Meeting Log - 2008-06-12

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16:00 -!- ricky changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Infrastructure -- Who's here?
16:00 < G> moo!
16:00  * harrisony 
16:01 < ivazquez> Pong.
16:01 < ricky> abadger1999, dgilmore, f13, lmacken, paulobanon , skvidal anybody I forgot, ping :-)
16:01 < G> ivazquez: congratulations!
16:01 < jcollie> hello!
16:01 < ivazquez> Thanks.
16:01 < dgilmore> hey ricky
16:01 < G> ivazquez: another cvsextras sponsor in our midst!
16:01  * mmcgrath is here
16:02 < ricky> ivazquez: Oh, congrats from me too
16:02 < ivazquez> Thanks.
16:02 -!- ricky changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Infrastructure -- Tickets
16:02  * iWolf lurks
16:02 < ricky> .ticket 395
16:02 < zodbot> ricky: #395 (Audio Streaming of Fedora Board Conference Calls) - Fedora Infrastructure - Trac -
16:02  * lmacken is kind of sort of not really here
16:02 < marek> hello :)
16:02 < ricky> .tiny
16:02 < zodbot> ricky:
16:02 < jcollie> some progress finally...
16:03 < ricky> :-)
16:03 < G> yippee!
16:03 < jcollie> i had mmcgrath load rhel5 back onto asterisk1
16:03 < jcollie> i'm pupptizing stuff now
16:03 < jcollie> we're going to start simple, with just point-to-point calls and maybe a few simple audio conferences
16:04 < jcollie> fancy stuff will come later
16:04  * jwalters lurks as well
16:04 < ricky> Cool, can't wait to see that move once puppet is working :-)
16:05 < jcollie> mmcgrath and ricky are going to work on fas integration
16:05 < ricky> And ivazquez has made a lot of progress on the plugins architecture, which will be very helpful as well
16:05 < jcollie> supposedly we have some US and UK DID numbers for to dial in from cell phones and land lines
16:05 < ivazquez> The changes are in the ivazquez branch of fas.
16:05 < ricky> Is this something to work on more at FUDCon, perhaps?  :-)
16:06 < mmcgrath> jcollie: thats correct, 4 in the US and one in the uk.
16:06 < jcollie> well, i could maybe work DURING fudcon, but not AT fudcon :(
16:06 < ricky> Ah :-/
16:07 < G> mmcgrath: got a NZ DDI yet? :P
16:07 < ricky> Can't wait to see what this brings to meetings and the like
16:07 < mmcgrath> G: not yet
16:07 < ricky> All right
16:07 < ricky> .ticket 398
16:07 < zodbot> ricky: #398 (elfutils `monotone' (mtn) error) - Fedora Infrastructure - Trac -
16:07 -!- tgalyean [n=tgalyean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-meeting
16:08  * ricky doesn't see rmcgrath around
16:08 < ricky> tgalyean: Hey, good that you could make it :-0
16:08 < ricky> **:-)
16:08 < ricky> .ticket 446
16:08 < tgalyean> :) im still on the call but im nodding out
16:08 < zodbot> ricky: #446 (Possibility to add external links on spins page) - Fedora Infrastructure - Trac -
16:09 < ricky> dgilmore: Are you the point person for this ticket?
16:09 < tgalyean> ricky: we are only about half way through the conf call :(
16:10 < ricky> OK, guess we can move on for now
16:10 < ricky> .ticket 547
16:10 < zodbot> ricky: #547 (Koji DB Server as postgres 8.3) - Fedora Infrastructure - Trac -
16:10 < dgilmore> ricky: yes
16:10 < ricky> Oops, never mind :-)
16:10 < ricky> dgilmore: Any updates on that?  Is it just the technical issue of getting them in at this point?
16:11 -!- bashohII [n=bashohII@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit "夢よりも現の鷹ぞ頼もしき"
16:11 < dgilmore> ricky: im lame  but
16:11 < dgilmore> we need some good text as a warning
16:11 < dgilmore> and a table that people can fill in for there spin info
16:12 < ricky> Ah, OK so it'll just be a link from spins.fp.o, I guess
16:12 < dgilmore> ricky: yeah
16:12 < G> "The content on these pages is provided by external parties and Fedora Project takes no responsibility" :P
16:12 < dgilmore> we need a decent disclaimer
16:12 < ricky> (Things might start moving around spins.fp.o more - some people in websites have shown interest in working on it)
16:13 < ricky> dgilmore: Is this something we could ask on  f-a-b?
16:13 < G> "The content of these spins is not monitored by the Fedora Project" also sounds good
16:13 -!- mdomsch [n=mdomsch@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-meeting
16:13 < dgilmore> ricky: probably the best place
16:13 -!- mdomsch is now known as mdomsch_ord
16:14  * abadger1999 shows up late
16:14 < ricky> Ah, OK - so it looks like we're very close, then :-)
16:14 < dgilmore> ricky: anyway i suck  it really should have been done a month ago
16:14 < ricky> No worries, there's always so much work to be done :-)
16:15 < ricky> .ticket 547
16:15 -!- dwmw2 is now known as dwmw2_gone
16:15 < zodbot> ricky: #547 (Koji DB Server as postgres 8.3) - Fedora Infrastructure - Trac -
16:15 < ricky> This should be a popular one :-)
16:15 < ricky> The last I've heard is that mmcgrath will have to make another trip to install it once the box arrives
16:15 < G> ricky: still waitingo n the backorders last I heard
16:16 < mmcgrath> ricky: yeah, that box still hasn't been delivered.  I'm going to have to head back out to install it and three others.  Probably in July.
16:16 < ricky> Aha.  Apart from db3, there were app servers, right?
16:17 < mmcgrath> yep, two of them.
16:17 < mmcgrath> 1U's.
16:17 < ricky> Cool :-)
16:17 < ricky> .ticket 576
16:17 < G> nice
16:17 < zodbot> ricky: #576 (Infrastructure Contact Information) - Fedora Infrastructure - Trac -
16:17 < ricky> G: Any update on plans for this?
16:17 < G> No update, I've been too busy with the elections
16:17 < G> (Both locally and Fedora)
16:17 -!- Southern_Gentlem [n=notfred@unaffiliated/southerngentlem/x-2894754] has joined #fedora-meeting
16:18 < ricky> All right - hopefully, that'll go without a once puppet's happy :-)
16:18 < ricky> G: Would you you like to say anything about wiki l10n status, by the way?
16:19 < G> I spoke to couf briefly the other day, he seems happy with the current plans
16:19 < G> The current plans work and there is a test implementation on publictest10
16:19 < G> .ticket 609
16:19 < zodbot> G: #609 (Wiki i18n/l10n Setup) - Fedora Infrastructure - Trac -
16:20 < ricky> Woo :-)  I love seeing this much effort being put into being l10n-friendly
16:20 < G>
16:20 < G> stickster is going to put me in touch with someone from LinuxTAG
16:20 < G> And I'm going to try and attend the l10n meeting on Tuesday
16:21 < G> and it looks like the wiki on pt10 is broken. hmmm
16:21 < ricky> Aha, hopefully we exchange some advice.
16:21 < G> ahhh I know whats happened
16:22 -!- ricky changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Infrastructure -- User Sponsorship
16:23 < ricky> So tgalyean is the newest member of sysadmin-noc :-)
16:23 < tgalyean> :)
16:23 < ricky> (Did I miss anybody else since the last meeting?)
16:23 < G> Yep, I sponsored him in
16:23 < ricky> And G is the newest sponsor of sysadmin-noc
16:23 < tgalyean> G: Thank you sir
16:24 < G> ricky: steved got sponsored into sysadmin-test, but I can't remember at which point
16:24 < mdomsch_ord> I did
16:24 < G> mdomsch_ord: I knew you did, just can't remember wehn
16:24 < mdomsch_ord> so he could set up the jabber instance for last monday's fesco/board fiasco
16:24  * ricky is still mixed up about the multiple "steved"s :-)
16:24 < mdomsch_ord> last week friday
16:24 < ricky> Looks like it worked out well, from the ticket
16:25 -!- poelcat [n=poelcat@fedora/poelcat] has quit "Leaving"
16:25 < ricky> How are current plans to transition it out of testing (if any?)
16:25 -!- abadger19991 [n=abadger1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-meeting
16:26 -!- abadger1999 [n=abadger1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit "Leaving."
16:26 -!- ricky changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Infrastructure -- Open Floor
16:27 < dgilmore> ricky: i think there is no plans for it
16:27 < dgilmore> ricky: it was for a one off thing
16:27 < ricky> Ah, all right.
16:27 < ricky> "Success" :-)
16:27 < ivazquez> That's what the whiteboarding thing was?
16:28 < ivazquez> If so then maybe we should consider pushing it into production eventually.
16:28 < G> Ohhh open floor
16:28 < ricky> .ticket 603
16:28 < zodbot> ricky: #603 (Set up a Public Openfire server) - Fedora Infrastructure - Trac -
16:29 < G> I've just got two things to say:
16:29 < ivazquez> Well there we go then.
16:29 < mdomsch_ord> steved offered to run it as a production service; the whiteboard app needs some love though before being usable
16:29 < G> The Elections application is now up and running (have a look at and try it out (I'm going to delete that one in a few)
16:30 < dgilmore> mdomsch_ord: i found gobby and sobby to better for whiteboarding
16:30 < ivazquez> For text, sure.
16:30  * ricky notes that the first election using the new app is in <5 hours :-)
16:30 < ivazquez> But text isn't always enough.
16:31 < G> So, in addition to saying whew!  Just thanks to ricky, abadger19991 and lfoppiano for their assistance, and even more importantly the Fedora Board & stickster for deciding for using it (in the election in 3 and a 1/2 hours time!
16:32 < stickster> G: How many people ultimately tested the application?
16:32 < stickster> Out of curiosity...
16:32 < G> And also, I'm going to be in a kind of sometimes i'm here sometimes I'm not for the next week, so I'll let ricky and co know where to poke me if something goes wrong
16:32 < G> stickster: not 100% sure, lets see, I had a few tickets around the start or testing and there was a general trickle
16:33 -!- ldimaggi_ [n=ldimaggi@nat/redhat-us/x-a657819ca3c70fb0] has quit "Leaving"
16:34 < ivazquez> The first version of the web interface for Planet entries is done, but it needs the changes found in the ivazquez branch of the fas git repo, so a quick review of those would be nice.
16:35 < ricky> ivazquez: Thanks a ton for looking at that.  Handling plugins sanely is hard :-)
16:35 < ivazquez> Indeed.
16:35 < ricky> I'll test it out soon
16:35 < G> stickster: hmm not as many as I thought, however I gave it a bit of a workout locally and I believe toshio gave it a bit of a work out
16:36 < stickster> I also tried it out
16:36 < stickster> I had no testing matrix to work from but all the expected things worked -- ranges were correct, I could only vote once, links were correct, and there was a confirmation screen which displayed the correct information.
16:37 -!- sereinity [n=sereinit@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit "Ex-Chat"
16:37 < G> stickster: we were hampered by the fact that people had to sign up for the fas on pt10 for numbers of participants, but all the bugs were (apart from one that was fixed) was UI related (or silly little implementation mistakes like tables been owned by the wrong person)
16:37 < ricky> Hm, how can we make testing FAS-integrated apps easier in the future?
16:38 < ivazquez> Copy the production data?
16:38 < stickster> ricky: Should we direct people having any problems to and #fedora-admin?
16:38 < ricky> Perhaps a "blank" FAS instance?
16:38 < stickster> (for the voting for the Board, that is)
16:38 < ricky> G: Do you prefer that or the elections trac? ^
16:39 < G> ewww thats a tripple redirect
16:39 < ricky> G: (And either way, it might be a good thing to add to the template)
16:39 < stickster> ricky: G: Is there someone who will be watching that Trac while G's out of touch?
16:39 < tgalyean> ricky: the only thing I could see that wouldnt be such a good thing about using a blank instance is bugs.. there could be things that conflict that we wouldnt see till production
16:39 < ricky> ivazquez: Maybe it'd be a good idea fo make a test FAS where you don't need to verify emails/do all the boring stuff to get an account
16:39 < G> either trac is fine by me
16:40 < ricky> stickster: I'd lean towards the infra one myself, then.
16:40 < G> tickets for the elections trac goes to the elections-devel list
16:40 < stickster> Agreed. Whichever is the way that a problem will be seen soonest.
16:40 < ricky> tgalyean: Well, we'd be testing for elections bugs, not FAS bugs in that case.
16:40 < G> ricky: can we setup an elections category for trac on FH?
16:40 < G> err for FI on FH
16:40 < ricky> G: In infra?  Sure.
16:41 < G> make elections-members@ always get CCed
16:41 < G> (thats the election admin group that I created in FAS)
16:41 < stickster> ricky: I'll reference that in the general notice, to look for the "elections" category if filing a ticket.
16:42 < ricky> All right, thanks.
16:42 < G> thanks
16:42 < stickster> One more feather in the FI cap.
16:42 < stickster> You guys are going to run out of hatband soon.
16:43  * stickster sucks in a deep breath and sends the election notice.
16:43 < G> stickster: is this a good time to ask for a payrise? :P
16:43 < mdomsch_ord> G: coming to Boston?
16:43 < stickster> G: Absolutely. I will DOUBLE your pay today.
16:43 < stickster> No, TRIPLE.
16:43 < dgilmore> G: sure ill give you 1000%
16:43 < stickster> In fact, just add a zero.
16:43 < ricky> G: Making a test ticket now
16:43 < G> mdomsch_ord: it would cost me 3kNZD to go, so I decided not
16:44 < mdomsch_ord> understood
16:44 < stickster> mdomsch_ord: This is forgetful of me, and I know I've been through it... is ORD Dallas?
16:44 -!- tibbs [n=tibbs@fedora/tibbs] has quit "Konversation terminated!"
16:44 < mdomsch_ord> stickster, chicago
16:44 < jcollie> ah, no fair... i only got an 8% raise this yeah ;)
16:44 < stickster> doh
16:44 < mdomsch_ord> dallas is either DFW or LOV
16:44 < mdomsch_ord> no, DAL
16:44 < mdomsch_ord> (love field)
16:44 < stickster> yeah, that's right, I've been through DFW.
16:44 < stickster> And ORD many times.
16:44 < stickster> *sigh, all those beers are catching up with me.
16:44 < mdomsch_ord> O'Hare Richard Daily
16:45 < stickster> disco
16:45 < ricky> G: Let me know if you got that email
16:46 < G> perfect time to outlook to stuff up
16:47 < G> yeah got it
16:47 -!- cyberpear___ [n=cp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-meeting
16:47 < ricky> All right, perfect.
16:47 < ricky> G: If you have a moment, can you add a link to that on the elections page somewhere?
16:48 < G> ricky: yeah, I've noticed that I need to update the <title> tags on the results page
16:48 < G> I'll have to do that in a few hours
16:48 < ricky> All right, no rush
16:48 < dgilmore> jcollie: ive not gotte one this year
16:48 < ricky> Thanks again for all the work on elections
16:48 < G> no problem
16:49 < G> So yeah, they were my two items for discussion
16:49 < stickster> Bombs away!
16:49 < G> stickster: btw, WHY did you have to choose black friday as the start of elections? :P
16:49 < stickster> DOH!
16:49 < ricky> All right, so if there's nothing else, I'll cloes in 60
16:49 < G> I'm not exactly superstitious but yeah
16:50 < stickster> ricky: Sorry for interrupting the meeting.
16:50  * stickster sheepish.
16:50 < ricky> stickster: You didn't interrupt at all :-)  The more, the merrier
16:51 -!- mdomsch [n=mdomsch@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-meeting
16:51 < ricky> Wow, I can't count, because it's been more like 120 :-)
16:52 -!- ricky changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Infrastructure -- Meeting End

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