Meeting Log - 2008-01-17

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15:00 < dgilmore> ricky, jima, skvidal, f13, lmacken, other Infrastructure people i forgot ping
15:00 < skvidal> yes
15:00 < dgilmore> Infra meeting
15:01  * lmacken emerges
15:01  * yingbull is.
15:01  * f13 
15:02 < dgilmore> ok we will start with the meeting items
15:02 < dgilmore> .ticket 192
15:02 < zodbot> dgilmore: #192 (Netapp low on free space) - Fedora Infrastructure - Trac -
15:03 < dgilmore> Mike has installed the new storage shelf and we need to do the work to migrate koji data off of the netapp and onto the new storage
15:03 -!- rMenezes [n=menezes@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit 
15:03 < dgilmore> does anyone have any questions about the storage situation ?
15:04 < dgilmore> im guessing not
15:05 < dgilmore> .ticket 270
15:05 < zodbot> dgilmore: #270 (Fedora Wiki allows editing raw HTML) - Fedora Infrastructure - Trac -
15:05 < dgilmore> ricky: you here?
15:05 < dgilmore> i know he said he would be scarce the rest of the week
15:06 < dgilmore> .ticket 320
15:06 < zodbot> dgilmore: #320 (Requesting space for the Cluster Project) - Fedora Infrastructure - Trac -
15:06 < dgilmore> wrong ticket
15:06 < dgilmore> .ticket 302
15:06 < zodbot> dgilmore: #302 (Moin patches) - Fedora Infrastructure - Trac -
15:06 < dgilmore> any word on the moin patches?
15:06 -!- fugolini [n=francesc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-meeting
15:06 < dgilmore> how are things going to get them upstream?
15:07 < dgilmore> anybody?
15:07 < jima> *crickets chirping*
15:07 < dgilmore> .ticket 347
15:07 < zodbot> dgilmore: #347 (Set localtime on all our servers to UTC) - Fedora Infrastructure - Trac -
15:07 -!- notting [n=notting@redhat/notting] has joined #fedora-meeting
15:07 < dgilmore> We probably should take an outage and do this
15:07 < dgilmore> it should help aleviate some confusion
15:08 -!- jmtaylor [n=jason@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-meeting
15:08 < jima> that's annoyed me, yeah.
15:08 < dgilmore> run everything as UTC
15:08 < jima> so much for my quick time lookup for phoenix ;)
15:08 -!- petreu| [n=peter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-meeting
15:08 < notting> what's it now, utc-7?
15:08 < dgilmore> we should put pink v-strings on all the servers while we are at it
15:08 < dgilmore> notting:  MST
15:08 < dgilmore> which is UTC-7
15:09 < jima> notting: but no DST
15:09 < notting> right. at least it's a constant utc offset
15:09 < dgilmore> people get confused and want to know what MST is
15:09 < dgilmore> being international and all UTC seems sane
15:10 < jcollie> +1 from me
15:11 < dgilmore> we will need to schedule a window to do it
15:11 < yingbull> makes sense.
15:11 < jcollie> managing /etc/localtime with puppet is pretty easy
15:11 < jcollie> but probably want to reboot to make sure that all processes pick up the new info
15:12 < dgilmore> jcollie:  that was my thought make sure everything picks it up right
15:12 < dgilmore> anyone want to own this?
15:13 < dgilmore> jcollie: you get the panties
15:13 < dgilmore> we will get mike to install them
15:13 < jcollie> hmm i suppose that we need to adjust cron jobs so that they don't hit during US hours
15:13 < jcollie> heh heh i don't think i have the access
15:14 < dgilmore> thats all our meeting tickets
15:14 < dgilmore> jcollie: i played with the new asterisk box it seems ok
15:14 < dgilmore> I called myself and everything
15:14 < jcollie> cool
15:14 < jcollie> pt4 can be reclaimed then
15:14 -!- JSchmitt [n=s4504kr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-meeting
15:14 < dgilmore> i think so
15:14 < jcollie> if it hasn't already
15:15 < dgilmore> anyone have anythingto add?
15:15 < dgilmore> skvidal: you got anything?
15:15 < skvidal> not at the moment
15:16 < f13> we should send out announcements and such about the change.
15:16 < f13> so that people are aware of the time drift
15:16 < dgilmore> f13: yes
15:17 < dgilmore> our storage is jumping from just over 2tb to 10tb
15:17 < dgilmore> mike check on xen1 its sick
15:17 -!- wolfy [n=lonewolf@fedora/wolfy] has left #fedora-meeting ["Transvestites are men who like to eat, drink, and be Mary."]
15:17 < dgilmore> he was going to call dell and have them look at it
15:18 < dgilmore> im not aware of any new sponsorship's
15:18 < dgilmore> though i am trying to find some to support secondary arches
15:19 < dgilmore> have someone host the primary mirror for all of them
15:19 < dgilmore> ok well i guess thats the meeting
15:19 < dgilmore> thanks all

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