Dear All, I have two ISPs and I'd to redirect to parent based on URL. See my situation below. / ISPA (eth0) e.g. (same proxies of ISPA) (ADSL 512 Kbps) LAN eth3--->LinuxBox--|-- ISPA (eth1) e.g. (same proxies of ISPA) (ADSL 256 Kbps) \ ISPB (eth2) e.g. (ADSL 512 Kbps but not stable) My cache configuration is as show below cache_peer ISPA_Proxy1 parent 8080 3130 no-query cache_peer ISPA_Proxy2 parent 8080 3130 no-query cache_peer ISPA_Proxy3 parent 8080 3130 no-query cache_peer ISPA_Proxy3 parent 8080 3130 no-query cache_peer ISPB_Proxy1 parent 8080 3130 no-query cache_peer ISPB_Proxy1 parent 8080 3130 no-query Here is what I want to do. 1. I want to balance load evenly to both ADSL connection to ISPA. They have same proxy parents. If it is not possible to balance evenly, I'd to set 512 Kbps connection as default and when it fill load, then redirect to 256 Kbps ADSL 2. Some sites are banned by ISPA but ISPB allow. And also some sites banned by ISPB is allow by ISPA. This is the reason why I use two ISP So, I want to redirect banned site of ISPA to ISPB. For e.g. Metacafe is banned by ISPB and I want to redirecto ISPA Any suggestion is highly appricated.....? Mr. Crack007