15:02 -!- mmcgrath changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Infrastructure -- Who's here? 15:03 * dgilmore is here 15:03 * daMaestro is here 15:03 * f13 15:04 -!- fugolini [n=francesc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit Remote closed the connection 15:05 * iWolf lurks 15:06 < mmcgrath> pretty low turnout 15:06 * mmcgrath pings some people 15:07 < mdomsch> hi 15:07 < dgilmore> mmcgrath: can we add our CA discussion to the meeting 15:07 < mmcgrath> dgilmore: sure 15:07 < abadger1999> hEY GUYS 15:07 < mmcgrath> lets start with the tickets 15:07 < dgilmore> gday abadger1999 15:07 -!- mmcgrath changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Infrastructure -- Tickets 15:07 < mmcgrath> .tiny https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/query?status=new&status=assigned&status=reopened&group=milestone&keywords=%7EMeeting&order=priority 15:07 < zodbot> mmcgrath: http://tinyurl.com/2hyyz6 15:07 < mmcgrath> Audio streaming for conference calls 15:07 < mmcgrath> .ticket 395 15:07 < zodbot> mmcgrath: #395 (Audio Streaming of Fedora Board Conference Calls) - Fedora Infrastructure - Trac - https://fedorahosted.org/projects/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/395 15:08 < mmcgrath> .any jcollie 15:08 < zodbot> mmcgrath: jcollie was last seen in #fedora-meeting 6 days, 7 hours, 20 minutes, and 27 seconds ago: *** jcollie has quit IRC ("Ex-Chat") 15:08 < mmcgrath> jcollie's not been around in a bit 15:08 < mmcgrath> so we'll skip that one for now. 15:08 < mmcgrath> .ticket 398 15:08 < zodbot> mmcgrath: #398 (elfutils `monotone' (mtn) error) - Fedora Infrastructure - Trac - https://fedorahosted.org/projects/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/398 15:08 * lmacken is here 15:08 < mmcgrath> someone in #fedora-devel mentioned there's a fix for this but I've not seen it yet 15:08 < mmcgrath> .any roland 15:08 < zodbot> mmcgrath: I have not seen roland. 15:09 < mmcgrath> roland was recently added to the sysadmin-hosted group. He may be able to better assist in this 15:09 < dgilmore> .any rmcgrath 15:09 < zodbot> dgilmore: I have not seen rmcgrath. 15:09 < mmcgrath> we'll move on for th 15:09 < mmcgrath> .ticket 446 15:09 < zodbot> mmcgrath: #446 (Possibility to add external links on spins page) - Fedora Infrastructure - Trac - https://fedorahosted.org/projects/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/446 15:09 < mmcgrath> skvidal: ping 15:09 -!- sebastian^ [n=sebastia@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-meeting 15:10 < sebastian^> hi ho all 15:10 < mmcgrath> I never really heard anything more on this. 15:10 -!- buggbot [n=supybot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) 15:10 < mmcgrath> IIRC we talked about adding a link to the spins.fp.o page that links to the wiki 15:10 -!- geroldka [n=Gerold@fedora/geroldka] has joined #fedora-meeting 15:10 < mmcgrath> is that what others recall? 15:10 < dgilmore> i think thats the best option 15:10 < mmcgrath> we can always go back and look at the meeting minutes. 15:11 < dgilmore> thats what we talked about 15:11 < mmcgrath> <nod> 15:11 < mmcgrath> dgilmore: would you mind getting that wiki page setup? 15:11 < dgilmore> mmcgrath: can do 15:11 < mdomsch> is spins.fp.o that hard to edit now? 15:11 < mmcgrath> solid. 15:11 -!- buggbot [n=supybot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-meeting 15:11 < mmcgrath> mdomsch: not really hard, no. 15:12 < mmcgrath> alrighty, anyone have anything else on that? 15:12 < mmcgrath> next ticket 15:12 < mmcgrath> .ticket 485 15:12 < zodbot> mmcgrath: #485 (Schedule Koji DB vacuum) - Fedora Infrastructure - Trac - https://fedorahosted.org/projects/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/485 15:12 < mmcgrath> abadger1999: ^^ 15:13 < mdomsch> mmcgrath, then I just am curious why do it in the wiki instead of just letting the right folks edit the page directly 15:13 < mdomsch> oh well moving on 15:13 < mmcgrath> mdomsch: well, I think there were a couple of reasons. At least one of which is technical. 15:13 < abadger1999> So we just need to do a complete vacuumof koji. 15:13 < mmcgrath> the other was more about hosting and stuff. How do we know the difference between an "official" spin and a non official one? Do we care? 15:13 < mmcgrath> abadger1999: how long will it take? 15:14 < abadger1999> It will probably make kojia bit slow. 15:14 < abadger1999> Unknown how long it will take but 15:14 < mdomsch> mmcgrath, official ones are blessed by the board, hosting is determined by rel-eng based on space available determined by infra 15:14 < abadger1999> Lasttime we attemptedthis, did it go for longerthan 24 hours? 15:14 < mmcgrath> abadger1999: and it does not require a lock right? 15:14 < abadger1999> Correct. 15:15 < mmcgrath> mdomsch: but how do the users figure it out if they're all listed in the same place? 15:15 < abadger1999> But it could slow things down. 15:15 < mmcgrath> abadger1999: is that something we could just start on Sat? 15:15 < mmcgrath> and hope its done by monday? 15:15 < abadger1999> We can definitely startit. 15:15 < mmcgrath> f13: ping 15:15 < mmcgrath> you guys have any major rebuilds planned for this weekend? 15:15 < mdomsch> listed != hosted :-) 15:16 < dgilmore> mmcgrath: i moved the sparc postgres to 8.3 this week 15:16 < mmcgrath> dgilmore: how'd that go? 15:16 < dgilmore> mmcgrath: ill see how it works since autovacuum is supposed to work 15:16 < f13> mmcgrath: this weekend? Not that I know of, except that it's the last weekend before the Final Freeze for Fedora 9 15:17 < mmcgrath> dgilmore: excellent. 15:17 < dgilmore> mmcgrath: it transitioned smoothly, you have to do a dump restore to change versions 15:17 < mmcgrath> f13: we're thinking about running a vacuum on the db so we stop getting notices about it. 15:17 < mmcgrath> and because we're running out of transactions 15:17 < dgilmore> mmcgrath: i think this weekend is fine 15:17 < f13> hrm. 15:18 < f13> it 15:18 < mmcgrath> dgilmore: <nod> 15:18 < f13> it'll just make things a bit slower right, not break anything? 15:18 < dgilmore> f13: yes 15:18 < mmcgrath> f13: correct. 15:18 < abadger1999> f13: Correct. 15:18 < f13> ok... 15:18 < f13> I reserve the right to be bitchy if something falls over and holds up Fedora 9 builds (: 15:19 * abadger1999 notes that the warnings start when we hit half way so we could go for a bit longer if we have to. 15:19 < mmcgrath> abadger1999: does this weekend work for you or would you rather me do it? 15:19 < mmcgrath> abadger1999: and how the hell did we run out of FAS tranasctions so quick :) ? 15:19 -!- spoleeba [n=one@fedora/Jef] has quit "Leaving" 15:20 < abadger1999> I can do it this weekend 15:20 < abadger1999> FAS is kinda worrisome but at leastit's a small db. 15:20 < mmcgrath> yeah 15:20 < mmcgrath> abadger1999: solid, well let me know if you need anything 15:21 < mbonnet> abadger1999: remember to disable the other vacuums while it's going 15:21 < abadger1999> Right. mbonnet -- only for that db, though, correct? 15:21 < mbonnet> abadger1999: correct 15:21 < abadger1999> Cool. I think we're all set on that then. 15:22 < mbonnet> abadger1999: also, don't bother with the analyze, since that can be done on a table-by-table basis later 15:22 < abadger1999> <nod> 15:22 -!- Southern_Gentlem [n=notfred@unaffiliated/southerngentlem/x-2894754] has joined #fedora-meeting 15:22 < mmcgrath> cool 15:22 < mmcgrath> alrighty, anyone have anything else on that? 15:23 < dgilmore> not I 15:23 < mmcgrath> cool, then we're done with the tickets 15:23 -!- mmcgrath changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Infrastructure -- Certificates 15:23 -!- spoleeba [n=one@fedora/Jef] has joined #fedora-meeting 15:23 < mmcgrath> dgilmore: want to take the floor on that one? 15:23 < dgilmore> mmcgrath: :) yep 15:24 < dgilmore> so looking at all the options for setting up and managing our certificate infrastructure 15:24 < dgilmore> all of them have definete downsides 15:25 < dgilmore> I really dont want to write our own 15:25 < dgilmore> i think its too much effort for too little gain 15:25 < mdomsch> dgilmore, agreed 15:25 -!- kital [n=Joerg_Si@fedora/kital] has joined #fedora-meeting 15:25 < dgilmore> i'm thinking that we should try make dogfood work 15:26 < dgilmore> i have spoken with the devs of it and they commited to helping us 15:26 < skvidal> mmcgrath: pong 15:26 < dgilmore> dog tag 15:26 < skvidal> sorry, was in another desktop 15:26 < mmcgrath> skvidal: I forget what I was going to ask :) 15:26 < skvidal> torrent? 15:26 < mmcgrath> dgilmore: is it in Fedora already? 15:26 < mmcgrath> skvidal: maybe 15:26 < dgilmore> mmcgrath: not yet 15:27 < dgilmore> mmcgrath: however none of the options is 15:27 < dgilmore> one of them requires jboss 15:27 < dgilmore> so it will be a huge task to get in 15:27 < dgilmore> dogtag has some pieces in fedora 15:27 < dgilmore> it uses fedora-ds for storage 15:27 -!- fab_away [n=bellet@xxxxxxxxxxx] has quit No route to host 15:28 < dgilmore> the option using a relational db uses jboss 15:28 < dgilmore> i think it was openca 15:28 < dgilmore> one of the other options uses openldap 15:28 < mmcgrath> So whats the scope of this project? We're looking to give and revoke certificates to our users. 15:28 < mmcgrath> will this also sign our VPN and builder certs? 15:28 < dgilmore> yes 15:29 < mmcgrath> will this have anything to do with package signing? 15:29 < dgilmore> nothing to do with packag signing 15:29 < dgilmore> so we will need to setup the ca 15:29 < mmcgrath> Solid, so what do you need to get a proof of concept setup? 15:30 < dgilmore> test that when we revoke certs apps honour the revokation 15:30 < dgilmore> probably will need 2 or 3 vm's 15:30 < mmcgrath> k, the german box telia1 is up 15:30 < dgilmore> setup as many apps as we can 15:30 < mmcgrath> .ping telia1.fedoraproject.org 15:30 < zodbot> pong 15:31 < mmcgrath> We're going to stick one app and one proxy server out there, the rest can be used for test. 15:31 < mmcgrath> we've got a /28 for it. 15:31 < dgilmore> :) nice 15:31 < mmcgrath> if you want to virt-inst some guests over there, have at it. 15:31 < dgilmore> ok will do 15:32 < dgilmore> I'm going to need some help getting things setup and running 15:32 < dgilmore> and testing 15:32 -!- geroldka [n=Gerold@fedora/geroldka] has quit "Leaving" 15:32 < dgilmore> in the end all users will need new certs. as will all builders and vpn endpoints 15:32 < mmcgrath> I'm a little confused on how this will tie in to FAS2 (if it even will) 15:32 < mmcgrath> Like, where will users go to actually get their cert? 15:33 < dgilmore> they will go to fas2 15:33 < mmcgrath> perhaps we'll have a better view after we get it all setup 15:33 < dgilmore> but fas2 will request it from the ca 15:33 < iWolf> dgilmore: i might have time to help with some setup if you need it. 15:33 < dgilmore> iWolf: thanks 15:34 < mmcgrath> solid. 15:34 < mmcgrath> dgilmore: you have anything else on that front? 15:34 < dgilmore> so thats how i think we should procede 15:34 < dgilmore> mmcgrath: i think thats it 15:35 < mmcgrath> solid 15:35 < mmcgrath> dgilmore: sounds good, let me know if you need anything 15:35 < mmcgrath> Movin on 15:35 < dgilmore> mmcgrath: willd o 15:35 -!- mmcgrath changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Infrastructure -- Torrent 15:35 < mmcgrath> skvidal: mind giving a quick overview of what we did, why we did it and how much space we've got left? 15:36 < skvidal> yes 15:36 < skvidal> okay 15:36 < skvidal> 1. eventually got torrent1.fp.o to stay up and online 15:36 < skvidal> 2. allocated 400gb of the 425gb available to /srv of torrent 15:36 < skvidal> 3. installed bittorrent 5.2.0 - had it fall over every 20 minutes or so, 15:37 < skvidal> 4. cursed a lot, attempted to fix 15:37 < skvidal> 5. found it was just not reliable 15:37 < skvidal> 6. rebuilt bt 4.4.0 and installed it 15:37 < skvidal> 7. had it fall over , while not a lot, a fair bit, 15:37 < skvidal> 8. figured out that 4.4.0 and modern python-twisted don't get along 15:37 < skvidal> 9. disable twisted 15:37 < skvidal> 10. restart bttrack 15:37 < skvidal> 11. profit 15:38 < mmcgrath> all in all though we're in good shape now? 15:38 < skvidal> 12. removed zod and bordeaux (among other crap like fedora7-rc2) from torrents 15:38 < mmcgrath> eww 15:38 < skvidal> currently there are 203G remaining 15:38 < skvidal> and it appears to be running correctly 15:38 < skvidal> time and f9 will tell if it is truly reliable 15:38 < mmcgrath> <nod> 15:38 < mmcgrath> skvidal: thanks! 15:39 < skvidal> but atm it is more reliable than it was before 15:39 < mmcgrath> excellent. 15:39 < mmcgrath> anything else? 15:39 < skvidal> I'm updating the SOP, now 15:39 < skvidal> oh and 15:39 < skvidal> if anyone wants a project that will make them instantly excellent 15:39 < skvidal> fork bt 4.4.0 and maintain it/make it sane 15:40 < skvidal> hell, even if you only made it a server (bttrack/bttseed) you'd be a hit 15:40 < skvidal> that's all 15:40 < mmcgrath> :) 15:40 < mmcgrath> skvidal isn't kidding btw :) 15:40 < mmcgrath> alrighty. Movin on 15:40 < dgilmore> skvidal: what is the deal with bt 5.x? 15:41 < skvidal> dgilmore: it would either run out of files (even when I increased it to ludicrous amounts) or it would stop sending the /announce page, at all. 15:41 < skvidal> and then 5.2.0 is the dead end 15:41 < skvidal> bittorrent.com stopped the open source releases 15:41 < dgilmore> :( didnt they change the license? 15:41 < skvidal> oh they're chock full of evil 15:42 < mmcgrath> pure evil 15:42 < mmcgrath> ok, movin on 15:42 -!- mmcgrath changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Infrastructure -- Me gone tomorrow and saturday. 15:43 < mmcgrath> I've got a conference where I'm representin' Red Hat and Fedora. 15:43 < mmcgrath> I'll be back on Sunday. 15:43 -!- mmcgrath changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Infrastructure -- Open Floor 15:43 < mdomsch> enjoy 15:43 < mmcgrath> Ok, so thats really all we had planned for this meeting. 15:43 < mmcgrath> The wiki migration is moving along but there's still TONS to be done for those of you python coders interested in helping, the migration script could always use work. 15:44 < mmcgrath> I'm also working on getting the docbooko stuff all figured out. 15:44 < mmcgrath> ricky: you around by chance? 15:45 < mmcgrath> guess not. 15:45 < mmcgrath> we're still blocking a bit on FAS2 and OpenID but I'm pretty confident that'll be in good shape. 15:45 < mmcgrath> Alrighty, anyone have anything else they'd like to discuss? If not I'll close the meeting. 15:45 < dgilmore> mmcgrath: making fas a openid provider? 15:46 * dgilmore is done 15:46 < mmcgrath> dgilmore: yeah 15:46 < poelcat> mmcgrath: what is the targeted golive date for the new wiki? 15:46 < iWolf> mmcgrath: where is the migration script for the wiki? 15:46 < mmcgrath> poelcat: don't have one yet but it will be after F9 ships. Hopefully by a week or two. 15:46 < poelcat> okay 15:46 < mmcgrath> iWolf: git.fedorahosted.org/git/fedora-infrastructure.git/scripts/ 15:47 < iWolf> mmcgrath: thanks! 15:47 < mmcgrath> alrighty, if no one has anything else we'll close the meeting in 30 15:47 < mmcgrath> 15 15:47 < mdomsch> mmcgrath, when is freeze for f9? 15:47 < mmcgrath> mdomsch: ahh, good question. 15:48 * mmcgrath looks. 15:48 * mdomsch sneaks in under the wire 15:48 < mmcgrath> mdomsch: well last time we did a 2 week freeze IIRC. 15:48 -!- gkrpan [n=greg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-meeting 15:49 < mmcgrath> f13: did you want a longer change freeze this time around? 15:49 < mdomsch> yes, and that seemed to work pretty well 15:49 < mmcgrath> we could do a partial change freeze on the 8th followed by a full freeze on the 15th? 15:49 * mmcgrath doesn't know what a partial change freeze is but we could come up with something. 15:49 < mmcgrath> otherwise I'm fine with just doing the full freeze on the 15th. 15:49 < mdomsch> everyone's got the 29th free for an all-hands-on-deck, right? 15:50 < mmcgrath> mdomsch: I'll send a reminder out to everyone and about the change freeze. 15:50 < f13> mmcgrath: I think jsut full freeze on the 15th is fine, but I would like veto powers on any proposed changes leading up to then 15:50 < f13> well, I'd like releng to thave that, not me specifically 15:51 < mmcgrath> f13: hmm, I don't see any reason that wouldn't work. veto / revert powers. Plenty of changes go through without approval. 15:51 < f13> I think those two sentences contradict eachother 15:52 -!- giallu [n=giallu@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-meeting 15:52 < mmcgrath> f13: they do, the fact is you can't have veto power on something that doesn't go through an approval process. But I'm happy to give it to you :) 15:52 < mmcgrath> f13: If you've got a problem with a change though bring it to the list, I'm sure we can all work something out. 15:52 < mdomsch> mmcgrath, one more - soc status on download1 routing? 15:53 < mmcgrath> mdomsch: you're guess is as good as mine on that one. They don't tell me anything / keep me up to date on anything. 15:53 < mdomsch> mgalgoci was going to stir up trouble on Monday morning 15:53 < mmcgrath> I can follow up in the ticket and let tom know. 15:53 < mdomsch> as it stands, we won't be able to feed our tier 1 mirrors, much less anyone else 15:53 < mmcgrath> mdomsch: do you know when we lost that link yet? 15:53 < mdomsch> weeks ago 15:53 < mmcgrath> I requested that information from the soc and heard nothing. 15:53 < mdomsch> I remember seeing a note at the time, thinking it would be fixed in a few days 15:54 < mmcgrath> ok. I'm going to bring it to my manager because A) its constant bs with the soc and I'm tired of it. and B) they never bothered to notify us. 15:54 < mdomsch> check mirror-list-d archives, they may have sent something there... 15:54 < mmcgrath> k, I'll double check there then. 15:54 < mdomsch> in any case, we've _got_ to get the bits to ibiblio, else we're scrod 15:54 < mmcgrath> That I'm sure we can do. 15:54 < mdomsch> (past pluperfect of screw) 15:54 < f13> mmcgrath: ok, so maybe the concept of a soft freeze is where you ask before making any changes, and at that point I'd have the ability to say no. 15:55 < f13> mmcgrath: at the hard freeze date, just no changes at all unless it's fixing things 15:55 < mmcgrath> f13: why not just stick with the system we put in place last release? It seemed to work just fine? 15:55 < f13> *shrug* sure, we could do that 15:55 * mmcgrath just doesn't want to complicate it unless there's a reason to. We've got a good team of people there. 15:56 < mmcgrath> Alrighty, anyone have anything else to discuss? If not we'll close in 30 15:56 < mmcgrath> 15 15:57 < f13> nod 15:57 -!- mmcgrath changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Infrastructure -- Meeting Closed!
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