Postgresql Performance
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- Re: working around JSONB's lack of stats?, (continued)
Re: working around JSONB's lack of stats?,
Tomas Vondra
Re: working around JSONB's lack of stats?,
Merlin Moncure
Why is PostgreSQL not using my index?,
Christian Roche
How to tell ANALYZE to collect statistics from the whole table?,
Initial insert,
Laurent Cathala
Autocompletion with full text search,
Ivan Schneider
Strange choice of general index over partial index,
Josh Berkus
Re: Strange choice of general index over partial index,
Tom Lane
shared_buffers vs Linux file cache,
Huan Ruan
Performance of Postgresql Foreign Data Wrapper,
Cassiano, Marco
New server optimization advice,
Steve Crawford
trying to run pgbench-tools postgresql ubuntu ERROR: relation "branches" does not exist,
Number of Columns and Update,
Robert DiFalco
[GENERAL] Postgresql 9.2, Memoy cache usage.,
Cristian Iturrieta
Question about trigram GIST index,
Robert DiFalco
Excessive memory used for INSERT,
Alessandro Ipe
When does PostgreSQL collapse subqueries to join?,
Sven R. Kunze
Tuning the configuration,
Maila Fatticcioni
8xIntel S3500 SSD in RAID10 on Dell H710p,
Strahinja Kustudić
Hardware Requirements,
Vivekanand Joshi
Re: [SQL] querying with index on jsonb slower than standard column. Why?,
Tom Lane
Query doesn't use index on hstore column,
Michael Barker
CTE query plan ignores selective index,
Patrick Krecker
issue in postgresql 9.1.3 in using arrow key in Solaris platform,
M Tarkeshwar Rao
Small performance regression in 9.2 has a big impact,
Scott Marlowe
Why don't use index on x when ORDER BY x, y?,
Vlad Arkhipov
A pessimistic planner,
Stuart Bishop
Plan uses wrong index, preferring to scan pkey index instead,
Yuri Kunde Schlesner
Increased shared_buffer setting = lower hit ratio ?,
9.0 performance degradation with kernel 3.11,
Filip Rembiałkowski
trigger Before or After,
avpro avpro
Lock pileup causes server to stall,
Josh Berkus
updating statistics on slow running query,
Eric Ramirez
Postgres slave not catching up (on 9.2),
Ruben Domingo Gaspar Aparicio
Message not available
Postgres does not use indexes with OR-conditions,
Index order ignored after `is null` in query,
Artūras Lapinskas
log_temp_files (integer), tuning work_mem,
Tory M Blue
intel s3500 -- hot stuff,
Merlin Moncure
9.3 performance issues, lots of bind and parse log entries,
Tory M Blue
assignment vs SELECT INTO,
Andrew Dunstan
Replication Lag Causes,
Mike Wilson
Re: Replication Lag Causes,
Stuart Bishop
pgtune + configurations with 9.3,
Tory M Blue
Sanity checking big select performance,
Jeff Chen
Incredibly slow restore times after 9.0>9.2 upgrade,
unnecessary sort in the execution plan when doing group by,
Huang, Suya
Checkpoints tuning,
ERROR: out of memory | with 23GB cached 7GB reserved on 30GB machine,
Montana Low
extremly bad select performance on huge table,
Björn Wittich
Query Performance Problem,
Query with large number of joins,
Marco Di Cesare
Laurent Martelli
9.4 performance improvements test,
Josh Berkus
CopyManager(In/out) vs. delete/insert directly,
Emi Lu
Partitioned tables and SELECT ... ORDER BY ... LIMIT,
Дмитрий Шалашов
Partitions and work_mem?,
Dave Johansen
char(N), varchar(N), varchar, text,
Emi Lu
Bad optimization/planning on Postgres window-based queries (partition by(, group by?)) - 1000x speedup,
help: function failing,
George Neuner
Performance degradation in 324577f39bc8738ed0ec24c36c5cb2c2f81ec660,
Vladimir Kamarzin
pg_basebackup - odd performance,
Mike Blackwell
<idle> issue?,
Emi Lu
query plan question, nested loop vs hash join,
Andrey Lizenko
Planning for Scalability,
Roberto Grandi
performance of SELECT * much faster than SELECT <colname> with large offset,
Marc Slemko
auto vaccum is dying,
Rodrigo Barboza
after upgrade 8.4->9.3 query is slow not using index scan,
Matúš Svrček
Very slow postgreSQL 9.3.4 query,
Burgess, Freddie
Which update action quicker?,
Emi Lu
query a table with lots of coulmns,
Björn Wittich
postgres 9.3 vs. 9.4,
Mkrtchyan, Tigran
Re: postgres 9.3 vs. 9.4,
Merlin Moncure
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: postgres 9.3 vs. 9.4,
Mkrtchyan, Tigran
Aggregating tsqueries,
Alexander Hill
Yet another abort-early plan disaster on 9.3,
Josh Berkus
- Re: Yet another abort-early plan disaster on 9.3,
Merlin Moncure
- Message not available
- Re: Yet another abort-early plan disaster on 9.3,
Josh Berkus
- Re: Yet another abort-early plan disaster on 9.3,
Greg Stark
- Re: Yet another abort-early plan disaster on 9.3,
Claudio Freire
- Re: Yet another abort-early plan disaster on 9.3,
Tom Lane
- Message not available
- Re: Yet another abort-early plan disaster on 9.3,
Josh Berkus
- Re: Yet another abort-early plan disaster on 9.3,
Merlin Moncure
- Message not available
- Re: Yet another abort-early plan disaster on 9.3,
Josh Berkus
- Re: Yet another abort-early plan disaster on 9.3,
Simon Riggs
- Message not available
- Re: Yet another abort-early plan disaster on 9.3,
Josh Berkus
- Re: Yet another abort-early plan disaster on 9.3,
Simon Riggs
- Re: Yet another abort-early plan disaster on 9.3,
Jeff Janes
- Re: Yet another abort-early plan disaster on 9.3,
Simon Riggs
- Message not available
- Re: Yet another abort-early plan disaster on 9.3,
Josh Berkus
- Re: Yet another abort-early plan disaster on 9.3,
Simon Riggs
- Re: Yet another abort-early plan disaster on 9.3,
Peter Geoghegan
- Message not available
- Re: Yet another abort-early plan disaster on 9.3,
Josh Berkus
- Re: Yet another abort-early plan disaster on 9.3,
Peter Geoghegan
- Re: Yet another abort-early plan disaster on 9.3,
Tomas Vondra
- Re: Yet another abort-early plan disaster on 9.3,
Jeff Janes
- Re: Yet another abort-early plan disaster on 9.3,
Tomas Vondra
- Re: Yet another abort-early plan disaster on 9.3,
Greg Stark
- Re: Yet another abort-early plan disaster on 9.3,
Tomas Vondra
- Re: Yet another abort-early plan disaster on 9.3,
Craig James
- Re: Yet another abort-early plan disaster on 9.3,
Tomas Vondra
- Re: Yet another abort-early plan disaster on 9.3,
Craig James
- Re: Yet another abort-early plan disaster on 9.3,
Tomas Vondra
- Re: Yet another abort-early plan disaster on 9.3,
Tomas Vondra
- Re: Yet another abort-early plan disaster on 9.3,
Jeff Janes
- Re: Yet another abort-early plan disaster on 9.3,
Tomas Vondra
- Message not available
- Re: Yet another abort-early plan disaster on 9.3,
Josh Berkus
- Re: Yet another abort-early plan disaster on 9.3,
Tomas Vondra
- Re: Yet another abort-early plan disaster on 9.3,
Greg Stark
- Re: Yet another abort-early plan disaster on 9.3,
Tomas Vondra
- Re: Yet another abort-early plan disaster on 9.3,
Greg Stark
- Re: Yet another abort-early plan disaster on 9.3,
Greg Stark
How to interpret view pg_stat_bgwriter,
Huang, Suya
Strange performance problem with query,
Van Der Berg, Stefan
weird execution plan,
Huang, Suya
how to change the provoke table in hash join,
Huang, Suya
Implementing a functionality for processing heavy insertion,
Shadin A
why after increase the hash table partitions, tpmc decrease,
query performance with hstore vs. non-hstore,
Huang, Suya
Very slow running query PostgreSQL 9.3.4,
Burgess, Freddie
Performance issue: index not used on GROUP BY...,
tuning postgresql 9.3.5 and multiple cores,
Jeison Bedoya Delgado
autocommit (true/false) for more than 1 million records,
Emi Lu
Window functions, partitioning, and sorting performance,
Eli Naeher
Re: High rate of transaction failure with the Serializable Isolation Level,
Reza Taheri
query on parent partition table has bad performance,
Huang, Suya
query against pg_locks leads to large memory alloc,
Dave Owens
select on index column,why PG still use seq scan?,
how does the planer to estimate row when i use order by and group by,
Optimization idea for long IN() lists,
Josh Berkus
Re: two table join with order by on both tables attributes,
Evgeniy Shishkin
Very slow planning performance on partition table,
Rural Hunter
estimate btree index size without creating,
Евгений Селявка
Slow query with indexed ORDER BY and LIMIT when using OR'd conditions,
Blocking every 20 sec while mass copying.,
Benjamin Dugast
Re: Blocking every 20 sec while mass copying.,
Guillaume Cottenceau
Re: Blocking every 20 sec while mass copying.,
Jeff Janes
Building multiple indexes on one table.,
Chris Ruprecht
GIN index not used,
Huang, Suya
PGSQL 9.3 - billion rows,
Nicolas Paris
stored procedure suddenly runs slowly in HOT STANDBY but fast in primary,
DB sessions 100 times of DB connections,
Huang, Suya
Hash Join node sometimes slow,
Dave Roberge
fragmention issue with ext4: e4defrag?,
Marc Mamin
Volatility - docs vs behaviour?,
Craig Ringer
Postgres Replaying WAL slowly,
Soni M
- Re: Postgres Replaying WAL slowly,
Heikki Linnakangas
- Re: Postgres Replaying WAL slowly,
Soni M
- Re: Postgres Replaying WAL slowly,
Soni M
- Re: Postgres Replaying WAL slowly,
Heikki Linnakangas
- Re: Postgres Replaying WAL slowly,
Soni M
- Re: Postgres Replaying WAL slowly,
Heikki Linnakangas
- Re: Postgres Replaying WAL slowly,
Jeff Frost
- Re: Postgres Replaying WAL slowly,
Andres Freund
- Re: Postgres Replaying WAL slowly,
Soni M
- Re: Postgres Replaying WAL slowly,
Jeff Frost
- Re: Postgres Replaying WAL slowly,
Andres Freund
- Re: Postgres Replaying WAL slowly,
Jeff Frost
- Re: Postgres Replaying WAL slowly,
Jeff Frost
- Re: Postgres Replaying WAL slowly,
Tom Lane
- Re: Postgres Replaying WAL slowly,
Jeff Frost
- Re: Postgres Replaying WAL slowly,
Matheus de Oliveira
- Re: Postgres Replaying WAL slowly,
Jeff Frost
- Re: Postgres Replaying WAL slowly,
Andres Freund
- Re: Postgres Replaying WAL slowly,
Jeff Frost
- Re: Postgres Replaying WAL slowly,
Tom Lane
- Re: Postgres Replaying WAL slowly,
Jeff Frost
- Re: Postgres Replaying WAL slowly,
Jeff Frost
- Re: Postgres Replaying WAL slowly,
Tom Lane
- Re: Postgres Replaying WAL slowly,
Andres Freund
- Re: Postgres Replaying WAL slowly,
Jeff Frost
- Re: Postgres Replaying WAL slowly,
Jeff Frost
- Re: Postgres Replaying WAL slowly,
Tom Lane
- Re: Postgres Replaying WAL slowly,
Andres Freund
- Re: Postgres Replaying WAL slowly,
Tom Lane
- Re: Postgres Replaying WAL slowly,
Simon Riggs
- Re: Postgres Replaying WAL slowly,
Simon Riggs
- Re: Postgres Replaying WAL slowly,
Pavel Stehule
Can improve 'limit 1' ? with slow function,
60 core performance with 9.3,
Mark Kirkwood
Message not available
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