is there a best practice to share data between two select statements?
Imaging following situation: I want to receive two result sets from two
tables, referring to a specific id from table t0 AND I try not to query
for that specific id a second time.
Table t0 returns 1 row and table t1 returns multiple rows.
select id, col1, col2, ... from t0 where id = (select max(id) from t0
where col1 = value1 and col2 = value2 and ...);
select col1 from t1 where t0_id = (select max(id) from t0 where col1 =
value1 and col2 = value2 and ...);
Please confirm:
You want the result of "SELECT max(id) FROM t0" to be used in the second query without having to recompute it?
What client are you using to execute these statements?