Fedora Infrastructure
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- Re: Meeting Log - 2008-07-10, (continued)
- Meeting Log - 2008-07-03,
Ricky Zhou
- Outage Notification - 2008-07-11 17:00 UTC,
Mike McGrath
- PHX Jul 10,11,
Mike McGrath
- puppet and git (README),
Mike McGrath
- FAS instance on publictest10?,
Robin Norwood
- puppet and git,
Mike McGrath
- Introduction: Kschreyack,
Klaus P. Schreyack
- RE: Fedora-infrastructure-list Digest, Vol 26, Issue 6,
Reggie Buckner
- Introduction for timothyb,
Timothy Buck
- Red Hat (Fedora) Bugzilla 3.2 Upgrade on July 26th, 2008,
John Poelstra
- Advice on deploying wsgi app using jsonfas,
Robin Norwood
- Mirror bandwidth and user redirection,
Matt Domsch
- Request for hosting resource,
Robin Norwood
- Fedoranews.org - Old blog still online,
Gianluca Varisco
- Meeting Log - 2008-06-26,
Ricky Zhou
- syntax colouring on the wiki,
Yaakov Nemoy
- Join me on Last.fm!,
Joel Jose
- Toshio is vacationing,
Toshio Kuratomi
Introduction: Jeroen van Meeuwen,
Jeroen van Meeuwen
Asterisk Status / Future Plans,
Jeffrey Ollie
Meeting Today 2008/06/19,
Jeffrey Ollie
Fedora TV Submission Form - PHP,
Jonathan Roberts
hosted1 down,
Toshio Kuratomi
Need a hand...,
Mike McGrath
Why no people uses Ruby to write the Script !,
Updating database schemas,
Toshio Kuratomi
Contribution request,
Xavier Lamien
Outage Notification - 2008-06-16 03:00 UTC,
Mike McGrath
Meeting Log - 2008-06-12,
Ricky Zhou
Outage Notification: ALL system 2008-06-10 21:30 UTC,
seth vidal
Introduction - Steve Dickinson,
Douglas Dickinson
Re: Wiki URL Structure (Proposed Change #2): flatten page hierarchies,
Karsten 'quaid' Wade
hello people,,
Lokesh Chakka
Wiki URL Structure (Proposed Change),
Nigel Jones
Fwd: [Trac-dev] Genshi 0.5 released (Transformer heads up for Trac plugin authors),
Jeffrey Ollie
Infrastructure Secondary Offerings,
Mike McGrath
wiki and nofollow links,
Nicu Buculei
[Fwd: Wiki migration - lost content],
Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams
[Fwd: Re: After wiki conversion: Where can I see the old moinmoin pages?],
Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams
[Fwd: Brief Comment: Delete user feature],
Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams
Travel, meetings, and vacation,
Toshio Kuratomi
Intro: Jake Walters,
Jake Walters
Meeting Log - 2008-06-05,
Nigel Jones
Request For Resources: Jabber server,
Steve Dickson
Request for xen guest for a Testopia proof-of-concept,
David Malcolm
Outage Notification: PHX 2008-06-05 15:00 UTC,
seth vidal
PHX outage,
Mike McGrath
python-fedora: Refactoring of variable and parameter names,
Toshio Kuratomi
Introduction - Harrison Conlin,
Harrison Conlin
Where to report bugs against mirrors,
Yaakov Nemoy
python-fedora documentation,
Toshio Kuratomi
wiki change notes from wrong user.,
[Fwd: Problem logging in],
Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams
Meeting Log - 2008-05-29,
Ricky Zhou
Call For Testers - Elections Application,
Nigel Jones
Mike McGrath
postfix alias issue,
Jesse Keating
Outage Notification - 2008-05-28 10:00 UTC,
Nigel Jones
Logging #fedora-meeting,
Mike McGrath
OpenID and CLA,
Karsten 'quaid' Wade
Notice of awayness,
Yaakov Nemoy
Re: Blog syndication for GSoC - ers,
Yaakov Nemoy
Re: Wiki Migration (Tuesday 05-26-2008),
Jeroen van Meeuwen
Creation of an user profile...,
antonio montagnani
Away for a couple of days,
Nigel Jones
PHP Security Tweaks,
Jeffrey Tadlock
Meeting Log - 2008-05-22,
Nigel Jones
trac-git plugin updated on hosted1,
Jesse Keating
FAS and public Key auth,
Mike McGrath
mdomsch vacation,
Matt Domsch
New (beta) service, email to Trac tickets,
Jesse Keating
good morning infrastrucure list,
Matias Kreder
Fedora and CIA.vc,
Dimitris Glezos
Red Hat Bugzilla 3.2 Upgrade Beta 1,
John Poelstra
MyFedora Documentation,
John (J5) Palmieri
Mike McGrath
changes at planet fedora,
seth vidal
I need a package review done,
Jesse Keating
Fedora 9 repository DVD,
RE: Why I want to contribute to Infrastructure,
Reggie Buckner
Re: Fedora-infrastructure-list Digest, Vol 24, Issue 27,
Jason Myerscough
Thank You Mirrors!,
Matt Domsch
making a private mirror for internal network.,
Itamar - IspBrasil
NTP re-enabled,
Nigel Jones
Meeting Log - 2008-05-15,
Nigel Jones
About Me,
Jason Myerscough
download problem,
subhodip biswas
Fedora 9 Sulpher: First Impression,
A problem with Indian mirrors and mirrormanager.,
susmit shannigrahi
Rolling out kojipkgs url for koji repodata,
Jesse Keating
[Fwd: Tosca widgets, only half the battle],
Toshio Kuratomi
puppet upgrades,
Mike McGrath
nagios / nagios plugins maintainer?,
Mike McGrath
Change Request/Notification: FAS server problems,
Toshio Kuratomi
Disk Space Issues - cvs-int/build hosts - (includes general note on Nagios Disk notifications),
Nigel Jones
Something strange about mirrormanager!!!,
susmit shannigrahi
F9 prep,
Mike McGrath
Change request: add dist-f10-build as a static repo,
Jesse Keating
db2 slowness,
Matt Domsch
[Fwd: Cron <postgres@db2> /var/lib/pgsql/vacstat.py check],
Toshio Kuratomi
Cron <root@ppc1> /bin/sleep $(($RANDOM/90)); /usr/bin/fasClient -i (fwd),
Mike McGrath
Meeting Log - 2008-05-08,
Ricky Zhou
xen5 change request,
Dennis Gilmore
mod_wsgi vs cherrypy,
Mike McGrath
user-added planet script,
seth vidal
Using consistent URLs,
Paul W. Frields
change request (CROND),
Mike McGrath
Change request: start releng2 guest on xen2,
Luke Macken
Change Request: Add a bz email address,
Toshio Kuratomi
Bad failure of installation with ATI Graphic card Radeon HD 3870,
Jan Johansson
Change request (revert jkeatings alias),
Mike McGrath
seth vidal
Change Request: Setup Awstats for download.fp.o (and fix the torrent.fp.o one),
Ricky Zhou
How can I participate in Fedora Project?,
RE: Fedora-infrastructure I want to help,
Reggie Buckner
Hosting Linux Fest Northwest Videos on torrent,
Jesse Keating
PackageDB API Failings,
Toshio Kuratomi
Change Request (alias),
Mike McGrath
Change Request: fix a fas2 vs fas1 regression,
Toshio Kuratomi
Meeting Log - 2008-05-01,
Ricky Zhou
change request: work on new wiki CSS and templates,
Ian Weller
MM fix for secondary arches,
Matt Domsch
change request: mediawiki CSS (publictest1),
Ian Weller
Change Request: Test unicode fixes on transifex on app4,
Ricky Zhou
Change Request: Modify apache config on publictest10 for Transifex testing,
Ricky Zhou
Outage reminder (this weekend),
Mike McGrath
** PROBLEM alert - is CRITICAL ** (fwd),
Mike McGrath
change request: archive.fp.o,
seth vidal
Koji backups,
Mike McGrath
Change request,
Mike McGrath
- Re: Change request,
Bill Nottingham
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Change Request,
Nigel Jones
- Change Request,
Dennis Gilmore
- Change request,
Mike McGrath
- Change request,
Mike McGrath
- Change request,
Jeroen van Meeuwen
- Change Request,
Mike McGrath
- Change request,
Mike McGrath
- change request,
Mike McGrath
- Change request,
Mike McGrath
- change request,
Mike McGrath
- change request,
Dimitris Glezos
- change request,
Mike McGrath
- Change Request,
Mike McGrath
- Change Request,
Dennis Gilmore
- RE: Change Request,
UnicodeEncodeError on Tours/Fedora9,
Thomas Chung
get.fedoraproject.org -> fedoraproject.org/get-fedora,
Mike McGrath
Change freeze tomorrow!,
Mike McGrath
Introduction - Pavel Khardikov,
Pavel Khardikov
Change Request: setup restart-memhogs on fas1/2,
Toshio Kuratomi
How much downtime do we afford for nagios?,
susmit shannigrahi
Fedora Services API,
Toshio Kuratomi
Re: ** ACKNOWLEDGEMENT alert - xenbuilder1.fedora.phx.redhat.com/Swap is CRITICAL **,
Nigel Jones
introduce myself,
Luca Foppiano
Introduction - Aioanei Rares,
Aioanei Rares
Introduction - Sebastian Gosenheimer,
Sebastian Gosenheimer - proIO Network & eSolutions e.K.
short Introduction,
Jan Janssens
Change request (< stickster> mmcgrath: Can we get "join.fedoraproject.org" -> "fedoraproject.org/join-fedora"?),
Mike McGrath
Change requests,
Mike McGrath
Meeting Log - 2008-04-24,
Ricky Zhou
Re: configs/build/mock epel-4-i386-extras.cfg, 1.1, 1.2 epel-4-ppc-extras.cfg, 1.1, 1.2 epel-4-x86_64-extras.cfg, 1.1, 1.2 epel-5-i386-extras.cfg, 1.1, 1.2 epel-5-ppc-extras.cfg, 1.1, 1.2 epel-5-x86_64-extras.cfg, 1.1, 1.2,
Jeffrey Ollie
- Re: configs/build/mock epel-4-i386-extras.cfg, 1.1, 1.2 epel-4-ppc-extras.cfg, 1.1, 1.2 epel-4-x86_64-extras.cfg, 1.1, 1.2 epel-5-i386-extras.cfg, 1.1, 1.2 epel-5-ppc-extras.cfg, 1.1, 1.2 epel-5-x86_64-extras.cfg, 1.1, 1.2,
Dennis Gilmore
mirrorlist data to app2,
Mike McGrath
Meeting today (reminder),
Mike McGrath
app6 up,
Matt Domsch
Change Request: Even newer python-fedora,
Toshio Kuratomi
change request - add addresses to press@ alias,
seth vidal
Change Request (Koji pkg server),
Mike McGrath
Change Request for identity team,
Mike McGrath
Outage Notification - 2008-05-03 14:00 UTC (fwd),
Mike McGrath
Outage Notification - 2008-05-08 14:00 UTC,
Mike McGrath
Outage 5/3,
Mike McGrath
app3 rebuild (change request),
Mike McGrath
cvs space,
Mike McGrath
Change Request: Moving bugzilla sync scripts onto Fedora Boxes,
Toshio Kuratomi
Change: Disable koji garbage collection scripts that touch the filesystem,
Jesse Keating
xen and tcp checksumming,
Mike McGrath
change request (/mnt/koji fs issues),
Mike McGrath
Change freeze request: Add strace to global packages, gix commit email unicode issue,
Ricky Zhou
python-fedora upgrade,
Toshio Kuratomi
Rawhide builds (change),
Mike McGrath
CVS Outage,
Jesse Keating
Change freeze request: add error pages to domains that don't have them,
Michael Yingbull
change request (puppet-0.24.1-1.el5),
Mike McGrath
Change freeze request: Add zh_CN on fedorahosted.org,
Ricky Zhou
German Colo test server,
Mike McGrath
Change Request (app5),
Mike McGrath
Change request (xen1),
Mike McGrath
xen proposal,
seth vidal
lists.fp.o catch and redirect,
Matt Domsch
Fedora 9 Release date slipping by two weeks (new date, May 13) (fwd),
Mike McGrath
Meeting Log - 2008-04-17,
Toshio Kuratomi
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