Meeting Log - 2008-06-05

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For all that couldn't attend it, here is the Fedora Infrastructure Meeting Logs for the 5th June 2008

07:59 < dgilmore> Infra meeting all
08:00 < dgilmore> skvidal, f13, ianweller, ivazquez, ricky, jima, jcollie, anyone i forgot pin
08:00 < dgilmore> g
08:00 -!- G changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Infrastructure Team Meeting
08:00 < ivazquez> Pong.
08:00 < jcollie> pong
08:00 < skvidal> oh right
08:00 < skvidal> meeting
08:00 < skvidal> hi dgilmore
08:00 < G> pong
08:00  * harrisony waves
08:01 < dgilmore> lets go through the items
08:01 < dgilmore> mmcgrath is busy installing shiny hardware for us
08:02 < G> Very nice :)
08:02 < dgilmore> .ticket 395
08:02 < zodbot> dgilmore: #395 (Audio Streaming of Fedora Board Conference Calls) - Fedora Infrastructure - Trac -
08:02 < jcollie> no progress
08:02 < dgilmore> jcollie: any word on this
08:02 < dgilmore> ok
08:02 < dgilmore> anything you need?
08:03 < jcollie> time
08:03 < jcollie> er free time
08:03 < dgilmore> i could do with that
08:03 < dgilmore> .ticket 398
08:03 < zodbot> dgilmore: #398 (elfutils `monotone' (mtn) error) - Fedora Infrastructure - Trac -
08:03 < dgilmore> last i knew Roland was working on this
08:04 < dgilmore> i guess nothing else for todat on it
08:04 < dgilmore> .446
08:04 < dgilmore> .ticket 446
08:04 < zodbot> dgilmore: #446 (Possibility to add external links on spins page) - Fedora Infrastructure - Trac -
08:04 < dgilmore> ive started on a wiki page and i suck
08:05 < dgilmore> its not yet finished
08:05 < dgilmore> but the idea is we can link to the wiki page from the spins page
08:05 < dgilmore> and people can link to there custom spins from there
08:06 < dgilmore> for issues such as localisation etc
08:06 < dgilmore> moving on
08:06 < dgilmore> .ticket 547
08:06 < zodbot> dgilmore: #547 (Koji DB Server as postgres 8.3) - Fedora Infrastructure - Trac - 08:06 < dgilmore> abadger1999: mmcgrath is installing the hardware for the new DB box at the moment
08:06 < dgilmore> whats the migration plan?
08:06 < G> dgilmore: I thought db3 was on backorder?
08:07 < abadger1999> db3 is on backorder unfortunately.
08:07 < abadger1999> so we don't gt to migrate to it just yet.
08:07 < G> I think there was two other servers Mike said were on backorder
08:07 < dgilmore> oh it was one of those boxes
08:07 < G> two app servers from memory
08:07 < dgilmore> ok moving on
08:07 < dgilmore> .ticket 576
08:07 < zodbot> dgilmore: #576 (Infrastructure Contact Information) - Fedora Infrastructure - Trac -
08:08  * mmcgrath is about
08:08 < dgilmore> hey mmcgrath
08:08 < G> jcollie had suggested a private git repo for this which doesn't seem to be a bad idea, but you can't really chgrp in a git repo from memory
08:08 < dgilmore> talking about the posting sysadmin contact info
08:09 < G> someone (i think Mike) then suggested plain ol' sshfs
08:11 < dgilmore> i like the idea of being able to contact people as needed
08:11 < dgilmore> someone want to own this?
08:11 < G> I'd be interested in helping working an a solution
08:12 < dgilmore> come up with a good solution
08:12 < G> although I'm technically busy the week of 16th-20th so it mightn't be in a week or two (esp with elections coming up)
08:12 < dgilmore> :)  i think thats ok
08:13 < dgilmore> G: speaking of elections  how is the app coming along?
08:13 < G> Not too bad, the testing turnout is lower than expected, but I've fixed a few bugs, but it'd be nice if a few more could have a poke
08:14 < G> Just trying to get the UI looking a bit better and we'd be ready
08:14 < dgilmore> awesome
08:15 < G> First election starts Friday 13 (Bad luck eh?) so I'll look at getting it onthe app servers & ready around the 10th, I'll poke Mike etc a few days before to get that all sorted out
08:15 < dgilmore> cool
08:15 < dgilmore> anything you need to help make it work?
08:15 < G> (Thats the board election by the way)
08:16 < G> Testing and maybe someone to help with UI
08:16 < G> has the testing details
08:17 < G> (I sent an e-mail to fedora-websites-list last night to see if anyone would mind helping with UI)
08:17 < dgilmore> great well if you need anything else ask away
08:17 -!- jwb is now known as jwb_gone
08:17 < G> Will do
08:18 < dgilmore> Does anyone have any questions? something they want to comment on?
08:18 < dgilmore> or are we all asleep
08:18 < G> Wiki matters maybe?
08:19 < dgilmore> sure
08:19 < G> most of the requests are fairly trivial but there is one to setup an interwiki link for Bugzilla which gets a +1 from me
08:20 < G> That requires DB access
08:20 < dgilmore> what kind of db access?
08:20 < G> The other is a request from QA to setup a special namespace QA: vs QA/ for Test cases
08:20 < G> just one off write to configure the iwlink
08:21 < G> .ticket 588
08:21 < zodbot> G: #588 (change wiki config to create QA namespace) - Fedora Infrastructure - Trac -
08:21 < G> and
08:21 < G> .ticket 591
08:21 < zodbot> G: #591 (bugzilla interwiki link) - Fedora Infrastructure - Trac - 08:23 < G> QA namespace seems appropriate for the reasons mentioned in the ticket, I'm just concerned about number of test cases ending up in the "low thousands" and if they'd be better on a CMS or something 08:23 < dgilmore> G: how would the bug one work? when you put bug: <number> it then knows to send it to bugzilla?
08:24 < dgilmore> QA i think its fine
08:24 < G> If i put [[bug:123456]] upon clicking it would send the user to bug 123456 on BZ 08:24 < buggbot> Bug medium, medium, ---, Arjan van de Ven, CLOSED DUPLICATE, System with Syntax - S635MP motherboard will not install
08:24 < G> buggbot: ahhh shuddup :)
08:24 < buggbot> G: Error: "ahhh" is not a valid command.
08:25 < harrisony> hahaha
08:25 < G> dgilmore: so +1 on QA namespace?
08:25 < dgilmore> G: i think its reasonable. id get input from skvidal and mmcgrath and if they dont object make it so
08:26  * skvidal looks up
08:26 < G> wwoods: is this still what you want? (QA Namespace)
08:26 < abadger1999> is there value in having interwiki links to other bug trackers?
08:26 < G> I can't do the interwiki one, I don't have access to the db
08:26 < dgilmore> skvidal: making a small db change for mediawiki to make linking tobugs easier 08:26 < skvidal> abadger1999: in some of the project pages I'm sure there will be
08:26 < skvidal> abadger1999: ie: gnome, fd.o
08:26 < G> abadger1999: potentially, Gnome & KDE are good ones
08:26 < abadger1999> [[b.r.c:1234567]] goes to
08:27 < G> Freedesktop too
08:27 < G> rhbug gnomebug kdebug fdobug
08:27 < abadger1999> <nod>
08:28 < abadger1999> Sounds good to do that.
08:28 < G> in that case, I'll get the sql worked out and poke someone to throw it in the db :)
08:28 < dgilmore> G: ok, abadger1999 or I can do it
08:29 < G> sounds good
08:29 < wwoods> QA namespace - we may not end up putting test cases in the wiki 08:29 < dgilmore> wwoods: so put that request on hold until you get back to us? 08:30 < wwoods> RH QE folks want to have a Testopia instance up before FUDCon, and Testopia does its own test case management
08:30 < wwoods> so, yeah, put that one on hold
08:30 < G> sounds fine by me :)
08:30 < G> .ticket 598
08:30 < zodbot> G: #598 (wiki: create mailinglist for all notifications) - Fedora Infrastructure - Trac - 08:30 < wwoods> We're still discussing whether the test cases will be kept in testopia or in the wiki
08:30 < wwoods> I'll let you know when we come to a decision
08:31 < G> is the last bit of wiki stuff that I saw, something like 'fedora-wiki-changes' list
08:31 < G> wwoods: sure, thanks
08:33 < dgilmore> G: seems reasonable. can we add better notification support to mediawiki? 08:34 < G> well the watch lists are user customizable and were never really designed to be a regexp thing, so a blanket mailing list like this could be good with topics to filter what people want
08:34 < G> Unsure if there is a solution better than that though
08:35 < dgilmore> ok.  maybe we ca look at adding a regexp type thing
08:35 < dgilmore> anyway  wiki seems to be a hit so far
08:36 < G> Yeah, just wish people would put userpages & subpages in User:Fasname etc
08:36  * dgilmore doesnt understand how mediawiki works
08:36 < jbrothers> .ticket 604
08:36 < zodbot> jbrothers: #604 (Embedded html problem) - Fedora Infrastructure - Trac -
08:36 < jbrothers> i just added this ticket
08:37 < jbrothers> don't know if there is a mediawiki syntax for this kind of thing 08:37 < G> jbrothers: thats something that will fixed overtime, we'd already done a bit of work, some pages just havn't had the same level of TLC from contributors and the docs team
08:37 < jcollie> jbrothers: that's deliberate
08:37 < dgilmore> G: people will need to be educated in the way of mediawiki. me included 08:37 < G> dgilmore: yep maybe a Wiki Education session at FUDcon is needed :P *ducks*
08:38 < dgilmore> G: perhaps
08:39 < G> But thats all from me about the wiki and everything
08:39 < dgilmore> :)  thanks
08:39 -!- dgilmore changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Infra meeting: open discussion
08:40 < G> mmcgrath: so, are the blades happy now?
08:40 < dgilmore> anyone have anything else to talk about
08:41 < G> dgilmore: nothing here, I was going to talk about the elections app but we already did :) 08:42 < dgilmore> alrighty well if no one has anything to add. ill wrap up in 60
08:43 < dgilmore> 30
08:43 < dgilmore> its a wrap.  thanks ya'll
08:43 < skvidal> bye
08:43 < G> Thank you!
08:43 < harrisony> ty

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