EPEL Development
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- EPEL Steering Committee members - election is coming, Troy Dawson
- EPEL9 updates obsoleted,
Antonio T. sagitter
- activemq-cpp in epel8,
Ward, Evan M CIV USN NRL (8112) Washington DC (USA) via epel-devel
- EPEL Packages SIG page rewrite, Troy Dawson
- EPEL 8 Next rebuild blocked by modularity magic, please help, Miro Hrončok
- certbot Update From 2.6.0 to 2.9.0 in EPEL9,
Jonathan Wright via epel-devel
- RFC: updating python-poetry-core in EPEL 9 to 1.6.1,
Michel Lind
- Incompatible Upgrade of singularity-ce in EPEL 7 / 8 / 9,
David Trudgian via epel-devel
- EL9: conflict gpgme1.22 vs gpgme,
Leon Fauster via epel-devel
- Bodhi 8.0.2 deployed to prod today,
Mattia Verga via epel-devel
- Incompatible Upgrade Request - singularity-ce,
David Trudgian via epel-devel
- Canceling this weeks EPEL Steering Committee meeting, Troy Dawson
- Packaging a newer singularity-ce as singularity-ce4,
David Trudgian via epel-devel
- Bundling newer 3rd party binaries than are packaged separately,
David Trudgian via epel-devel
- EPEL Steering Committee Meeting Time Reschedule, Diego Herrera
- Orphaning python-mistune on EPEL,
Miro Hrončok
- VLC via EPEL vs via RPMFUSION,
Leon Fauster via epel-devel
- Mailman3 web components for EPEL 9 now in Bodhi!,
Michel Lind
- Incompatible update of llhttp in EPEL9,
Ben Beasley
- Broken version of wsdd released in EPEL7,
Nick Howitt via epel-devel
- cloud-utils-growpart package conflict,
Leon Fauster via epel-devel
- Network rules to use mock on RHEL8,
Emmanuel Seyman
- Missing EL sub-package: perl-lasso-epel EPEL only package for perl bindings, Xavier Bachelot via epel-devel
- chromium regression on EL9,
Leon Fauster via epel-devel
- qbittorrent in EPEL9,
Palla Dium via epel-devel
- Packages to be untagged from epel-next,
Troy Dawson
- EPEL Steering Committee meeting moving to matrix, Troy Dawson
- KDE Updated in EPEL9,
Troy Dawson
- restic package update, Stephane Travostino
- Basic pyproject-rpm-macros now in EPEL8, Orion Poplawski
- Upgrade of mlpack in epel-7,
Benson Muite
- retiring klee in EPEL 9, Carl George
- Retirement of package `godot` in EPEL7,
Rémi Verschelde
- Are we sticking with exa or moving to eza in EPEL?,
Ian Laurie
- python311-dnf for el8 and el9,
Ken Dreyer
- retirement of klee from EPEL 9,
Carl George
- Revisting conflicts policy for EPEL compat packages, Carl George
- gpsd status in epel9, Troy Dawson
- Retiring Zim, Otto Liljalaakso
- intent to upgrade eccodes for epel8 and epel9,
Jos de Kloe
- Take the EPEL user and contributor survey 2023!,
Diego Herrera
- Incompatible security update for llhttp in EPEL9,
Ben Beasley
- Proposed incompatible update of zeek in EPEL 8 and 9, Michel Alexandre Salim
- Retiring python-django in EPEL 7 and EPEL 8, Michel Alexandre Salim
- incompatible update of caddy in EPEL 9,
Carl George
- retiring caddy in EPEL 7,
Carl George
- Proposed incompatible security update for llhttp in EPEL9,
Ben Beasley
- Please branch and build libusbauth-configparser, usbauth and usbauth-notifier in epel9,
Stefan Koch
- Retiring Zim from EPEL,
Otto Liljalaakso
- [salimma@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx: Heads up: I'll be retiring python-django3 in Rawhide / django3 landing soon in EPEL 9], Michel Alexandre Salim
- EPEL working group: updating rocksdb to newer version,
Kaleb Keithley
- Packaging coccinelle in EPEL9, Martin Oliveira
- Cannot run fedpkg mockbuild for epel9 on f38,
Brad Bell
- Update of minor version of golang-1.19 coming to EPEL7,
Dave Dykstra via epel-devel
- python build package in epel9,
Brad Bell
- RHEL 8 Python 3.8 EOL,
Miro Hrončok
- Ansible in EPEL 8, Maxwell G
- kdenlive is ready for epel9,
Sérgio Basto
- python3.11-rpm to EPEL 9,
Miro Hrončok
- Re: Bug 2188992 - Please branch and build sscep in epel8, Troy Dawson
- Ansible in EPEL 9,
Maxwell G
- KDE on CentOS Stream 9,
Troy Dawson
- A CenOS Stream package missing during EPEL9 build: unresponsive CentOS Stream @redhat maintainers,
Marcin Dulak
- Incompatible change in apptainer-suid-1.1.8 now in epel-testing,
Dave Dykstra via epel-devel
- apptainer 1.1.8-1 has an incompatible change for apptainer-suid users,
Dave Dykstra via epel-devel
- apptainer 1.1.8-1 appears to be an incompatible upgrade for apptainer-suid users, David Trudgian
- Retiring flintqs in EPEL7/8/9, Ben Beasley
- Fixed crb, testing on RHEL requested, Troy Dawson
- Looking to orphan perl-Net-TELNET,
Stephen Smoogen
dnf failing to pull from epel - HTTP 404,
Deon W
Intent to retire flintqs in EPEL7, EPEL8, and EPEL9 for security reasons,
Ben Beasley
epel8 plasma being updated to 5.24.7, Troy Dawson
python2 in epel8-next,
Orion Poplawski
Creating an epelrelease dnf variable,
Troy Dawson
Future of ClamAV on EPEL ?,
Andrew C Aitchison
Timeframe for EPEL retirement vs RHEL new package releases,
Daniel P. Berrangé
Upcoming removal of rust2rpm + major Rust packaging toolchain update for EPEL 9,
Fabio Valentini
Packages for PHP 8.1,
Joseph Christopher Sible
EPEL 8 Modules officially retired, Troy Dawson
Re: Should python-mysql be retired in Fedora and EPEL?, Michel Alexandre Salim
Re: Heads-up: OpenSSL update, Michel Alexandre Salim
Hints for manual upgrading from CentOS 8 Stream to CentOS / Alma / Rockey 9,
Richard Shaw
Proposing incompatible upgrade for libkdumpfile (0.4.1 -> 0.5.1),
Michel Alexandre Salim
Cinnamon Desktop for EPEL 9 now in testing, Yaakov Selkowitz
Fwd: Re: [SPF:fail] A coordinated plan for ansible-collection updates in EPEL?,
Maxwell G via epel-devel
A coordinated plan for ansible-collection updates in EPEL?,
Orion Poplawski
python3-qt5-webkit for EPEL 8,
Orion Poplawski
gcc bug on RHEL9 , How we reach RHEL team ?,
Sérgio Basto
gcc ee this bug on RHEL9 , How we reach RHEL team ?,
Sérgio Basto
New EPEL KDE Proposal,
Troy Dawson
Forcing Python minor version in EPEL builds,
Mark E. Fuller
libmaxminddb removed from epel7,
Sebastian Albrecht
findbugs retired from EPEL 7, Richard Fearn
retirement of python-pyghmi in EPEL 8, Carl George
retirement of python-tornado in EPEL 9, Carl George
Meeting for 2022-12-14, Stephen Smoogen
Updating tox to 4 in EPEL 9,
Miro Hrončok
claws-mail for EPEL-9,
Dan Horák
libssh2 epel vs rhel-8-for-x86_64-appstream-rpms,
Leon Fauster via epel-devel
'perl-Net-Domain-TLD' pkg maintainer needed for EPEL9 build,
Vladimir Pachnik
python-sqlalchemy in RHEL 9.1, retirement in EPEL9,
Nils Philippsen
Retiring findbugs from EPEL 7, Richard Fearn
Retirement of findbugs-bcel in EPEL 7, Richard Fearn
'novnc' major version/breaking update in EPEL7, Jonathan Wright via epel-devel
ELN Extras responsibility,
Troy Dawson
Replace versioned MODULE_COMPAT_ requires by generators,
Jitka Plesnikova
Update of minor version of golang coming to EPEL7, Dave Dykstra via epel-devel
epel-next repo cleanup (both 8 and 9),
Troy Dawson
EPEL 7 retirement of findbugs-bcel,
Richard Fearn
EPEL 10 proposal,
Carl George
Re: EPEL-9 terrible updates (dav1d, libavif...),
Michel Alexandre Salim
pypolicyd-spf-2.9.3 crashes Postfix,
Sylvain Jones via epel-devel
Updated KDE for RHEL 8 available in epel-testing, Troy Dawson
qt5-qtbase dep problem?,
EPEL 8: %__python3 == /usr/bin/python3 creates runtime problems with alternatives,
Miro Hrončok
Is is worth packaging PHP stuff in EPEL8+?, Orion Poplawski
Are there any plans to rebuild ClamAV in EPEL7 following CVE-2022-37434?,
Nick Howitt via epel-devel
How can I add a component for fedora to request a packges?,
Betty Liu
Modularity transition plan,
Troy Dawson
What to do about an incompatible update I approved,
Dave Dykstra via epel-devel
EPEL7 repo error for distribution-gpg-keys?,
Nick Howitt via epel-devel
Should we retire weechat from EPEL 7?,
Michel Alexandre Salim
Selenium 4 tarball woes,
Michel Alexandre Salim
EPEL 8 Modules get the axe on Halloween 2022,
Troy Dawson
EPEL RHEL 9 mirror error,
Nick Jahn
Agreed: Dropping modules from EPEL-8. Not adding modules to EPEL-9, Stephen Smoogen
Fwd: xscreensaver package for epel9 (Bugzilla 2120163),
Stephen Smoogen
EL selinux policy,
Mukundan Ragavan
qt6 being updated in epel9, Troy Dawson
Re: [CentOS-devel] libknet1- in more than one repo, Stephen Smoogen
Backported som rpm from fedora to epel,
Serge Sterck via epel-devel
EPEL: packaging multiple versions and compat packages,
Mark E. Fuller
OpenColorIO: Build failing but package hasn't changed, Richard Shaw
[Messaging] RabbitMQ for EPEL 9,
Robby Callicotte via epel-devel
EPEL2RHEL - New Wording? - New Workflow?,
Troy Dawson
Message not available
Proposal: Dropping modules from EPEL-8. Not adding modules to EPEL-9,
Stephen Smoogen
Fwd: [Fedora-packaging] Need help: Building a package requiring python >= 3.7 on epel8,
Maxwell G via epel-devel
Adding Package to side-tag,
Frank Crawford
Madeline Reilly-Watson
Orphaning EPEL Branches,
Maxwell G via epel-devel
Request for backintime @EPEL9,
tas manian
[EPEL 9]: fusioninventory-agent ,,
R Groux
EPEL and the new distribution-related macros, Jason L Tibbitts III
Request for conky package (EPEL8),
Barris, Alexander J. [US-US] via epel-devel
KDE EPEL Roadmap, Troy Dawson
Request for pure-ftpd package,
EPEL Steering Committee Meeting, Maxwell G via epel-devel
[new / help wanted] fence-agents-epel package,
Alex Talaran
EPEL 8: All Python 3.8 and 3.9 packages provide python3dist(...),
Miro Hrončok
Looking for a fedora review of an epel7-only new package, Dave Dykstra via epel-devel
EL7 - Invalid version flag: or,
Justin Schoeman
python-attrs on epel very outdated,
Sérgio Basto
Request for fence-agents-pve package,
Alex Talaran
Thirdparty EL repo conflicting with EPEL, Jeremy Newton
Stalled EPEL package: glances,
Blaine Story
[action required (urgent) ] [Bug 2095649] Error Install ImageMagick and Imagemagick-perl together on RH8 (EPEL8 repository),
Sérgio Basto
BTW Thanks,
Leon Fauster via epel-devel
Intent to retire containerd in EPEL 7 and co-maintainer request,
Maxwell G via epel-devel
EPEL8: New Ansible and (native) python modules,
Igor Raits
Update pam_radius to v2.0,
Iker Pedrosa
Thoughts: epel-release auto-enable crb repo,
Troy Dawson
Cleaning up EPEL9 duplicate packages, Troy Dawson
Re: Fwd: ImageMagick in EPEL 8,
Sérgio Basto
How to remove builds from EPEL 9 Next?,
Miro Hrončok
Fwd: SPDX identifiers in old branches?,
Miroslav Suchý
failed build of kernel 4.x for EL7,
Germano Massullo
Re: ImageMagick to, Sérgio Basto
Certbot RPM,
Filip Bartmann
Rhel 9 + Epel 9 - Amavis can't install,
Filip Bartmann
python-passlib for python38 module,
Leon Fauster via epel-devel
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