The best affordable (in this case, free) data modeling tool that I have found is the "Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler" (
The best DBMS (free or otherwise) that I have found is PostgreSQL.
So of course it would be great to be able to connect the Oracle tool to a PG database, so one could forward- and reverse-engineer between the two. At present, apparently the Oracle tool only natively connects with Oracle, DB2, and SQL Server.
So I'm wondering if anybody knows of a utility or an Oracle Data Modeler add-on that will take some dialect of SQL DDL that that tool generates and turn it into PG-readable SQL.
I get it from the list at that there are tools that do something more ambitious: read schemas from actual Oracle databases and implement them as schemas in actual PG databases. What I need is more modest than that: a tool that inputs a file of DDL from the Oracle Data Modeler tool and outputs that DDL in PG syntax.
~ Thanks for any leads you can provide
~ Ken