I have RHEL4ES with squid-2.5.STABLE6-3.4E.11, squid must be the first in
the chain because I use ntlm_auth for win2k clients.
in squid.conf:
http_port cache:8080 localhost:8081
cache_peer parent 3128 0 proxy-only no-query
in dansguardian.conf:
filterip =
filterport = 3128
proxyip =
proxyport = 8081
In squid logs (cache.log) I have many records like this:
WARNING: Forwarding loop detected for:
Via: 1.1 cache:8080 (squid/2.5.STABLE6)
As I understand, HTTP_VIA was not correctly created, because when I
checked my HTTP_VIA on web server, it was
HTTP_VIA 1.1 cache:8080 (squid/2.5.STABLE6), 1.0 cache:8080
but it must be
HTTP_VIA 1.1 cache:8080 (squid/2.5.STABLE6), 1.0 localhost:8081
Squid is use only first socket from http_port! Why?-(
When I changed http_port as follows
http_port localhost:8081 cache:8080
In cache.log
WARNING: Forwarding loop detected for:
Via: 1.1 localhost:8081 (squid/2.5.STABLE6)
Via header on web server
HTTP_VIA 1.1 localhost:8081 (squid/2.5.STABLE6), 1.0 localhost:8081
How can I correct this problem?
Thanks, Vadim.