Linux Audio Users
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- Re: A short story: from zero to recording the drums in a budget, (continued)
- Ardour complains disk system can't keep up,
- Desktop whole-screen audio/video recording,
Will Godfrey
- Axiom 25: using pads with Hydrogen only (+ qsynth on keyboard),
- MMA 14.07 Hot Summer Edition,
Bob van der Poel
- Midi player,
Bob van der Poel
- Browser Audio,
Clifford Dunn
- Bitwig and Jack sync,
Aurélien Leblond
- Sound Chip as a synthesizer on Linux. Thoughts, ideas?,
- Confusing qjackctl playback devices, no jackd output,
Roberto Suárez Soto
- [ANN] Qtractor 0.6.2 - The Boson Walk Beta is out!,
Rui Nuno Capela
- Control surfaces - whats already available,
Len Ovens
- [LAA] Guitarix 0.30.0 released,
hermann meyer
- another control surface question,
Len Ovens
- New GxRectifier.lv2,
hermann meyer
- Alesis Control Pad and Hydrogen,
- DIY digital control surfaces,
Len Ovens
- Kontakt 5 on Linux - was Re: Recommended near-realistic strings section generator?,
Aiyumi Moriya
- [ANN] Vee One Suite 0.5.0 - Officially beta now!,
Rui Nuno Capela
- Live mixers/recording,
Len Ovens
- ardour mixer info missing in reference?,
Aaron L.
- Writing jingles,
Louigi Verona
- ardour file name plus "2000"???,
Aaron L.
- howto get pcmcia firewire card working,
- Creative Music Coding lab #12 in Amsterdam,
- Streaming radio and calls from listeners,
Louigi Verona
- Audio interface latency measurements,
Robert Jonsson
- Re: Live bass guitar -> analog synth on a 2007 laptop:, viable?,
Leonardo Gabrielli
- Live bass guitar -> analog synth on a 2007 laptop: viable?,
Artem Vakhitov
- EPH-O2 w/alsa - volume too low,
Radovan Misovic
- New GxBluemann.lv2,
hermann meyer
- [ANN] QmidiNet 0.2.0 is out!,
Rui Nuno Capela
- 4x4 usb audio interface,
Leonardo Gabrielli
- Video card joy,
Joe Hartley
- Microphone Pre-amp with an S/PDIF output?,
Ivan K
- Disabling IRQ #19,
Peter P.
- Embertone Friedlander Violin on Linux - was Re: Recommended near-realistic strings section generator?,
Aiyumi Moriya
- Re: Using .sfz files (was:Embertone Friedlander Violin on Linux),
LAC'14 video archive,
Robin Gareus
FaustLive is released !,
Stéphane Letz
Gentoo mpd overlay?,
John Option: the source code of the music,
Massimo Barbieri
New EP - Everywhere Nowhere - indie rock,
Yet another "io GNU/Linux" iso released,
Manu Kebab
linux powered spatial audio concert for viol ensemble,
Giso Grimm
Open Source Audio Meeting in Cologne, Germany (User Group),
Re: [LAD] Standalone resources browser - mockup, near of publishing, need discussion,
Paul Davis
Women in Computer Music - SuperCollider Workshop Scholarship,
Bruno Ruviaro
HDMI connected small system with multi-ch outputs?,
Chris Caudle
octaver (plugin) for bass,
rosea grammostola
- Re: octaver (plugin) for bass,
hermann meyer
- Re: octaver (plugin) for bass,
hermann meyer
- Re: octaver (plugin) for bass,
rosea grammostola
- Re: octaver (plugin) for bass,
hermann meyer
- Re: octaver (plugin) for bass,
rosea grammostola
- Re: octaver (plugin) for bass,
- Re: octaver (plugin) for bass,
hermann meyer
- Re: octaver (plugin) for bass,
rosea grammostola
- Re: octaver (plugin) for bass,
hermann meyer
- Re: octaver (plugin) for bass,
Fons Adriaensen
- Re: octaver (plugin) for bass,
hermann meyer
- Re: octaver (plugin) for bass,
hermann meyer
- Re: octaver (plugin) for bass,
hermann meyer
- Re: octaver (plugin) for bass,
Fons Adriaensen
- Re: octaver (plugin) for bass,
hermann meyer
- Re: octaver (plugin) for bass,
Fons Adriaensen
- Re: octaver (plugin) for bass,
rosea grammostola
- Re: octaver (plugin) for bass,
Gianfranco Ceccolini
- Re: octaver (plugin) for bass,
rosea grammostola
- Re: octaver (plugin) for bass,
Gianfranco Ceccolini
- Re: octaver (plugin) for bass,
rosea grammostola
- Re: octaver (plugin) for bass,
Gianfranco Ceccolini
- Re: octaver (plugin) for bass,
hermann meyer
- Re: octaver (plugin) for bass,
Fons Adriaensen
- Re: octaver (plugin) for bass,
Chris Cannam
- Re: octaver (plugin) for bass,
Fons Adriaensen
- Re: octaver (plugin) for bass,
hermann meyer
Session Management,
Aurélien Leblond
Gentoo Pro-Audio overlay: Jack downgrade?,
Brent Busby
POD HD300 and Jack,
Cristiano Alessandro
DIY acoustic absorbers?,
Gabriel Nordeborn
<Possible follow-ups>
DIY acoustic absorbers?,
Johan Herland
Music in Italy,
Egor Sanin
io GNU/Linux LiveDVD/USB ... You have an update available :),
Manu Kebab
Fero Kiraly
ANN: competitive iPhD research assistantship available at Virginia Tech/ICAT/DISIS,
Ivica Ico Bukvic
Recommended near-realistic strings section generator?,
Jonathan E Brickman
LAC 2014 Recordings,
Philipp Überbacher
getting sound working -- user id problems,
Rustom Mody
Music made with fun thanx to linux,
Set Hallström
next LAC ?,
Dave Phillips
RT kern for Raspberry Pi?,
Ken Restivo
FREE GeneralMusic RealPianoExpander MIDI tone generator,
stephen . doonan
Harrison Mixbus - $19.95,
James Stone
My debut EP, "Indigo",
William Light
- Re: My debut EP, "Indigo",
Harry van Haaren
- Re: My debut EP, "Indigo",
Set Hallström
- Re: My debut EP, "Indigo",
Will Godfrey
- Re: My debut EP, "Indigo",
Moshe Werner
- Re: My debut EP, "Indigo",
Tim Goetze
New droning batch,
Louigi Verona
FREE giveaway: M-Audio Delta 1010 Audio Interface,
stephen . doonan
Jack X-run,
Lucas Takejame
no pastebin etc. please...,
Jörn Nettingsmeier
Help with configuring a laptop for Linux Audio work,
Louigi Verona
qjackctl bubbles,
Peter P.
audio recording of my set at LAC 2014 (streaming, download),
Renick Bell
LV2 note2midi plugin,
Lucas Takejame
Ground lifts, TRS, etc. to PA? USB/other signal crossover to audio?,
Jonathan E Brickman
- Re: Ground lifts, TRS, etc. to PA? USB/other signal crossover to audio?,
- Re: Ground lifts, TRS, etc. to PA? USB/other signal crossover to audio?,
Will Godfrey
- Re: Ground lifts, TRS, etc. to PA? USB/other signal crossover to audio?,
Len Ovens
- Re: Ground lifts, TRS, etc. to PA? USB/other signal crossover to audio?,
Jörn Nettingsmeier
- Re: Ground lifts, TRS, etc. to PA? USB/other signal crossover to audio?,
Reuben Martin
- Re: Ground lifts, TRS, etc. to PA? USB/other signal crossover to audio?,
Ralf Mardorf
- Re: Ground lifts, TRS, etc. to PA? USB/other signal crossover to audio?,
Len Ovens
- Re: Ground lifts, TRS, etc. to PA? USB/other signal crossover to audio?,
Tim E. Real
- Re: Ground lifts, TRS, etc. to PA? USB/other signal crossover to audio?,
Ralf Mardorf
- Re: Ground lifts, TRS, etc. to PA? USB/other signal crossover to audio?,
Ralf Mardorf
looking for commercial sfz sample libraries,
New MOD Website,
Gianfranco Ceccolini
AVLinux on KVM? -- doh,
Ken Restivo
lac2014 video gallery,
Rui Nuno Capela
lac2014 photo gallery,
Rui Nuno Capela
AVLinux in KVM?,
Ken Restivo
New Website and Music,
First LAC 2014 tune,
Louigi Verona
[New music made with Linux]: Prophetic jazz,
F. Silvain
[ANN] OpenMusic 6.8.1 - fresh build from latest sources,
anders . vinjar
Using recording equipment in Karlsruhe,
Egor Sanin
Linux Audio Conference on Twitter,
LAC'14 - Re: Information about streaming,
Robin Gareus
Change MIDI controller's channel from PC,
Federico Galland
OT: Karlsruhe,
Jeff Sandys
[ANN] Qtractor 0.6.1 & Vee One Suite 0.4.2 - A pre-LAC beta release frenzy!,
Rui Nuno Capela
LAC - Programme,
Will Godfrey
Audio measurement at LAC 2014,
Fons Adriaensen
New music made with Linux: The "Lost Time" EP,
Gabriel Nordeborn
Linux based recording studios around the world,
Carlo Ascani
OT: Windows experience..,
James Stone
HW upgrade - new computer,
Len Ovens
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