Re: Audio measurement at LAC 2014

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On Tue, Apr 29, 2014 at 08:41:14PM +0200, Robin Gareus wrote:

> Ok. So let me rephrase the question: Will there be a soldering-ion and a
> multimeter around? Or something similar that will allow to determine the
> value of the required fixed resistors.

The simple solution is calibrate at full gain, even if that is
too sensitive for practical use. Then depending on the circuit,
you could just remove the pot (if it is used as a divider), or
replace it by a fixed resistor of the same value.

A multiface is an excellent card for measurements (no pots at
all). Another good one is the RME RPM. It's easy to bypass the 
RIAA preamps (just a few alsamixer commands), and the outputs
are *real* balanced (i.e. two signals with opposite polarity).



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