Rance Hall:
There is a way to setup both the listen address:port and the forward
I know there's a http_port parameter available in squid.conf, but how do
I forward address:port in squid?!?
in my setup I have private network > dansguardian > squid > internet
DG and squid are both running on the same machine, but you can direct
DG to connect to another IP:port other than localhost if you want.
Also, if you are using a transparent proxy via a firewall rule, then
you should be able to redirect all network traffic based on its
connection port to any machine you like.
I don't use transparent proxying, and both routers share the
network. The first router will have to serve a web agenda (eGroupware),
web e-mail (Horde/IMP) etc. (all on the same server) to the LAN clients
and to the same people who will connect from the outside (Internet). The
second router will have to deal with web surfs and some ftp tasks from
the LAN to the outside.
So, suppose the routers are on and, and the server
is now listening on; I may tell squid to listen on a
different address such as, but how to lead those http/s
and ftp traffic requests to the second router? Shall I need to
multi-home one NIC or add a third NIC to the server?
Thanks for the kind support...