Thanks all!
On Feb 13, 2016 11:06 PM, "Tom Lane" <tgl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Vitaly Burovoy <vitaly.burovoy@xxxxxxxxx> writes:
> On 2/13/16, Deven Phillips <deven.phillips@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> I'm trying to convert a series of ISO8601 strings into TIMESTAMPs for use
>> with a function: ...
> If your data is already in a correct ISO8601 format, you can use a
> direct cast to timestamptz type:
Yeah. 95% of the time, the answer to "how to use to_timestamp()" is
"don't". The native input converter for the date/timestamp/timestamptz
data types is perfectly capable of parsing most common date formats,
with a lot less muss and fuss than to_timestamp. At worst you might have
to give it a hint about DMY vs. MDY field ordering via the DateStyle
setting. If your input is YMD order then you don't have to worry about
that at all.
regards, tom lane