Hi Amos, Thanks for the reply, so it seems that squid already does what I need (in a way). Would you mind expanding on the data accounting comment, All I could find on google was "ip accounting" in squid. Like I said, the servers arn't ready yet so I can't test what I need to, but so far it's looking good :) Thanks, Pieter Amos Jeffries wrote: > > This is done directly allow.deny to any given peer via ACLs already, > and indirectly via sucessfull data accounting which modifies the > weighting. >> or I want to say something >> like, when Client A requests it from username "user" and from IP a.b.c.d >> (say a dial up) then decrease the weight of the adsl proxy. > > This is already implemented in all weighted-peering algorithms in squid. > > cache_peer_access allows/prevents any data being retrieved from a > peer. Each time data is successfully retrieved it adds to the > weighting of the useful source peer. >