Squid Proxy Cache Users
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2.7 vs 3.0,
Implementing Squid in our current setup,
referer_regex problems,
Marcos Pinto
Squid-3.0.STABLE1 dies repeatedly,
Uto Cen
Users cand download huge files,
Luis Daniel Lucio Quiroz
zero sized reply turned into Invalid Response,
Adam Egan
Pending Squid-2.7 release - testers wanted!,
Adrian Chadd
Re: Pending Squid-2.7 release - testers wanted!,
Tek Bahadur Limbu
ntlm_auth and basic auth.,
Filip Ruymen
Is there an IE script/wrapper/hack to send username to squid?,
authenticate using ldap to AD for hostnames,
Rolf Loudon
New assertion errors with 3.0stable1,
Ralf Hildebrandt
Apple Safari bug?,
Setting up squid as an accel proxy,
Martin Jacobson (Jake)
Message not available
Move Media Player,
Parse squid logs!,
Michael Gichoga
squid-3 problem with squid-statistics,
Ralf Hildebrandt
Transparent proxy plus outsite proxy,
Jose Noto
squid-3 problem with auth_param digest,
Ralf Hildebrandt
squid-3 problem with "cache_dir null",
Ralf Hildebrandt
Some puzzle with squid!,
transparent squid and ustream.tv,
transparent squid and ustream.tv,
cache_peer weighting,
Tony Dodd
TCP close problem,
Janko Mivšek
Squid with auth NTLM,
Leandro Ferrrari
No great results after 2 weeks with squid,
Carlos Lima
storeUpdateCopy errors,
Tony Dodd
only log *some* sites,
Davan Wong
clustering squid,
Re: clustering squid,
Mar Matthias Darin
Squid Cache and Load Balancing...,
Andy McCall
Announcement: pacparser - a c library to parse proxy auto-config (pac) files,
Manu Garg
RE: Force Squid,
Redirect to specific parent depends on URL,
Mr Crack
How to redirect http://gmail.com to https://gmail.com,
Mr Crack
Squid-3.0.STABLE1 available,
Duane Wessels
Squid authentication problem,
Monah Baki
Squid will not forward to peer,
Michael Waterhouse
Squid and NTLM using require_membership_of stills prompts for username,
cuchulain 78
allow audio on sites in squid,
force caching (or High availability config),
Dmitry S. Makovey
Adjusting Parent Cache weight based on acl,
Pieter De Wit
Help with minimalistic pass-thru squid proxy,
File cache & squid,
Paul Cocker
How to throttle video streams,
Dominik Zalewski
Delay pools & cached resources,
Alexey Vatchenko
Xeroxshop not working with Squid,
tomomasa . murakami
tomomasa . murakami
Invoked sites by allowed websites.,
Cody Jarrett
Webmail sites - allow access,
Davan Wong
ProxyAuth credentials size limit,
Glenn Zazulia
TPROXY vs Netfilter (transparency),
Jason Gauthier
problem with snmp,
Wiki down?,
problem with squid_ldap_group + AD,
Miguel Angel Ruiz Manzano
Accounting question,
Monah Baki
Squid transparent mode slow down clients,
Ferraroni Matteo
ICP and load balancing,
Ricardo Newbery
WCCP2 and Router/Switch combo,
Ryan Thoryk
Requested URL could not be retrieved while searching webpages,
Rick Sanders
Exclude certain IP destination from being filtered,
Michael Gichoga
Squid Quota,
Cassiano Martin
<Possible follow-ups>
Squid Quota,
Cassiano Martin
Compressing Object,
Squid Start Stop,
Content-encoding header lost when getting a "304 Not Modified" reply,
Johan Sarnstrom
Issues with Base 10 Decimal Bypassing Squidguard,
nathan . harris
Can one run cache_log thru an ACL?,
Tory M Blue
Proxy not working with flash+variables?,
Help me to manage my Internet Bandwidth,
Anam Ali Khan
LDAP intergration with SQUID,
Indunil Jayasooriya
Re: Delivery Status Notification (Failure),
Steve Billig
Squid will not stop,
Steve Billig
Case Study,
Ahmad Zayed
Squid Kill TCP Connection,
Leandro Ferrrari
Squid reverse proxy and port mapping,
Mirabello Massimiliano
chunked encoding is not working after squid-2.6Stable9,
sekar it
Proxy Auth and Neighbour Caches,
John Halfpenny
squid3 too many open FDs,
close operation is zero,
Transparent WCCP/GRE HTTPS issue,
Jason Gauthier
Re: FTP through Squid and pf.conf with load balancing dsl,
Amos Jeffries
Change footer on error message,
Vitor Carlos Flausino
Kill TCP Connection with Skype 3.5,
Leandro Ferrrari
Pass authentification,
Guillemot Yann
load ad from cache,
Rishav Upadhaya
Think about this Dam behaviour,
squid learner
squid freebsd aufs + coss - same hd,
Alexandre Correa
Customizing ERR_TOO_BIG,
Uto Cen
Can't assign requested address,
solved - dns timeout , but working dns servers. Unable to determine IP address from host name,
phil curb
Squid Child Cache, X-Forward,
Jason Gauthier
auto blacklist users,
ian j hart
s f
- Re: COSS,
Adrian Chadd
- <Possible follow-ups>
- coss,
Heinz Diehl
Intermittent group failure,
Paul Cocker
Fwd: Problem with squid and Skype 3.5,
Leandro Ferrrari
Object caching question,
Santiago Del Castillo
Best configuration parameters for effective caching,
Arun S
Re: Squid2.6-17: Problematic DMZ to Private pass-through with OWA,
Amos Jeffries
Powertop and Squid,
Paul Magid
Squid2.6-17: Problematic DMZ to Private pass-through with OWA,
Michael Hoover
Squid Transparent mode and citrix application problem,
Taras Panchyshyn
Issue with CNN Video,
Scott Anctil
process load,
Rishav Upadhaya
Allow only intranet with NTLM-Authentication,
Goj, Dirk
x MB for y GB,
s f
Url Rewrite,
Almered Niklas
Squid object caching,
Ammad Shah
Squid Security Advisory: Denial of service in cache updates,
Adrian Chadd
Transparent Proxy and SIP,
Dave Overton
Proxy bypass problem,
Robert Eaton
Future of ESI,
Janne Kario
Handling GeoIP specific content,
Sascha Linn
Squid URL rewrite_program,
Cassiano Martin
Cache peer authentification,
Guillemot Yann
Albretch Mueller
Client Error Cannot Connect,
Steve Billig
Wrong redirect,
Christian Herzberg
How to check HTTP-referer ?,
Seonkyu Park
Upgrade from 2.6STABLE14 to STABLE17 with "Invalid capability version 0" message,
Uto Cen
Squid-2.6.STABLE17 available,
Adrian Chadd
rewrite content and url,
Authenticating users with a webpage form,
Taylor Jones
Re: Authenticating users with a webpage form,
S.M.H. Hamidi
Re: Authenticating users with a webpage form,
Hugo Monteiro
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: Authenticating users with a webpage form,
Amos Jeffries
Re: Authenticating users with a webpage form,
Amos Jeffries
FTP through Squid and pf.conf with load balancing dsl,
Daniel Porres
combine two connection,
Squid Traffic analysis,
Sathyan, Arjonan
how to access username in an url_rewrite_program,
robert rottermann
How can I configure squid to cache content based on file extension,
ying lcs
Re: Squid - Domino LDAP Auth (and a little Websphere SSO),
Amos Jeffries
My Times (was Re: [squid-users] looking for testers: google maps/earth/youtubecaching),
Adrian Chadd
Re: Squid - Domino LDAP Auth (and a little Websphere SSO),
Amos Jeffries
Squid - Domino LDAP Auth (and a little Websphere SSO),
Chris Mitchell
Squid Proxy Vulnerability.,
Josh Fritts
Reverse proxy does not keep persistent connections,
Gleb Paharenko
How to make squid IM/IRC friendly?,
Joel Bryan Juliano
ufdbGuard v1.14 is released,
Marcus Kool
wbinfo_group.pl - This ever happen to anyone?,
Terry Dobbs
new squid setup, optimizing cache,
AW: Making a Squid Start Page,
error: Could not get groups for user,
Francisco Martinez Espadas
Anyone Use wbinfo_group.pl?,
Terry Dobbs
Re: Incoming plain connection, outgoing ssl connection,
Amos Jeffries
Making a Squid Start Page,
Incoming plain connection, outgoing ssl connection,
Davide Vernizzi
Authentication on Active Directory,
expires time problem between apache and squid,
problem with squid 2.6,
Federico Lopez Sarmiento
Allowing only ntlm clients,
RE: Authenticating with Samba for logging usernamein Squid access log,
Leach, Shane - MIS Laptop
Cgi files are not opening,
Tarak Ranjan
High CPU usage when cache full,
John Moylan
looking for testers: google maps/earth/youtube caching,
Adrian Chadd
Problem with squid_session helper,
Concurrent question,
Monah Baki
caching 500 responses?,
Kyle McCarthy
Have squid display webpage when user authenticated,
question about filesystems and directories for cache.,
Matias Lopez Bergero
blocking audio/video/radio streaming,
Tarak Ranjan
Audio/video streaming blocking,
Tarak Ranjan
Content Filter for Squid with Gui / Web Console,
Janco van der Merwe
Janco van der Merwe
Blocking IP's from accessing Squid,
squid and CCTV,
Nadeem Semaan
read_timeout and "fwdServerClosed: re-forwarding",
Chris Hostetter
cuteftp throught squid,
julian julian
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