Hello, does squid distinguish between GET and POST URLs? I have an HTML form (as part of a CMS) that will be first requested by "GET /form.html". When the user submits the form, a "POST /form.html" will be made, including the form data in the body of the request. I want to "GET" request to be cached, because the result is always the same (an empty form), but I want the response to the "POST" request not to be cached. Is it enough to put a acl POSTs method POST no_cache deny POSTs in squid.conf? I guess, the first GET request will made squid cache "/form.html", and the next POST will find the cached object. The no_cache directive just says not to cache the response from the origin server, but I guess it does not prevent squid from looking in the cache if there is already a "/form.html"... regards -stefan-