Re: Help required to get started.

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Aayush Saxena posted on Tue, 06 Sep 2016 23:28:12 +0530 as excerpted:

> Hi...I am new to open source and would like to contribute to kde.
> I have basic work experience of working in Qt Creator with C++. Though I
> don't know much but would like to learn. I also have plans to work for
> projects in Season of KDE and Google summer of code.
> Any help to get me started would be appreciated.


FWIW, I'm not a dev myself, just a kde user and list regular trying to 
help where I can.  But I can point you to some helpful resources. =:^)

If you've not discovered it yet, you probably want to start at

>From there you can follow the links to various topics you may find useful 
as a potential kde developer/contributor.  Among other resources, if you 
follow the develop link, then the KDE Dev Guide book, you'll get a whole 
ebook full of information.  Of course it was done during a sprint in 2011 
so will likely be a bit dated in places, and since you've worked with qt 
already, a bit may be review, but it should still be useful.  Of course 
there's a bunch of other resources linked from the main techbase landing 
page, as well, including build system setup instructions, etc.

Kevin, who is a kde dev who spends time on the lists as well, will likely 
be along shortly with a reply as well.  He may have more to say.  But the 
above should at least give you a reasonable place to start.

Meanwhile, if you happen to be looking for a kde and developer-friendly 
distro as well, I'm a gentooer.  The gentoo/kde project is one of the 
more active projects in gentoo, and they even have live-git-build kde 
packages available in the gentoo/kde overlay.  That's how I'm actually 
running live-git kde, frameworks, the plasma desktop, and applications, 
here, tho I don't have the full kde installed, only the packages I 
actually use.  There's even a gentoo tool called smart-live-rebuild that 
helps track all the live-vcs packages you have installed, check them for 
updates, and rebuild the ones that have updates.  That makes it easy to 
keep git-current, while only rebuilding the packages that have actually 
updated (and reverse-deps when necessary) instead of rebuilding 
everything, updated or not, on each update.

Of course you may be happy with whatever distro you're running ATM and 
not want to change, and that's fine.  But I thought I might as well put 
the invitation out there, if you are interested, because running a distro 
designed for the end user to routinely build from source does make a big 
difference in how easy it can be to do just that, build from sources, as 
a developer may well want to do with at least some of his packages.  And 
it makes keeping up with kde live-git nice and easy, as well.  So if 
you're interested, check out gentoo. =:^)

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

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