Hi guys,
Due to FedoraNews [ http://fedoranews.org/blog/ ] old blog platform
still public, I think that would be better to update it (actually using
a very old version of WordPress released on June 29th 2005: or
put it off-line.
The reasons?
# http://secunia.com/product/3978/?task=advisories
# 1.5.x branch is unmaintained, as it's the legacy 2.0.
I'm CC:ing Thomas Chung, as he's also the domain maintainer.
Best Regards,
Gianluca Varisco, RHCE
Intern - Web Engineering, Red Hat Italia
Tel.: +39 02 5681 4487
Fax : +39 02 669 3111
Cel.: +39 333 574 0934
Via Antonio Da Recanate 1
20124 Milano
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