Linux Audio Users
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perlanegra proyect
Trouble with 2.15.19/20 kernel,
Bill Allen
Tascam US122 MIDI Troubles,
Dan Easley
In search of jack-enabled visualization app,
Ken Schutte
music engine,
Patrick Stinson
Track made with puredata (on a Linux desktop),
Chris McCormick
- Re: Track made with puredata (on a Linux desktop),
Carlo Capocasa
- Re: Track made with puredata (on a Linux desktop),
Brian Dunn
- Re: Track made with puredata (on a Linux desktop),
Wolfgang Woehl
- Re: Track made with puredata (on a Linux desktop),
Wolfgang Woehl
- Re: Track made with puredata (on a Linux desktop),
Jonny Stutters
- Re: Track made with puredata (on a Linux desktop),
- Re: Track made with puredata (on a Linux desktop),
Atte André Jensen
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Track made with puredata (on a Linux desktop),
Chris McCormick
- Re: Track made with puredata (on a Linux desktop),
Chris McCormick
- Re: Track made with puredata (on a Linux desktop),
Hamish Low
Regarding the file sharing site,
Dana Olson
RPM packages: M-Audio Midisport driver for Fedora,
Florin Andrei
Problem creating an audio CD with Gnome CD Master,
linuxsampler distortion?,
Paul Winkler
Re: Khagan 0.1 released. Important fix. Khagan 0.1.1,
Loki Davison
magic mastering tips needed,
Atte André Jensen
- Re: magic mastering tips needed,
Nigel Henry
- Re: magic mastering tips needed,
Carlo Capocasa
- Re: magic mastering tips needed,
Steve Wahl
- Re: magic mastering tips needed,
Esben Stien
- Re: magic mastering tips needed,
Florian Schmidt
- Re: magic mastering tips needed,
fons adriaensen
- Re: magic mastering tips needed,
Jan Depner
- Re: magic mastering tips needed,
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: magic mastering tips needed,
Tim Howard
- magic mastering tips needed,
Chris McCormick
German Meistercoders prefer Linux flavor ----,
The Other
Strings and Choirs,
Markus Herhoffer
multiface latency question,
Dmitry Baikov
Muse timing and Rosegarden crashing X,
Hector Centeno-Garcia
irq priority setting script,
Emanuel Rumpf
Automatic Double-Ender (Was: Re: Skype and LAU),
Dan Easley
Spring Clean,
Skype + emu10k1,
Lee Revell
Snd enhancements,
pete thomas
Khagan 0.1 released.,
Loki Davison
Issues with fst and vst zombification,
Josh Lawrence
Re: [Rosegarden-user] Musix GNU+Linux 0.39 has been released!,
Ketil Thorgersen
A couple of questions,
John Mulholland
Demudi can connect to the internet,
A graphical LADSPA host for Ardour and Debian?,
Joseph Jones
music made with free software,
Rik Baeten
Arnold Krille
question about jackd/qjackctl options,
Josh Lawrence
RE: [linux-audio-dev] regarding the 2nd Book Of Linux Music & Sound,
Ivica Ico Bukvic
Re: [ardour-users] Jack is Jacked,
Sampo Savolainen
New LAD site is up and needs work,
Ivica Ico Bukvic
Line6 POD 2.0 + JSynthLib = :),
Dana Olson
openlab2 event,
Dave Griffiths
midi note numbers,
Atte André Jensen
regarding the 2nd Book Of Linux Music & Sound,
Dave Phillips
Can't get rid of xruns,
Dominic Sacré
ANN: mjoo 0.0.4 released,
Leonard "paniq" Ritter
Snare Synthesis,
Carlo Capocasa
[Fwd: [Noteedit-devel] Call for translators],
Fwd: free music (art) event in Venezuela,
Marcos Guglielmetti
NoteEdit 2.8.1 Beta Release,
[Announce] MusE 0.8.1 released,
Robert Jonsson
Re: linux-audio-user Digest, Vol 30, Issue 171,
David Baron
N00b'ish questions,
Andrew Lewis
[ANN] Kontroll,
Florian Schmidt
Music: echoes,
Dmitry Baikov
Jacklaunching bristol,
David Baron
Saving LADSPA FX chains in Ardour,
David Haggett
no playback with grecord,
Bernhard Kleine
A new tune #2,
Conor O'Tuama
Linux for live performance,
[ann] PDX7 V2,
Frank Barknecht
I'm back with some music,
perlanegra proyect
USB harddisk with USB soundcard????,
Ketil Thorgersen
Tascam US-122 and Debian,
Björn Lindström
Re: battery strangeness (Atte Andr? Jensen),
Phil Mendelsohn
battery strangeness,
Atte André Jensen
[ANN] netjack-0.10,
LA seminar: your suggestions?,
Leonard "paniq" Ritter
- Re: LA seminar: your suggestions?,
Christoph Eckert
- Re: LA seminar: your suggestions?,
Brett McCoy
- Re: LA seminar: your suggestions?,
Dave Robillard
- Re: LA seminar: your suggestions?,
Thorsten Wilms
- Re: LA seminar: your suggestions?,
- Re: LA seminar: your suggestions?,
Brian Dunn
- Re: LA seminar: your suggestions?,
Jan Depner
- Re: LA seminar: your suggestions?,
Adam Sampson
- Re: LA seminar: your suggestions?,
tim hall
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: LA seminar: your suggestions?,
Kjetil S. Matheussen
- Re: LA seminar: your suggestions?,
Brian Redfern
- Re: LA seminar: your suggestions?,
Juhana Sadeharju
The DMCA's hairy ass,
Carlo Capocasa
Gentoo and Tascam US-122 USB audio interface,
sphinx3 speech recognition (anyone used this),
Julien Claassen
Sharing samples via P2P,
Ismael Valladolid Torres
RE: FireWire or USB 2.0 audio interfaces, was Re: What is currently the best USB audio interface for Linux?,
Linux Sampler Akai support,
Ismael Valladolid Torres
looking for a crossover plugin...,
Reuben Martin
Linux Audio Conference 2006: Register now!,
Frank Neumann
Netjack et al.,
chris beagles
Video: charla Musix GNU+Linux en cheLA, Bs. As., Argentina,
Marcos Guglielmetti
ANN: Freewheeling 0.5.1 RELEASE -,
JP Mercury
Twin Monitors,
Vaughan Famularo
AC3 file structure question,
Florin Andrei
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