Hey guys,
To go along with my recent post about designing Fedora Web Services
API's to be good at what they do, I've just written down all the places
that I think the PackageDB API fails. There's also some notes on how to
fix the failings when we design an API to replace it::
Some of you may find it instructive of how to avoid the same pitfalls in
your own TG Apps while others might have a vested interest in reading it
and telling me if any of my thoughts on the redesign are lacking in
insight (after all, myfedora, bodhi, and others will be consuming
information from the packagedb).
Please take a look, I'll probably take a look at refactoring the current
API to be more friendly to the redesign in a branch before starting to
make concrete statements of what the methods in the new API will be
(They will follow the guidelines established on the NewAPI page.) If
you're the kind of person that likes to start from the abstract instead
of the concrete, feel free to start writing some idea for useful
functions for the new API.
Also, if there's any UI Designers around, now would be a great time to
tell me how the present PackageDB sucks and what the new interface
should look like. Then I can be sure to design API that can work with
that efficiently :-)
Word on my personal timeline for working on this: Definitely a
Post-FudCon-Boston thing. Maybe something that doesn't get worked on as
late as the FudCon after that depending on how many other things pop up
and whether I get a UI Designer who's excited about making changes.
/me goes to ask art-list if there's any UI designers that want to help
me out.
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