KDE General Discussion
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- KDE 4 - kdepim - korganizer - no google calendar?, Zaiwen Gong
- Unable to resize some Gtk applications,
Nikos Chantziaras
- Disable popup when changing volume or keyboard layout?,
Frank Steinmetzger
- Put all KDE config files under one directory like ~/.config/kde/,
- KDE - How to disable the Switch User and Lock in Leave Menu ?,
Zaiwen Gong
- Plasma needs a media player, I suggest Kodi,
bill engvald
- WARNING! New twitter link Re: Help make the KDE Slimbook II become a success, Paul Brown
- Help make the KDE Slimbook II become a success,
Paul Brown
- Disabling blue line under title bar?,
Nikos Chantziaras
- KDE doesn't start after upgrade to Fedora 27, Dave Close
- Running login/logout scripts in Plasma,
- KDE 5 screen size issue,
- Brieftasche kaputt,
Volker Wysk
- Kwallet broken,
Volker Wysk
- End of Year Fundraiser - More than Software Post, Paul Brown
- Qt 5.9 and font rendering,
René J.V. Bertin
- baloo_file_extractor is slowing me down.,
Christian Dysthe
- kate: specify additional extensions for syntax highlighting, Aleksey Midenkov
- Beginner Level Projects in KDE, RATTANDEEP SINGH
- KDE (or X?) clipboard goes stupid,
Jerome Yuzyk
Update applications,
Mrmajik45 it's not magic it's majik
KWin render backend and window content, René J.V. Bertin
has knights been ported to plasma 5 or will it die?,
Load monitoring widgets get stuck, solitone
KDEconnect on 2 different networks: totally impossible?,
A. F. Cano
Dolphin: how to dereference soft links?, Alexander Puchmayr
Akregator Font Rendering Issue,
Peter Devyatkin
Chrome/ium and KWallet, René J.V. Bertin
scale under 1, jdd@xxxxxxxxx
pgp passphrase and kwallet?,
René J.V. Bertin
krecipes, René J.V. Bertin
Re: [ADMIN] Migrate from Oracle 12g to PostgreSQL 9.3, Gust, Thorsten
Korganizer doesn't show CalDAV calendar. No errors, just no calendar.,
A. F. Cano
Release Tags,
John Samuel
What happened with fonts?,
Aleksey Midenkov
Re: Plasma 5.11.0, Luna Jernberg
Bold font issue,
Guanpeng Xu
Tree View expand animation,
Aleksey Midenkov
Can someone reproduce this kate/kwrite crash?,
Nikos Chantziaras
stealing focus ... back, with a shortcut key?,
René J.V. Bertin
Kmail without kdewallet?,
Setting encoding in Kate,
Nikos Chantziaras
Change which PAM config file kcheckpass uses, Andrew Martin
start menu icon,
Franklin Weng
Configuring/compiling gbuffy on modern Debian systems.,
A. F. Cano
Two-Factor Authentication on KDE Plasma 5 and kscreenlocker_greet, Andrew Martin
what does the drawing pin / thumbtack do?,
Chris Roy-Smith
Akonadi won't go online.,
Mike Diehl
How to backup file tags and comments?, I. Thomas
border (or frame??) missing on Konsole,
Task manager window grouping failures and KWin window-action slowness,
Stephen Dowdy
Where are Kate syntax files stored?,
Nikos Chantziaras
Monitor configuration spoiled after reboot Plasma 5.10.2,
I. Thomas
Gwenview: Copy To forgets last used directory, Aleksey Midenkov
RE: [resolved] need to launch multiple instances; no Tabs ...., FHDATA
need to launch multiple instances; no Tabs ....,
Re : Slowness in Graphics display,
Srinivasan T
Bluetooth transfers fail KDE 4.14.30, Jerome Yuzyk
KDE automounter mounts as root,
Aleksey Midenkov
KMail dependence on Akonadi,
Aleksey Midenkov
reset kate autocomplete history, Alberto Garza
krecipes with remote mysql server,
René J.V. Bertin
kwin language setting?,
René J.V. Bertin
Disable drag from inner window,
Simon Heimbach
download "Attic",
René J.V. Bertin
Cashew disappeared from tool bar,
W Van Snyder
Screen blanking much like a blank very dim screen saver,
Can't move windows anymore,
Jerome Yuzyk
Issue burning Audio CD's from CUE file,
Steven P. Ulrick
Banner "I'm going to Akademy", Paul Brown
Program for Akademy 2017 Available, Paul Brown
Registration for Akademy 2017 is now open. Don't forget to book your place!, Paul Brown
Re: KDE Frameworks 5.34.0 released,
Luna Jernberg
Tried to send a bug report and it got rejected. What's the problem?,
A. F. Cano
kmail and malformed dates,
Peter Lewis
Default keyboard layout on login screen,
Дмитрий Мурзин
I want compile KDE from source,
GREen MOnster Games
Disable program loading icon in taskbar?,
Changing konsole tab title name adds unwanted text to WM_NAME, Mun
Problem with plasmashellrc off ~/.config,
Client rejected by automatic spammer detection system,
Günter Zöchbauer
A few question about KDE,
Farhad Mohammadi Majd
Pager Widget Modifications?, Mun
When wayland spreads it looks like no more running gui's as root.,
Unable to remove fuzzy clock plasmoid,
Why openSUSE uses KDE by default?,
Farhad Mohammadi Majd
kjots delete one level upper books, Thomas
[Plasma4]: session no longer restores to chosen (virtual) desktop,
René J.V. Bertin
git server audit issue,
René J.V. Bertin
How to configure font size for Qt4 applications?,
Nikos Chantziaras
Error "The process for the file protocol died unexpectedly." in KDE 5 apps which use KDE 4 libraries,
Kai Herlemann
Plasma search and one other,
Where kde saves user settings ?,
Icon size in Okular and other applications,
Re: Icon size in Okular and other applications, Duncan
sddm greeter.,
reduce height of KDE kicker icon,
Jerome Yuzyk
Trying other desktops in different user accounts., John_82
Options to right click and open to view some how.,
Zig zag side edges when I move a window around quickly,
Being asked to run or open when I click on some files.,
KWin5 and colour scheme special application setting,
René J.V. Bertin
Sound probem using optical out from the card.,
Notes widget: semi-transparent background,
Fedora Release Notes don't mention KDE anymore,
Jerome Yuzyk
Troubles connecting BT Headset in KdeNeon, CruxoM
Plasma 5: screen locker font color,
Screen power saves and goes off and desktop is lost on power up,
Question about Multitasking on Plasma,
Kinfocentre, ianseeks
[KDE4] what component does the screenlocking?,
René J.V. Bertin
Move window to this or all desktop,
Klaus Vink Slott
Keyboard not working in KDM, Luca Bertoncello
KDE configuration outside of the GUI,
William Muriithi
KDE version 1.x, Alec O
favorites not dragable in Kmail,
I. Thomas
FTP with SSL/TLS in Dolphin,
App-capturing plasmoid,
Michael Mol
Automating actions on network conditions,
Michael Mol
plasma data engine / property loop,
Martin Koller
Klipper - snippets,
Michael Fierro
Writing a search helper, Michael Mol
plasma5 download progress notification, Martin Koller
Black screen after KDE 5 logo (with log),
Dâniel Fraga
Kwin 5.8.4 fails with "file not recognized" (plugins/platforms/wayland/KWinWaylandWaylandBackend.so: /usr/local/lib),
Dâniel Fraga
Tilak Waelde
René J.V. Bertin
Willing to pay for kmail help,
John White, Jr.
Fwd: Clarification required wrt KDiff3 tool, Prashant Pahurkar
Kmail 5.1.3 spell checking cannot be switched off - freezes Plasma!, Ingo Thomas
baloo hardly finds anything, Ingo Thomas
bug? : Kmail message preview pane layout,
Ingo Thomas
Fwd: Fix websites/timeline-kde-org switch language issue and add Chinese simplified (zh) translation, Leslie Zhai
So what's happening to khotkeys in plasma 5.9?,
pass lid close event from guest to host,
Matei David
Making the system dbus aware of a "parallel KF5 prefix", René J.V. Bertin
Help required to get started.,
Aayush Saxena
Qt 5.6LTS vs 5.7+,
René J.V. Bertin
partly missing rpath information when building digikam5 for a parallel prefix, René J.V. Bertin
KDE Source Code,
Alec O
taskbar "tooltips",
Felix Miata
unexpected "show desktop" shortcut (KDE4),
René J.V. Bertin
Appearance of the control bar,
Christoph Pleger
Plasma 5: Akonadi and slow start,
Yaroslav Pronin
Build kdm in KDE 5 environment,
Christoph Pleger
does a gtk kcmshell5 module exist?,
Felix Miata
Screen flicker with multiple screen set-up, ffallateuf@xxxxxxxxx
KDE4 KOrganizer critically buggy/horrible/unusable,
David Melik
Status of IM applications in KDE, Francesco De Vita
Mounting storage media via plasma applet: no permission,
Frank Steinmetzger
screen energy saving stopped,
Jerome Yuzyk
KDE on a tablet, Globe Trotter
Re: KF5 Kolourpaint, Martin Koller
Plasma session freezes when using two sessions on different ttys, Martin Steigerwald
"autistic" Konsole,
René J.V. Bertin
Need help,
Dileep Sankhla
KRunner shows no options Thunderbird,
Ernesto Acosta
Reloading previous session type of a user in KDE 5,
Christoph Pleger
Disable the option to create a new session,
Christoph Pleger
Change background,
Christoph Pleger
Change location of user cache in KDE 5,
Christoph Pleger
How to start KDE5? Where are the docs?,
Bug reporting : need pointer,
Loïc Grobol
"suspend to disk" entry in "Leave" launcher menu, René J. V. Bertin
Displaying input streams using Kdialog,
Can't configure stylus buttons,
Marcelo Magno T. Sales
controlling location of trash on per-filesystem basis?,
D. R. Evans
Customizing KDE, Marek Marczykowski-Górecki
Hackfest in Munich at end of may, dennis knorr
k3b issue,
Icons after upgrade, Igor Mironchik
Re: Contacting for help with KMail- and KDE- difficulties, Jürgen Frielinghaus
official guidelines on the install location of cmake modules?,
René J. V. Bertin
Mapping physical screens to KDE containments,
Nick Coghlan
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