Hi! We're trying to configure a Squid 2.6 stable 16 with two servers, a webserver with Linux and Apache and a web mapping server with Windows and IIS. A: application.example.com (Apache webserver on port 8081) B: map.example.com (IIS web mapping server o port 80) Now, Squid is installed om the Linux machine listening to port 80 and my aim is that Squid should do a rewrite on url:s like application.example.com/proxy and redirect them to map.example.com The squid.conf file looks like this: acl our_proxyurl url_regex application.example.com/proxy url_rewrite_access allow our_proxyurl url_rewrite_program /usr/local/squid/bin/test.pl url_rewrite_children 10 url_rewrite_host_header on always_direct allow all http_port 80 accel defaultsite=application.example.com cache_peer parent 8081 0 no-query originserver name=server_app cache_peer parent 80 0 no-query originserver name=server_map We accomplished the rewrite but at the same time access is being denied to application.example.com with the following error: "Unable to forward this request at this time" How do I configure the Squid with url rewrite without losing access? Niklas Almered System developer