Hello Everyone, Although I haven't reached the stage yet of needing the following feature I thought I might as well start talking about it soon. I would like to suggest (if there isn't already a way of doing this) the following idea for Squid: Adjusting a Parent Cache's weight based on acl - What this means is the following: I have a main proxy server called (let's say) main_proxy. I have two sibling proxy servers called child1_proxy and child2_proxy. Child1 and 2 proxies both have there own internet link of different sizes (the one is adsl and the other one a E1). Now to balance requests between them is simple, just add them with the same weight. To use one for a set of users etc is simple. What I would like to do is dynamically control the weight of each cache, based on acl's Let's say Client A is an exec and needs high speed caching, I want some requests to go over the adsl and some over the E1. Now I would like to do this during some time or something else...all do'able with the current acl's, but what if I want to change the proxy based on system/network load or some external factor, or I want to say something like, when Client A requests it from username "user" and from IP a.b.c.d (say a dial up) then decrease the weight of the adsl proxy. I hope this is making sense, since I feel like i havn't really carried over the idea "correctly". Thanks, Pieter De Wit