Squid Proxy Cache Users
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- RE: NTLM auth kinda works depends on what type of auth is on top, (continued)
- download limits using squid,
Paul Matthews
- Anonymize http requests,
Funieru Bogdan
- help on script related to squid proxy,
- Please Help Me With This Cache Log !, what command on squid that can make this,
- MSNT works for some users...,
Steven S. Macfarlane
- Question about how to deny a site at a specific time,
Werner Amon
- squid round-robin problem,
- enable-ntlm-fail-open,
Rodrigo A B Freire
- squidguard keeps crashing,
Brian Phillips
- NTLM Problem,
Carmelo A. Zizza
- POST gives Empty Document - Error with 502-http-code,
Bernd Fissl
- cache_peer proxy problem,
Dörfler Andreas
- Squid with https port and certificate,
Digmayer, Markus
- Problem,
Darko Longin
- FW: Live reports,
Ray La Peyre
- squid cache delay?,
- can cache_swap_high/low be changed/increased safely and -k reconfigure ?,
john allspaw
- iptables mark acl,
Marco Berizzi
- Squid Caching Problem,
Christian Klinger
- prefer parent peer,
- Squid with NTLM Auth and SquidGuard ?,
Noc Phibee
- Cache_peer query,
- squid uses its own IP address instead client IP Address,
Vijayakumar Perumal
- Need help with openldap,
- Redirects,
Peter Fraser
- DNS test on start squidNT,
- groups,
Alexander Varga
- [squid] distributing network requests over multiple interfaces by size,
Will Macfarlane
- backup cache-peer behaves differently for http & https,
descheemaeker david
- squid log time stamps,
- Parent authentication successfully but...,
Efren Bravo
- Squid process not releasing mem_nodes ( more info ),
first last
- Squid process not releasing mem_nodes,
first last
- I have any problem with firefox and squid cache,
- Error in RunCache,
Marcio Toledo
- virus check for squid?,
Michael Renner
- Traffic monitor for user,
- Total Free Mem = 0%,
Guruh Mandala
- Regarding memory utilization,
Shahnawaz IQBAL
- Howto Allow 1 and block another,
Barry Rumsey
- Squid-Samba Question,
Mike Diggins
- Yahoo Messenger didn't work correctly,
- Can't join a room Yahoo Messenger,
- Use parent cache, resolve hostnames locally,
Sebastian Schildt
- squid authentication input via web page,
Sean Ali
- Segmentation fault on x86_64,
Michał Margula
- changing time in default signature,
- Forward a site,
Jacob, Stanley (GE Consumer Finance, consultant)
- Slow performance when using transparent proxy,
Brian Schonecker
- Squid didn´t install cache dir,
Marcio Toledo
reverse proxy ACL question.,
Greg Whynott
Squid with Auth Active Directory on a large network.,
Noc Phibee
2.5 Stable6 Upgrade process,
Palula Brasil
Squid doesn't block access to port 8080,
Palula Brasil
Customize error message,
Jacob, Stanley (GE Consumer Finance, consultant)
AW: amazon.com problems,
Preventing user to logon from diffrent IP addresses or machines concurrently,
Bunpot Thanaboonsombut
amazon.com problems,
Dan Kern
RE: Crafted URL for login,
Chris Robertson
Cardte URL for login,
Tom Gillon
squid_ldap_auth and squid_ldap_group redundancy,
Colin Farley
Squid in Win2k Server,
Marcio Toledo
AW: how to monitor Squid log like tail -f log files in windows,
ACL problem,
Marc-Christian Petersen
ACL Problem,
Der Dutz
ACL Problem,
Der Dutz
Acl problem,
acl problem,
Alex Gutiérrez Martínez
Problem with smb_auth and Windows 2003 Server Domain,
Johan Pretorius
AW: Strange problem: Squid won't use it's cache directories,
Upgrading Squid box,
Shahnawaz IQBAL
Squid problem with Akamai servers?,
Brett Glass
Problem with WebSites that require authentication through Squid Proxy,
Ing. Arturo Gomez Rojo
squid block attachment,
IT System
suggestions on ideal working set size for reverse proxy,
john allspaw
Bad sites syntax file,
Palula Brasil
Strange problem: Squid won't use it's cache directories,
Ingvar Hagelund
reverse proxy / ACL issues.,
Greg Whynott
auth problem.,
Efren Bravo
User access time limit,
Sean Ali
public proxy bandwidth,
Sun v20z, Solaris 10 x86, squid-2.5.STABLE9 and resource problem,
Joakim Rastberg
squid on a multi machine,
Wennie V. Lagmay
AW: No IP in URL,
Access to local news server,
Tim Edwards
Re: RES: No IP in URL,
Christoph Haas
HTTPS Problem,
Lazuardi Nasution
How to connect http via proxy 1 and https via proxy 2 ???,
Tobias Schulz-Hess
No IP in URL,
Pedro Bastos
Proxy Monitoring Question,
Benedek Frank
Cache Peer Problems,
Ian Barnes
Anonymizing my "REMOTE_ADDR:" and my "REMOTE_HOST:",
Palula Brasil
Config Issues,
Simon Nunn
4th time a charm?,
nairb rotsak
Merge of acl,
GET/POST caching,
Stefan Palme
squid ldap group authentication,
Re: squid ldap group authentication,
Squid LDAP Group authentication,
Saqib Khan (horiba/eu)
RE: Squid LDAP Group authentication,
Janco van der Merwe
caching of public/private content,
Stefan Palme
Secure acceleration,
Ben Sagal
Slow Squid Proxy Server,
Wennie V. Lagmay
squid accelerator problem (2.5.STABLE12),
Lasse Laursen
httpReadReply: Request not yet fully sent / POST problems?,
Jason Healy
squid hogging all cpu and lots of memory,
Iulian Dragomir
adaptive bandwidth based on requested file size,
A. Laksmana
Squid filter patches updated for 2.5.STABLE12,
Rene Mayrhofer
Re:[squid-users] Squid denies access to Yahoo Mail when word "ass" is on the bad_strings.acl file.,
Re: Squid die after 4 hours or with hight load Henrik Nordstrom,
Eliud Rojas
Scott Mayo
Squid die after 4 hours or with hight load,
Eliud Rojas
Configuring Squid as Reverse Proxy for Multiple Domains (http accelerator),
Gavin Henry
Block user-agent of the http-request header,
Jacob, Stanley (GE Consumer Finance, consultant)
Squid denies access to Yahoo Mail when word "ass" is on the bad_strings.acl file.,
Palula Brasil
access some sites without authentication,
Hement Gopal
Problems with "anonymize_header" and "fake_user_agent",
Palula Brasil
Writing a plugin in squid,
mohinder garg
Squid died after 4 hours,
Eliud Rojas
tcp_outgoing_address mixes addresses,
Toto Carpaccio
about delay pool,
Ken Lei
Squid + domain AD,
yann guillemot
Application Blocks - Is my ACL right?,
Denis Augusto Araujo de Souza
Squid and RADIUS,
mohinder garg
Prefetching in Squid,
mohinder garg
Is "https_port" required for transparent (reverse) proxying?,
Tim Neto
RES: Squid + ntlm authentication with not trusted domains,
Andre Fernando Goldacker
To Use winmx and emule,
IPv6 Support,
upgrade question stable 2.5 stable 5 to stable 12,
Hement Gopal
Adding SquidGuard to Squid with NTLM Auth,
Noc Phibee
problem with "cache_peer" parameter,
gnia gnia
Squid + ntlm authentication with not trusted domains,
Andre Fernando Goldacker
Proxy restricted access acl's not working all of a sudden,
David Lynum
jsp errors,
Toto Carpaccio
recommendation need for building server,
Artin H.
ICAP patch for 2.5.STABLE12 breaks ntlm_auth module,
Luca Maranzano
how to redirect from squid to https,
Robert Rottermann
Error: change IP public into IP private on Reverse Squid proxy and weblogic,
David Gomez
How to block,
Boniforti Flavio
Reverse Cache with with HTTP-GET argument-caching,
Sebastian Latza
jsp pages,
Toto Carpaccio
external ACL ip_user_check.,
Bimal Pandit
Squid respawning itself!?,
James Vanns
Show auth dialog if automatic auth fails,
Luis Fernando C. Talora
RE: Error on change IP public into IP private on Reverse Squid proxy and weblogic,
David Gomez
AW: Multiple parent servers,
transparent proxy with different user authentication,
Multiple parent servers,
Philippe Dhont (Sea-ro)
Squid Server log biger than 2G,
Seewo . Chen
TCP receive window limiting,
Ronny T. Lampert
Squid for redirecting,
Brad Smith
Whitelist approval system,
Roy Verrips
squid not caching in harddisk / cpu load,
Artin H.
Strange Responses when forwarding to a parent proxy w/ websense,
Mario Limonciello
AdZap: WARNING: Cannot run '/usr/local/bin/squid_redirect' process.,
Alexander Farber
Redirecting based on header,
Andreas J. Koenig
Redirecting squid traffic to a third NIC,
Gabriele Caniglia
Squid and Windows Media Server,
Xavier Cabrera
Squid, dansguardian, gateway and exceptions on that,
Philippe Dhont (Sea-ro)
Web accelerator with siblings,
Batara Kesuma
block radio,
Rodrigo Benzaquen
Patricio Bruna V.
File Descriptor,
Http_port and not IP,
CLIENT_MAX_AGE: how does it work,
Eric Blanchi
Reverse Proxy: Age,
Eric Blanchi
System Lockup,
squid redirect,
Thomas Steimann
Squid slow shutdown,
"Michał W."
Any way to view the current state of delay pools?,
Phillip Geiger
Overflowing filesystems,
Michael Puckett
Blocking content in html body via external acl?,
Tracey, Michael
Log Users Session Information,
Tom Brown
autoconfig pac file,
Toto Carpaccio
Question about ldap_group external acl setting,
Bunpot Thanaboonsombut
parent proxy not working correctly?,
https Webmin using port 12000 doesn't work anymore with Squid,
Message not available
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: Re[2]: https Webmin using port 12000 doesn't work anymore with Squid,
Chris Robertson
RE: https Webmin using port 12000 doesn't work anymore with Squid,
Chris Robertson
RE: RE: https Webmin using port 12000 doesn't work anymore with Squid,
Chris Robertson
ACL Rules in memory,
AnchorFree Info
squid 2.5.STABLE12 - Tomcat 5 - Zeus Webserver,
Tom Brown
blocking malware by useragent?,
Boniforti Flavio
useragent list somewhere?,
Boniforti Flavio
refresh_pattern problem, cacheable page not appearing in cache?,
Oscar Rylin
Error tcp_negative on web server in DMZ,
useragent.log and TCP_DENIED,
Boniforti Flavio
Chuck Dutrow
./ntlm-auth works, but not with helper protocol,
nairb rotsak
Squid in Fastest mode and lower cpu useage,
Artin H.
ldap_auth - https error,
Rodrigo Benzaquen
Block ZIP files,
Rodrigo Benzaquen
SARG question,
Joost de Heer
<Possible follow-ups>
Sarg question,
Rodrigo Gliksberg
Squid and Certification Authority,
ntlm_auth + msn combo,
nattapon viroonsri
Invalid URL errors on valid URLs,
squid-dansguardian-squid chain problem,
Vadim Motkov
problems running getpwname_auth,
Alexandre augusto
msn base on group of authenticate users,
nattapon viroonsri
Re: [Squid runnin' error] statHistBin(H, max) == H->capacity - 1,
Syndicate Empire
Re: AW: Squid LDAP Digest,
Henrik Nordstrom
getting squid to choose between 2 proxy servers,
Nolan Rumble
Load balancing squid with squid,
Stefano Mason
FATAL: xcalloc,
Tomas Palfi
FW: Disable delay pools for cached pages.,
Max Stolbinsky
"Pipeline" between two caches,
Pieter De Wit
how to write this delay pool rule ?,
huang mingyou
Problem getting NSCA working on FreeBSD,
Francisco Lopes
Access to single site,
intoduce authentication without changing policies,
Pim Zandbergen
Java Plugin With Client Cert Auth and Keepalive,
Seth Milder
Question about NTLM authentication,
rare auth,
Efren Bravo
cache-control header causes site to fail,
Graeme Bisset
HOWTO increase HIT Ratio,
Wennie V. Lagmay
squid as reverse proxy,
Thomas Steimann
New Squid Install,
Timothy Bushart
[Squid runnin' error] statHistBin(H, max) == H->capacity - 1,
Adam Pokora
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