Postgresql Users
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- substring on bit(n) and bytea types is slow,
Evgeny Morozov
- bloated postgres data folder, clean up,
Rémi Cura
- multicolumn index and setting effective_cache_size using human-readable-numbers,
Geoff Winkless
- Confusing with commit time usage in logical decoding,
Weiping Qu
- Only owners can ANALYZE tables...seems overly restrictive,
David G. Johnston
- Export binary data - PostgreSQL 9.2,
- CONCAT returns null,
Sterpu Victor
- Designing tables based on user input and defined values,
Aaron Christensen
- How jsonb updates affect GIN indexes,
Eric Mortensen
Possible bug in psql 9.4.4,
Leonardo M. Ramé
Update foreign table with trigger,
Leonardo M. Ramé
pg_restore real file size,
Privileges granted on dblink extension function do not survive database dump and restore,
Bryan Ellerbrock
Oracle conversion questions - TYPE's and ARRAY's,
How Restricting user,
Daniel Gallo
CTE and function,
Gerhard Wiesinger
Generate PG schemas from the Oracle Data Modeler tool?,
Ken Winter
2x Time difference between first and subsequent run of the same query on fresh established connection (on linux, with perf data included, all query data in the shared buffers) on postgresql 9.3.10. Any explanation?,
Maxim Boguk
check constraint problem during COPY while pg_upgrade-ing,
Karsten Hilbert
"plan should not reference subplan's variable" when using row level security,
Adam Guthrie
uuid gin operator class - why not include for everybody?,
Seamus Abshere
Ubuntu and Rails postgresql setup,
Marco Lobbia
How to generate are own apt packages for ubuntu?,
David Grelaud
Re: FreeBSD x86 and x86_64,
Perfomance issue. statement in the log file..,
Bala Venkat
json function question,
Dan S
Does pglogical support cascade replication?,
PostgreSQL flavors,
Sherrie Kubis
sha256 certificate "unknown message digest algorithm",
Frazer McLean
Select specific tables in BDR,
Kaushal Shriyan
multiple UNIQUE indices for FK,
Rafal Pietrak
repmgr faiover question,
John Wiencek
Get the date of creation of objects in the database,
Edson F. Lidorio
synch streaming replication question,
John Wiencek
Read-only tables to avoid row visibility check,
Seamus Abshere
decoding BLOB's,
bpchar, text and indexes,
Victor Yegorov
Why does query planner choose slower BitmapAnd ?,
Seamus Abshere
foreign key to "some rows" of a second table,
Chris Withers
Why is my database so big?,
Andrew Smith
[PERFORM] Why Postgres use a little memory on Windows.,
Monitoring and insight into NOTIFY queue,
Jiří Hlinka
How to analyze locking issues of the startup process on hot standby replica?,
Maxim Boguk
Replacement for Oracle Text,
Daniel Westermann
Exporting a PDF from a bytea column,
Live steraming replication setup issue!,
Ashish Chauhan
Windows default directory for client certificates,
Lupi Loop
Query plan not updated after dropped index,
Victor Blomqvist
JDBC behaviour,
Sridhar N Bamandlapally
BRIN Usage,
Tom Smith
Pgsql troubleshooting & Iscsi,
Log Monitoring with PG Admin,
Alex Magnum
Appending key-value to JSONB tree,
Deven Phillips
Replaying xlogs from beginning,
otheus uibk
Charlotte Postgres User Group,
Boyan Botev
Multiple databases and shared_buffers,
Data Cruncher
Question on memory management sysv/posix on Linux,
Daniel Westermann
Transactions, stats and analyze (oh-my),
Steve Crawford
ORA2PG HP-UX11i23 Itanium,
TROY Didier
Transaction Rollback Error: DeadLock Detected,
subhan alimy
refer function name by a variable in the function body,
Suresh Raja
pgDay Asia / talks / lightning talks,
Daniel Pocock
Actual row order in UPDATE and SELECT FOR UPDATE,
Nikolai Zhubr
using npgsql and EF6 under asp.net5,
Suggest note in index documentation about long running transactions,
Chris Travers
Help me get started with moving away from Firebird,
ioan ghip
Postgresql Server Upgarde,
subhan alimy
how do you determine if you have a healthy database,
Gregery L. Thompson
Proper use of Groups and Users (Roles).,
Melvin Davidson
Manage SCD 2 table using the INSERT --- ON CONFLICT,
Johann Kerdal
Trouble installing PostGIS on Amazon Linux server,
Question on how to use to_timestamp(),
Deven Phillips
Custom conflict handlers,
template1 database is facing high datfrozenxid,
AI Rumman
Trying to move away from Firebird,
ioan ghip
Windows performance,
Sterpu Victor
database corruption,
Oliver Stöneberg
9.4 -> 9.5 dump size reduction,
XMLEXISTS on legacy XML with malformed xmlns,
Edson Richter
PosgreSQL Security Architecture,
Lesley Kimmel
Unrecognized configuration parameter in bdr 0.9.3,
Kaushal Shriyan
memory problem with refresh materialized view,
Enrico Pirozzi
Optimize Query,
<Possible follow-ups>
Optimize query,
Transaction ID not logged if no explicit transaction used,
Martín Marqués
Input data for column is not compatible with data type,
Test CMake build,
Yury Zhuravlev
ERROR: missing FROM-clause entry for table,
PostgreSQL vs Firebird SQL,
ioan ghip
Re: PostgreSQL vs Firebird SQL,
Chris Travers
Re: PostgreSQL vs Firebird SQL,
Achilleas Mantzios
Re: PostgreSQL vs Firebird SQL,
Andy Colson
Re: PostgreSQL vs Firebird SQL,
Merlin Moncure
no pg_hba.conf entry for replication connection ,
Алексей Митропольский
execute same query only one time?,
Reminder: PgDay @ LFNW CFP is closing on the 10th,
Joshua D. Drake
Very slow DELETEs with foreign keys,
Thom Brown
COALESCE requires NULL from scalar subquery has a type,
Geoff Winkless
log_min_duration question,
Harald Fuchs
FDW and transaction management,
Michael Holzman
Trouble installing postgresql server on Amazon Linux,
four template0 databases after vacuum,
Kazuaki Fujikura
Cannot install Extention plperl in 9.5,
Alex Magnum
Cannot Create Objects,
Alex Magnum
Recursive CTE in function problem,
Doug Kyle
Upgrade from 9.4 -> 9.5, FreeBSD 10.2-STABLE, fails on initdb,
Karl Denninger 5 and EF6,
Hot standby and xlog on a ramdisk,
Tore Halvorsen
workarounds for ci_text,
Heine Ferreira
[SQL] Q: documentation bug ?,
Karsten Hilbert
Re: [SQL] Q: documentation bug ?,
Fabrízio de Royes Mello
reverse proxy to postgresql with haproxy,
Aviel Buskila
Fatal error when not numeric value - PostgreSQL 9.2,
query from two tables & concat the result,
arnaud gaboury
SSD gives disappointing speed up on OSX,
Bill Ross
Re: SSD gives disappointing speed up on OSX,
Chris Mair
Explanation of tree-generating query,
Guyren Howe
handling time series data,
Keith Brown
Message not available
Postgres 9.5 - password for new windows user,
Weisenberg, Sofy Hefets
Multiple Sequence Number for One Column p.2,
MongoDB FDW Problem.,
comparison between Postgresql and Microsoft SQL Server,
Heine Ferreira
Postgres 9.5 and windows and desktop heap?,
Heine Ferreira
pg_dump - ERROR - PostgreSQL 9.2,
Is it possible to select index values ?,
Jonathan Vanasco
BDR error trying to replay a invalid statement,
Check constraints and function volatility categories,
Dane Foster
strange sql behavior,
Yu Nie
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