Linux Kernel Staging
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- [PATCH 10/19] staging: r8188eu: rename fw related functions to avoid camel case, (continued)
- [PATCH 10/19] staging: r8188eu: rename fw related functions to avoid camel case, Michael Straube
- [PATCH 11/19] staging: r8188eu: clean up rtw_reset_8051(), Michael Straube
- [PATCH 12/19] staging: r8188eu: convert two functions from s32 to int, Michael Straube
- [PATCH 13/19] staging: r8188eu: rename Exit label in rtl8188e_firmware_download(), Michael Straube
- [PATCH 14/19] staging: r8188eu: rename rtSatus in rtl8188e_firmware_download(), Michael Straube
- [PATCH 15/19] staging: r8188eu: rename FWDL_ChkSum_rpt, Michael Straube
- [PATCH 16/19] staging: r8188eu: rename writeFW_retry, Michael Straube
- [PATCH 17/19] staging: r8188eu: rename pFwHdr in rtl8188e_firmware_download(), Michael Straube
- [PATCH 18/19] staging: r8188eu: rename pFirmwareBuf and FirmwareLen, Michael Straube
- [PATCH 19/19] staging: r8188eu: move firmware loading code out of the hal layer, Michael Straube
- [PATCH RFT v2 0/8] media: hantro: jpeg: Various improvements,
Chen-Yu Tsai
- [PATCH] staging: r8188eu: Check for null pointer after calling skb_clone, Jiasheng Jiang
- [PATCH v2 0/2] staging: r8188eu: remove unneeded ret variables,
Abdun Nihaal
- [PATCH] staging: pi433: move get version func to where all other functions are,
Paulo Miguel Almeida
- [PATCH] staging: kpc2000: kpc2000_spi: Check for null pointer after calling devm_ioremap,
Jiasheng Jiang
- [PATCH 0/6] staging: vc04_services: rename ocurrences of 'bm2835*' to 'bcm2835*',
Gaston Gonzalez
- [PATCH v2] rtl8723bs: fix memory leak error,
- [PATCH 0/7] staging: r8188eu: clean up tx power arrays,
Martin Kaiser
- [PATCH] staging: r8188eu: rename camelcase variable peerMAC to peer_mac,
Alberto Merciai
- [PATCH] staging: r8188eu: rename camelcase variable uintPeerChannel, Alberto Merciai
- [PATCH v3] staging: greybus: audio: Check null pointer,
Jiasheng Jiang
- [PATCH] staging: r8188eu: remove unneeded parameter from rtl8188e_SetHalODMVar, Michael Straube
- [PATCH v4 0/2] media: HEVC: RPS clean up,
Benjamin Gaignard
- [PATCH 00/56] staging: r8188eu: wifi.h macros refactoring,
Alberto Merciai
- [PATCH 01/56] staging: r8188eu: add parenthesis to macro SetToDs, Alberto Merciai
- [PATCH 02/56] staging: r8188eu: rename camelcase SetToDs to set_to_ds, Alberto Merciai
- [PATCH 03/56] staging: r8188eu: remove dead macro ClearToDs, Alberto Merciai
- [PATCH 04/56] staging: r8188eu: add parenthesis to macro SetFrDs, Alberto Merciai
- [PATCH 05/56] staging: r8188eu: rename camelcase SetFrDs to set_fr_ds, Alberto Merciai
- [PATCH 06/56] staging: r8188eu: remove dead macro ClearFrDs, Alberto Merciai
- [PATCH 07/56] staging: r8188eu: add parenthesis to macro SetMFrag, Alberto Merciai
- [PATCH 08/56] staging: r8188eu: rename camelcase SetMFrag to set_m_frag, Alberto Merciai
- [PATCH 09/56] staging: r8188eu: rename camelcase GetToDs to get_to_ds, Alberto Merciai
- [PATCH 10/56] staging: r8188eu: rename camelcase GetFrDs to get_fr_ds, Alberto Merciai
- [PATCH 11/56] staging: r8188eu: rename camelcase GetMFrag to get_m_frag, Alberto Merciai
- [PATCH 12/56] staging: r8188eu: rename camelcase ClearMFrag to clear_m_frag, Alberto Merciai
- [PATCH 13/56] staging: r8188eu: add parenthesis to macro clear_m_frag, Alberto Merciai
- [PATCH 14/56] staging: r8188eu: remove dead macro SetRetry, Alberto Merciai
- [PATCH 15/56] staging: r8188eu: rename camelcase GetRetry to get_retry, Alberto Merciai
- [PATCH 16/56] staging: r8188eu: remove dead macro ClearRetry, Alberto Merciai
- [PATCH 17/56] staging: r8188eu: rename camelcase SetPwrMgt to set_pwr_mgt, Alberto Merciai
- [PATCH 18/56] staging: r8188eu: add parenthesis to macro set_pwr_mgt, Alberto Merciai
- [PATCH 19/56] staging: r8188eu: rename camelcase GetPwrMgt to get_pwr_mgt, Alberto Merciai
- [PATCH 20/56] staging: r8188eu: remove dead macro ClearPwrMgt, Alberto Merciai
- [PATCH 21/56] staging: r8188eu: rename camelcase SetMData to set_m_data, Alberto Merciai
- [PATCH 22/56] staging: r8188eu: add parenthesis to macro set_m_data, Alberto Merciai
- [PATCH 23/56] staging: r8188eu: rename camelcase GetMData to get_m_data, Alberto Merciai
- [PATCH 24/56] staging: r8188eu: remove dead macro ClearMData, Alberto Merciai
- [PATCH 25/56] staging: r8188eu: rename camelcase SetPrivacy to set_privacy, Alberto Merciai
- [PATCH 26/56] staging: r8188eu: add parenthesis to macro set_privacy, Alberto Merciai
- [PATCH 27/56] staging: r8188eu: rename camelcase GetPrivacy to get_privacy, Alberto Merciai
- [PATCH 28/56] staging: r8188eu: remove dead macro ClearPrivacy, Alberto Merciai
- [PATCH 29/56] staging: r8188eu: rename camelcase GetOrder to get_order, Alberto Merciai
- [PATCH 30/56] staging: r8188eu: rename camelcase GetFrameType to get_frame_type, Alberto Merciai
- [PATCH 31/56] staging: r8188eu: remove dead macro SetFrameType, Alberto Merciai
- [PATCH 32/56] staging: r8188eu: rename camelcase GetFrameSubType to get_frame_subtype, Alberto Merciai
- [PATCH 33/56] staging: r8188eu: rename camelcase SetFrameSubType to set_frame_subtype, Alberto Merciai
- [PATCH 34/56] staging: r8188eu: rename camelcase GetSequence to get_sequence, Alberto Merciai
- [PATCH 35/56] staging: r8188eu: rename camelcase GetFragNum to get_frag_num, Alberto Merciai
- [PATCH 36/56] staging: r8188eu: remove dead macro GetTupleCache, Alberto Merciai
- [PATCH 37/56] staging: r8188eu: remove dead macro SetFragNum, Alberto Merciai
- [PATCH 38/56] staging: r8188eu: rename camelcase SetSeqNum to set_seq_num, Alberto Merciai
- [PATCH 39/56] staging: r8188eu: rename camelcase SetDuration to set_duration, Alberto Merciai
- [PATCH 40/56] staging: r8188eu: rename camelcase SetPriority to set_priority, Alberto Merciai
- [PATCH 41/56] staging: r8188eu: add parenthesis to macro set_duration, Alberto Merciai
- [PATCH 42/56] staging: r8188eu: add parenthesis to macro set_priority, Alberto Merciai
- [PATCH 43/56] staging: r8188eu: rename camelcase GetPriority to get_priority, Alberto Merciai
- [PATCH 44/56] staging: r8188eu: rename camelcase SetEOSP to set_eosp, Alberto Merciai
- [PATCH 45/56] staging: r8188eu: add parenthesis to macro set_eosp, Alberto Merciai
- [PATCH 46/56] staging: r8188eu: remove dead macro GetTid, Alberto Merciai
- [PATCH 47/56] staging: r8188eu: rename camelcase SetAckpolicy to set_ack_policy, Alberto Merciai
- [PATCH 48/56] staging: r8188eu: add parenthesis to macro set_ack_policy, Alberto Merciai
- [PATCH 49/56] staging: r8188eu: rename camelcase GetAckpolicy into get_ack_policy, Alberto Merciai
- [PATCH 50/56] staging: r8188eu: rename camelcase GetAMsdu to get_a_msdu, Alberto Merciai
- [PATCH 51/56] staging: r8188eu: remove dead macro SetAMsdu, Alberto Merciai
- [PATCH 52/56] staging: r8188eu: rename camelcase GetAid to get_aid, Alberto Merciai
- [PATCH 53/56] staging: r8188eu: rename camelcase GetAddr1Ptr to get_addr_1_ptr, Alberto Merciai
- [PATCH 54/56] staging: r8188eu: rename camelcase GetAddr2Ptr to get_addr_2_ptr, Alberto Merciai
- [PATCH 55/56] staging: r8188eu: rename camelcase GetAddr3Ptr to get_addr_3_ptr, Alberto Merciai
- [PATCH 56/56] staging: r8188eu: rename camelcase GetAddr4Ptr to get_addr_4_ptr, Alberto Merciai
- [PATCH] staging: r8188eu: add spaces around P2P_AP_P2P_CH_SWITCH_PROCESS_WK, Alberto Merciai
- [PATCH] staging: pi433: fix frequency deviation check,
Paulo Miguel Almeida
- [PATCH 0/5] staging: r8188eu: some trivial cleanups,
Martin Kaiser
- [PATCH 00/11] staging: r8188eu: the next set of cleanups,
Michael Straube
- [PATCH 02/11] staging: r8188eu: remove struct rt_channel_plan_2g, Michael Straube
- [PATCH 01/11] staging: r8188eu: remove MAX_CHANNEL_NUM_2G, Michael Straube
- [PATCH 03/11] staging: r8188eu: remove unused enum and defines, Michael Straube
- [PATCH 04/11] staging: r8188eu: struct rx_hpc is not used, Michael Straube
- [PATCH 06/11] staging: r8188eu: clean up struct sw_ant_switch, Michael Straube
- [PATCH 07/11] staging: r8188eu: struct odm_sta_info is not used, Michael Straube
- [PATCH 08/11] staging: r8188eu: enum hw90_block is not used, Michael Straube
- [PATCH 09/11] staging: r8188eu: remove unneeded comments from Hal8188EPhyCfg.h, Michael Straube
- [PATCH 10/11] staging: r8188eu: remove unused defines from Hal8188EPhyCfg.h, Michael Straube
- [PATCH 11/11] staging: r8188eu: remove unused defines from rtw_eeprom.h, Michael Straube
- [PATCH 05/11] staging: r8188eu: clean up struct rtw_dig, Michael Straube
- Re: [PATCH 00/11] staging: r8188eu: the next set of cleanups, Martin Kaiser
- [PATCH v3 0/7] staging: r8188eu: clean up struct hal_data_8188e,
Michael Straube
- [PATCH v2 0/7] staging: r8188eu: clean up struct hal_data_8188e,
Michael Straube
- [PATCH] staging: r8188eu: remove unneeded ret variables,
Abdun Nihaal
- [PATCH v3] staging: pi433: add docs to packet_format and tx_start_condition enum, Paulo Miguel Almeida
- [PATCH 0/7] staging: r8188eu: clean up struct hal_data_r8188e,
Michael Straube
- [PATCH v2] staging: pi433: add docs to packet_format and tx_start_condition enum,
Paulo Miguel Almeida
- [PATCH v3] staging: pi433: add comment to rx_lock mutex definition,
Paulo Miguel Almeida
- [PATCH v2 0/3] staging: vc04_services: avoid the use of typedef for function pointers,
Gaston Gonzalez
- [PATCH 00/32] staging: r8188eu: remove odm_interface and odm_precomp.h,
Michael Straube
- [PATCH 01/32] staging: r8188eu: remove ODM_SetMACReg(), Michael Straube
- [PATCH 03/32] staging: r8188eu: remove ODM_GetRFReg(), Michael Straube
- [PATCH 02/32] staging: r8188eu: remove ODM_GetMACReg(), Michael Straube
- [PATCH 05/32] staging: r8188eu: remove ODM_GetBBReg(), Michael Straube
- [PATCH 07/32] staging: r8188eu: clean up coding style issues, Michael Straube
- [PATCH 08/32] staging: r8188eu: remove ODM_sleep_ms(), Michael Straube
- [PATCH 09/32] staging: r8188eu: remove ODM_delay_us(), Michael Straube
- [PATCH 04/32] staging: r8188eu: remove ODM_SetRFReg(), Michael Straube
- [PATCH 10/32] staging: r8188eu: remove ODM_delay_ms(), Michael Straube
- [PATCH 06/32] staging: r8188eu: remove ODM_SetBBReg(), Michael Straube
- [PATCH 12/32] staging: r8188eu: remove odm_interface, Michael Straube
- [PATCH 13/32] staging: r8188eu: make odm_ConfigRFReg_8188E() static, Michael Straube
- [PATCH 14/32] staging: r8188eu: remove unused prototypes, Michael Straube
- [PATCH 15/32] staging: r8188eu: make odm_DIGInit() static, Michael Straube
- [PATCH 16/32] staging: r8188eu: make odm_DIG() static, Michael Straube
- [PATCH 18/32] staging: r8188eu: make odm_CommonInfoSelfUpdate() static, Michael Straube
- [PATCH 17/32] staging: r8188eu: make odm_CommonInfoSelfInit() static, Michael Straube
- [PATCH 20/32] staging: r8188eu: make odm_RefreshRateAdaptiveMask() static, Michael Straube
- [PATCH 19/32] staging: r8188eu: make odm_RateAdaptiveMaskInit() static, Michael Straube
- [PATCH 21/32] staging: r8188eu: make odm_DynamicBBPowerSavingInit() static, Michael Straube
- [PATCH 22/32] staging: r8188eu: make odm_FalseAlarmCounterStatistics() static, Michael Straube
- [PATCH 23/32] staging: r8188eu: make odm_CCKPacketDetectionThresh() static, Michael Straube
- [PATCH 24/32] staging: r8188eu: make odm_RSSIMonitorCheck() static, Michael Straube
- [PATCH 25/32] staging: r8188eu: remove odm_TXPowerTrackingInit(), Michael Straube
- [PATCH 27/32] staging: r8188eu: make odm_InitHybridAntDiv() static, Michael Straube
- [PATCH 28/32] staging: r8188eu: make odm_HwAntDiv() static, Michael Straube
- [PATCH 29/32] staging: r8188eu: make ODM_EdcaTurboInit() static, Michael Straube
- [PATCH 30/32] staging: r8188eu: make odm_EdcaTurboCheck() static, Michael Straube
- [PATCH 31/32] staging: r8188eu: remove unnecessary comments, Michael Straube
- [PATCH 32/32] staging: r8188eu: remove header odm_precomp.h, Michael Straube
- [PATCH 26/32] staging: r8188eu: make odm_TXPowerTrackingThermalMeterInit() static, Michael Straube
- [PATCH 11/32] staging: r8188eu: remove ODM_CompareMemory(), Michael Straube
- [PATCH] staging: vc04_services: Fix RCU dereference check,
Padmanabha Srinivasaiah
- [PATCH] staging: pi433: add docs to packet_format and tx_start_condition enum,
Paulo Miguel Almeida
- [PATCH v2] staging: greybus: audio: Check null pointer,
Jiasheng Jiang
- [PATCH] staging: greybus: auto_manager: use default_groups in kobj_type,
Greg Kroah-Hartman
- [PATCH] qlge: refactor qlge_change_rx_buffers() in qlge_main.c,
Adam Kandur
- [PATCH v2] Drivers : vc04_services : Remove repeated word in vchiq log warning, Gautam Menghani
- [PATCH 00/10] staging: r8188eu: another set of cleanups,
Michael Straube
- [PATCH 02/10] staging: r8188eu: remove GET_CVID_ROM_VERSION, Michael Straube
- [PATCH 03/10] staging: r8188eu: remove unused enum odm_h2c_cmd, Michael Straube
- [PATCH 01/10] staging: r8188eu: DM_PriCCA is set but never used, Michael Straube
- [PATCH 05/10] staging: r8188eu: remove write-only fields from struct rtl_ps, Michael Straube
- [PATCH 04/10] staging: r8188eu: remove ODM_CMNINFO_ABILITY from ODM_CmnInfoInit(), Michael Straube
- [PATCH 06/10] staging: r8188eu: FAT_State is always FAT_NORMAL_STATE, Michael Straube
- [PATCH 07/10] staging: r8188eu: FAT_State is set but never used, Michael Straube
- [PATCH 08/10] staging: r8188eu: TrainIdx is set but never used, Michael Straube
- [PATCH 10/10] staging: r8188eu: merge _ReadLEDSetting() into ReadAdapterInfo8188EU(), Michael Straube
- [PATCH 09/10] staging: r8188eu: RSSI_test is always false, Michael Straube
- [BUG] staging: rtl8712: possible ABBA deadlocks, Jia-Ju Bai
- [RFC 01/32] Kconfig: introduce and depend on LEGACY_PCI,
Niklas Schnelle
- [PATCH] media: atomisp: Do not define input_system_cfg2400_t twice, Nathan Chancellor
- [PATCH] qlge: rewrite qlge_change_rx_buffers(),
Adam Kandur
- [PATCH v5] staging: r8188eu: Remove useless function rtw_test(),
Jiapeng Chong
- [PATCH] staging: r8188eu: remove unused enum odm_h2c_cmd,
Michael Straube
- [PATCH] staging: rtl8192e: rtllib_module: add free for error exit,
Peiwei Hu
- [PATCH] qlge: replace goto,
Adam Kandur
- [PATCH 00/10] staging: r8188eu: clean up private ioctls,
Martin Kaiser
- [PATCH 01/10] staging: r8188eu: remove unused rtw_private_args entries, Martin Kaiser
- [PATCH 04/10] staging: r8188eu: remove the private ioctl "wps_prob_req_ie", Martin Kaiser
- [PATCH 05/10] staging: r8188eu: remove private ioctls that return -1, Martin Kaiser
- [PATCH 03/10] staging: r8188eu: remove the private drvext_hdl ioctl, Martin Kaiser
- [PATCH 02/10] staging: r8188eu: remove the private ioctl "get sensitivity", Martin Kaiser
- [PATCH 06/10] staging: r8188eu: remove the private ioctl "wps_assoc_req_ie", Martin Kaiser
- [PATCH 07/10] staging: r8188eu: remove the private ioctl "tdls_get", Martin Kaiser
- [PATCH 09/10] staging: r8188eu: remove the private "test" ioctl, Martin Kaiser
- [PATCH 10/10] staging: r8188eu: remove unused prototype, Martin Kaiser
- [PATCH 08/10] staging: r8188eu: remove the private ioctl "tdls", Martin Kaiser
- Re: [PATCH 00/10] staging: r8188eu: clean up private ioctls, Greg Kroah-Hartman
- [PATCH 00/21] staging: r8188eu: simplify the led layer,
Martin Kaiser
- [PATCH 09/21] staging: r8188eu: remove unused blink mode defines, Martin Kaiser
- [PATCH 10/21] staging: r8188eu: bLedStartToLinkBlinkInProgress is set but not used, Martin Kaiser
- [PATCH 12/21] staging: r8188eu: use bool for boolean values, Martin Kaiser
- [PATCH 11/21] staging: r8188eu: make blink interval defines internal, Martin Kaiser
- [PATCH 13/21] staging: r8188eu: remove obsolete comments, Martin Kaiser
- [PATCH 14/21] staging: r8188eu: remove LedControlHandler, Martin Kaiser
- [PATCH 15/21] staging: r8188eu: LED_CTL_POWER_ON is not used, Martin Kaiser
- [PATCH 17/21] staging: r8188eu: remove bStopBlinking, Martin Kaiser
- [PATCH 16/21] staging: r8188eu: LED_CTL_START_WPS_BOTTON is not used, Martin Kaiser
- [PATCH 18/21] staging: r8188eu: summarize some BlinkingLedState, Martin Kaiser
- [PATCH 19/21] staging: r8188eu: merge blink_work and SwLedBlink1, Martin Kaiser
- [PATCH 03/21] staging: r8188eu: move (de)init functions from hal to rtw_led, Martin Kaiser
- [PATCH 01/21] staging: r8188eu: switch the led off during deinit, Martin Kaiser
- [PATCH 02/21] staging: r8188eu: move SwLedOn and SwLedOff into rtw_led.c, Martin Kaiser
- [PATCH 20/21] staging: r8188eu: merge rtw_led_control and SwLedControlMode1, Martin Kaiser
- [PATCH 08/21] staging: r8188eu: clean up blinking macros, Martin Kaiser
- [PATCH 21/21] staging: r8188eu: rfoff_reason is never initialised, Martin Kaiser
- [PATCH 05/21] staging: r8188eu: merge DeInitLed871x and rtl8188eu_DeInitSwLeds, Martin Kaiser
- [PATCH 04/21] staging: r8188eu: merge InitLed871x and rtl8188eu_InitSwLeds, Martin Kaiser
- [PATCH 07/21] staging: r8188eu: clean up the blink worker code, Martin Kaiser
- [PATCH 06/21] staging: r8188eu: make ResetLedStatus static, Martin Kaiser
- [PATCH] staging: r8188eu: remove GET_CVID_ROM_VERSION,
Michael Straube
- [PATCH] Remove repeated word in vchiq log warning,
Gautam Menghani
- [PATCH] staging: r8188eu: DM_PriCCA is set but never used,
Michael Straube
- [PATCH 0/3] Renesas R-Car Gen3: add support for MOST device,
Nikita Yushchenko
- [PATCH v3] staging: vt6655: drop off byRxMode var in device.h, Tommaso Merciai
- [PATCH v4] staging: r8188eu: Use strndup_user instead of kmalloc/copy_from_user,
Jiapeng Chong
- [PATCH] staging: axis-fifo: Use platform_get_irq() to get the interrupt, Lad Prabhakar
- [PATCH] staging: r8188eu: include variable declarations from Hal8188EPwrSeq.h,
Abdun Nihaal
- [PATCH] staging: greybus: audio: Check null pointer,
Jiasheng Jiang
- [PATCH RFT 0/7] media: hantro: jpeg: Various improvements,
Chen-Yu Tsai
- [PATCH v2] staging: pi433: add comment to rx_lock mutex definition,
Paulo Miguel Almeida
- [PATCH v3 0/2] Fix styling issues and remove unused code in rtl8723bs,
Ismayil Mirzali
- Addition of config USB_HSIC_USB3613 soon?,
Lukas Bulwahn
- [PATCH] staging: pi433: add comment to rx_lock mutex definition,
Paulo Miguel Almeida
- [PATCH] staging: pi433: remove unnecessary parentheses pointed out by, Paulo Miguel Almeida
- [PATCH 0/4] staging: vc04_services: avoid the use of typedef for function pointers,
Gaston Gonzalez
- [PATCH v2] staging: vt6655: drop off byRxMode var in device.h,
Tommaso Merciai
- [PATCH 0/9] staging: r8188: clean up the power state transitions,
Martin Kaiser
- [PATCH] staging: vt6655: drop off byRxMode var in device.h,
Tommaso Merciai
- [PATCH v2] staging: rtl8723bs: Fix styling issues,
Ismayil Mirzali
- [PATCH] staging: rtl8723bs: Fix styling issues,
Ismayil Mirzali
- [PATCH] staging: rtl8712: Fix alignment checks with flipped condition,
Ismayil Mirzali
- [PATCH 0/9] staging: r8188: another round a cleanups,
Martin Kaiser
- [PATCH V2 00/10] media: hantro: imx8mq/imx8mm: Let VPU decoders get controlled by vpu-blk-ctrl,
Adam Ford
- [PATCH V2 01/10] dt-bindings: power: imx8mq: add defines for VPU blk-ctrl domains, Adam Ford
- [PATCH V2 02/10] dt-bindings: soc: add binding for i.MX8MQ VPU blk-ctrl, Adam Ford
- [PATCH V2 03/10] soc: imx: imx8m-blk-ctrl: add i.MX8MQ VPU blk-ctrl, Adam Ford
- [PATCH V2 04/10] dt-bindings: media: nxp,imx8mq-vpu: Split G1 and G2 nodes, Adam Ford
- [PATCH V2 05/10] media: hantro: Allow i.MX8MQ G1 and G2 to run independently, Adam Ford
- [PATCH V2 06/10] arm64: dts: imx8mq: Enable both G1 and G2 VPU's with vpu-blk-ctrl, Adam Ford
- [PATCH V2 07/10] arm64: dts: imx8mm: Fix VPU Hanging, Adam Ford
- [PATCH V2 08/10] dt-bindings: media: nxp,imx8mq-vpu: Add support for G1 and G2 on imx8mm, Adam Ford
- [PATCH V2 09/10] media: hantro: Add support for i.MX8MM, Adam Ford
- [PATCH V2 10/10] arm64: dts: imx8mm: Enable Hantro G1 and G2 video decoders, Adam Ford
- Re: [PATCH V2 00/10] media: hantro: imx8mq/imx8mm: Let VPU decoders get controlled by vpu-blk-ctrl, Ezequiel Garcia
- Re: [PATCH V2 00/10] media: hantro: imx8mq/imx8mm: Let VPU decoders get controlled by vpu-blk-ctrl, Benjamin Gaignard
- [PATCH v2 0/2] media: imx: imx8mq-mipi-csi2 fixes,
Martin Kepplinger
- [PATCH] media: max96712: fix unmet dependency on VIDEO_DEV for VIDEO_V4L2_SUBDEV_API,
Julian Braha
- [PATCH] staging: unisys: potential dereference of null pointer, Jiasheng Jiang
- [PATCH v4 00/18] staging: media: zoran: merge in one module,
Corentin Labbe
- [PATCH v4 01/18] staging: media: zoran: move module parameter checks to zoran_probe, Corentin Labbe
- [PATCH v4 02/18] staging: media: zoran: use module_pci_driver, Corentin Labbe
- [PATCH v4 03/18] staging: media: zoran: rename debug module parameter, Corentin Labbe
- [PATCH v4 05/18] staging: media: zoran: videocode: remove procfs, Corentin Labbe
- [PATCH v4 07/18] staging: media: zoran: remove vidmem, Corentin Labbe
- [PATCH v4 09/18] staging: media: zoran: move config select on primary kconfig, Corentin Labbe
- [PATCH v4 04/18] staging: media: zoran: add debugfs, Corentin Labbe
- [PATCH v4 08/18] staging: media: zoran: move videodev alloc, Corentin Labbe
- [PATCH v4 10/18] staging: media: zoran: introduce zoran_i2c_init, Corentin Labbe
- [PATCH v4 11/18] staging: media: zoran: fix usage of vb2_dma_contig_set_max_seg_size, Corentin Labbe
- [PATCH v4 12/18] staging: media: zoran: clean unused code, Corentin Labbe
- [PATCH v4 06/18] staging: media: zoran: merge all modules, Corentin Labbe
- [PATCH v4 13/18] staging: media: zoran: fix counting buffer in reserve, Corentin Labbe
- [PATCH v4 14/18] staging: media: zoran: calculate the right buffer number for zoran_reap_stat_com, Corentin Labbe
- [PATCH v4 16/18] staging: media: zoran: fix TRY_FMT handling, Corentin Labbe
- [PATCH v4 15/18] staging: media: zoran: fix various V4L2 compliance errors, Corentin Labbe
- [PATCH v4 17/18] staging: media: zoran: drop kernel log spam, Corentin Labbe
- [PATCH v4 18/18] staging: media: zoran: drop read/write support, Corentin Labbe
- [PATCH v3] staging: r8188eu: Use strndup_user instead of kmalloc/copy_from_user,
Jiapeng Chong
- [PATCH 0/3] staging: r8188eu: remove hal sreset,
Martin Kaiser
- [PATCH] staging: rtl8723bs: fix typo in a comment, Jason Wang
- [PATCH] staging: rtl8192u: remove some repeated words in some comments, Jason Wang
- [syzbot] KMSAN: uninit-value in efuse_one_byte_read (2), syzbot
- [PATCH v2] staging: r8188eu: Use strndup_user instead of kmalloc/copy_from_user,
Jiapeng Chong
- [PATCH v2] media: meson: vdec: potential dereference of null pointer,
Jiasheng Jiang
- [PATCH v2] staging: greybus: fix stack size warning with UBSAN,
Nathan Chancellor
- [PATCH] media: meson: vdec: potential dereference of null pointer,
Jiasheng Jiang
- [PATCH] staging: r8188eu: fix a memory leak in rtw_mp_QueryDrv(),
Jianglei Nie
- [PATCH] staging: r8188eu: fix a memory leak in rtw_mp_pwrtrk(),
Jianglei Nie
- [syzbot] INFO: task hung in r871xu_dev_remove,
- [PATCH 00/10] media: hantro: imx8mq/imx8mm: Let VPU decoders get controlled by vpu-blk-ctrl,
Adam Ford
- [PATCH 01/10] dt-bindings: power: imx8mq: add defines for VPU blk-ctrl domains, Adam Ford
- [PATCH 02/10] dt-bindings: soc: add binding for i.MX8MQ VPU blk-ctrl, Adam Ford
- [PATCH 03/10] soc: imx: imx8m-blk-ctrl: add i.MX8MQ VPU blk-ctrl, Adam Ford
- [PATCH 04/10] dt-bindings: media: nxp,imx8mq-vpu: Support split G1 and G2 nodes with vpu-blk-ctrl, Adam Ford
- [PATCH 05/10] media: hantro: Allow i.MX8MQ G1 and G2 to run independently, Adam Ford
- [PATCH 06/10] arm64: dts: imx8mq: Enable both G1 and G2 VPU's with vpu-blk-ctrl, Adam Ford
- [PATCH 07/10] arm64: dts: imx8mm: Fix VPU Hanging, Adam Ford
- [PATCH 08/10] dt-bindings: media: nxp,imx8mq-vpu: Enable support for i.MX8M Mini, Adam Ford
- [PATCH 09/10] media: hantro: Add support for i.MX8MM, Adam Ford
- [PATCH 10/10] arm64: dts: imx8mm: Enable Hantro G1 and G2 video decoders, Adam Ford
- [PATCH v6] media: hantro: Fix G2/HEVC negotiated pixelformat, Benjamin Gaignard
- [PATCH v5] media: hantro: Make G2/HEVC use hantro_postproc_ops,
Benjamin Gaignard
- [PATCH v2] staging: rtl8712: Fix alignment checks with flipped condition,
Ngo Tak Fong
- [PATCH 0/3] staging: r8188eu: remove unused led1,
Martin Kaiser
- [PATCH v2] staging: r8188eu: convert type of HalData in struct adapter,
Michael Straube
- [RFC V2 0/6] media: Hantro: Split iMX8MQ VPU into G1 and G2 with blk-ctrl support,
Adam Ford
- [PATCH 0/2] staging: r8188eu: some DBG_88E cleanups,
Phillip Potter
- [PATCH v1 0/2] media: imx: imx8mq-mipi-csi2 fixes,
Martin Kepplinger
- [PATCH] staging: r8188eu: convert type of HalData in struct adapter,
Michael Straube
- [PATCH] staging: rtl8712: Fix alignment checks,
Ngo Tak Fong
- [RFC 0/5] Split iMX8MQ Hantro VPU into G1 and G2 with blk-ctrl support,
Adam Ford
- [PATCH v2 00/10] staging: r8188eu: misc cleanups,
Michael Straube
- [PATCH v2 01/10] staging: r8188eu: remove RF_PATH_{C,D}, Michael Straube
- [PATCH v2 02/10] staging: r8188eu: struct odm_mac_status_info is not used, Michael Straube
- [PATCH v2 03/10] staging: r8188eu: remove macro PHY_SetRFReg, Michael Straube
- [PATCH v2 04/10] staging: r8188eu: remove macro PHY_QueryRFReg, Michael Straube
- [PATCH v2 05/10] staging: r8188eu: remove macro PHY_SetBBReg, Michael Straube
- [PATCH v2 06/10] staging: r8188eu: remove macro PHY_QueryBBReg, Michael Straube
- [PATCH v2 07/10] staging: r8188eu: remove duplicate defines, Michael Straube
- [PATCH v2 08/10] staging: r8188eu: bWIFI_Direct is set but never used, Michael Straube
- [PATCH v2 09/10] staging: r8188eu: bWIFI_Display is set but never used, Michael Straube
- [PATCH v2 10/10] staging: r8188eu: remove unused macro IS_FW_81xxC, Michael Straube
- [PATCH 00/10] staging: r8188eu: some more cleanups,
Martin Kaiser
- [PATCH 01/10] staging: r8188eu: bLedOpenDrain is always true for r8188eu, Martin Kaiser
- [PATCH 07/10] staging: r8188eu: remove empty HAL_INIT_PROFILE_TAG macro, Martin Kaiser
- [PATCH 06/10] staging: r8188eu: hal data's interfaceIndex is never read, Martin Kaiser
- [PATCH 02/10] staging: r8188eu: remove a bunch of unused led defines, Martin Kaiser
- [PATCH 09/10] staging: r8188eu: remove unused define, Martin Kaiser
- [PATCH 08/10] staging: r8188eu: remove two write-only wifi direct variables, Martin Kaiser
- [PATCH 03/10] staging: r8188eu: remove two unused macros, Martin Kaiser
- [PATCH 04/10] staging: r8188eu: bHWPowerdown is set but not used, Martin Kaiser
- [PATCH 10/10] staging: r8188eu: AntCombination is always 2, Martin Kaiser
- [PATCH 05/10] staging: r8188eu: remove unused macros from drv_types.h, Martin Kaiser
- Re: [PATCH 00/10] staging: r8188eu: some more cleanups, Michael Straube
- [PATCH 00/12] staging: r8188eu: misc cleanups,
Michael Straube
- [PATCH 01/12] staging: r8188eu: remove RF_PATH_{C,D}, Michael Straube
- [PATCH 02/12] staging: r8188eu: struct odm_mac_status_info is not used, Michael Straube
- [PATCH 03/12] staging: r8188eu: remove macro PHY_SetRFReg, Michael Straube
- [PATCH 04/12] staging: r8188eu: remove macro PHY_QueryRFReg, Michael Straube
- [PATCH 06/12] staging: r8188eu: remove macro PHY_QueryBBReg, Michael Straube
- [PATCH 07/12] staging: r8188eu: remove duplicate defines, Michael Straube
- [PATCH 08/12] staging: r8188eu: bWIFI_Direct is set but never used, Michael Straube
- [PATCH 09/12] staging: r8188eu: bWIFI_Display is set but never used, Michael Straube
- [PATCH 10/12] staging: r8188eu: remove unused macro IS_FW_81xxC, Michael Straube
- [PATCH 12/12] staging: r8188eu: hal_data_sz is set but never used, Michael Straube
- [PATCH 11/12] staging: r8188eu: remove macro GET_HAL_DATA, Michael Straube
- [PATCH 05/12] staging: r8188eu: remove macro PHY_SetBBReg, Michael Straube
- [PATCH] media: staging: max96712: add V4L2 dependencies,
Arnd Bergmann
- [PATCH v2] staging: vt6655: remove unused variable byMinChannel,
Alberto Merciai
- [PATCH] staging: vt6655: rename s_vCalculateOFDMRParameter to vnt_calculate_ofdm_rspinf, Alberto Merciai
- [PATCH] staging: vt6655: remove unused variable byMinChannel,
Alberto Merciai
- [PATCH] staging: vt6655: remove unused variable byMaxChannel, Alberto Merciai
- [PATCH] staging: vt6655: refactor byMinChannel to min_channel,
Alberto Merciai
- [PATCH] staging: vt6655: refactor byMaxChannel to max_channel, Alberto Merciai
- [PATCH v3] staging: vt6655: refactor byRadioCtl to radio_ctl,
Alberto Merciai
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