You can use pg_dump with -t and -Fc option to take dump of a table in compressed format.
$PGBIN/pg_dump -t <TABLE_NAME> -Fc -d <DATABASE_NAME> -f /tmp/table.dmp
For more information you can refer below link:
Hope this would help.
On Thu, Mar 3, 2016 at 1:21 AM, drum.lucas@xxxxxxxxx <drum.lucas@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 29 February 2016 at 06:31, Steve Crawford <scrawford@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:What exactly are you trying to do? Dump/backup your data (e.g. pg_dump)? Read binary data from a table? If so, what field type (bytea, blob, ...)? Export to where?Cheers,SteveOn Sun, Feb 28, 2016 at 9:12 AM, drum.lucas@xxxxxxxxx <drum.lucas@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:Hi all,Which command would be to export the binary data for a table?I was unable to find it...ThanksHave just used the COPY .... WITH BinaryThank you.
Thanks & Regards,
Abdul Sayeed
PostgreSQL DBA
Postgres Professional Certified
EnterpriseDB Corp
Skype: abdul.sayeed24