Re: 60 core performance with 9.3

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On 2014-07-01 21:48:35 +1200, Mark Kirkwood wrote:
> On 27/06/14 21:19, Andres Freund wrote:
> >On 2014-06-27 14:28:20 +1200, Mark Kirkwood wrote:
> >>My feeling is spinlock or similar, 'perf top' shows
> >>
> >>kernel find_busiest_group
> >>kernel _raw_spin_lock
> >>
> >>as the top time users.
> >
> >Those don't tell that much by themselves, could you do a hierarchical
> >profile? I.e. perf record -ga? That'll at least give the callers for
> >kernel level stuff. For more information compile postgres with
> >-fno-omit-frame-pointer.
> >
> Unfortunately this did not help - had lots of unknown symbols from postgres
> in the profile - I'm guessing the Ubuntu postgresql-9.3 package needs either
> the -dev package or to be rebuilt with the enable profile option (debug and
> no-omit-frame-pointer seem to be there already).

You need to install the -dbg package. My bet is you'll see s_lock high
in the profile, called mainly from the procarray and buffer mapping

> Test: pgbench
> Options: scale 500
>          read only
> Os: Ubuntu 14.04
> Pg: 9.3.4
> Pg Options:
>     max_connections = 200

Just as an experiment I'd suggest increasing max_connections by one and
two and quickly retesting - there's some cacheline alignment issues that
aren't fixed yet that happen to vanish with some max_connections

>     shared_buffers = 10GB
>     maintenance_work_mem = 1GB
>     effective_io_concurrency = 10
>     wal_buffers = 32MB
>     checkpoint_segments = 192
>     checkpoint_completion_target = 0.8
> Results
> Clients | 9.3 tps 32 cores | 9.3 tps 60 cores
> --------+------------------+-----------------
> 6       |  70400           |  71028
> 12      |  98918           | 129140
> 24      | 230345           | 240631
> 48      | 324042           | 409510
> 96      | 346929           | 120464
> 192     | 312621           |  92663
> So we have anti scaling with 60 cores as we increase the client connections.
> Ouch! A level of urgency led to trying out Andres's 'rwlock' 9.4 branch [1]
> - cherry picking the last 5 commits into 9.4 branch and building a package
> from that and retesting:
> Clients | 9.4 tps 60 cores (rwlock)
> --------+--------------------------
> 6       |  70189
> 12      | 128894
> 24      | 233542
> 48      | 422754
> 96      | 590796
> 192     | 630672
> Wow - that is more like it! Andres that is some nice work, we definitely owe
> you some beers for that :-) I am aware that I need to retest with an
> unpatched 9.4 src - as it is not clear from this data how much is due to
> Andres's patches and how much to the steady stream of 9.4 development. I'll
> post an update on that later, but figured this was interesting enough to
> note for now.

Cool. That's what I like (and expect) to see :). I don't think unpatched
9.4 will show significantly different results than 9.3, but it'd be good
to validate that. If you do so, could you post the results in the
-hackers thread I just CCed you on? That'll help the work to get into


Andres Freund

 Andres Freund	         
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

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