Luke Macken
I am having a peculiar problem,
Cyber Bob
Builder update,
Dennis Gilmore
Mike McGrath
Looking for Volunteer Writers for Fedora Weekly News,
Thomas Chung
integration of LTSP 5 in fedora,
subhodip biswas
Meeting Log - 2008-01-03,
Ricky Zhou
RFC: Infrastructure Voting,
Mike McGrath
Intrusion Detection (aide review),
Request to remove infofeed,
Mike McGrath
I'm not here!,
Roberto . Quagliozzi
Vacationing Dec 29 - Jan 2,
Toshio Kuratomi
Meeting Log - 2007-12-27,
Ricky Zhou
Hmm... -- ** PROBLEM alert - app5.vpn.fedoraproject.org/Puppet is CRITICAL **,
Anand Capur
RE: Proposal - Official Forum,
patch for kojid to prevent noarch build failures,
Jesse Keating
Fwd: Fedora News site: Help Needed,
Thomas Chung
puppet woes,
Mike McGrath
Moin 1.6 beta.,
Mike McGrath
Meeting Log - 2007-12-20,
Ricky Zhou
Search domains in our environment (Proposal),
Mike McGrath
FUDCon / Hackfest,
Mike McGrath
python-fedora: fas1 API addition,
Toshio Kuratomi
Notice: puppet on the boxes,
Mike McGrath
New member introduction,
Lee Lorentz
Meeting Log - 2007-12-13,
Ricky Zhou
Request for monotone,
Mike McGrath
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