--plan 1, 10 seconds were spent on sequential scan on term_weekly table.
dev=# explain analyze select distinct cs_id from lookup_weekly n inner join term_weekly s on s.b_id=n.b_id and s.date=n.date where term in ('cat'::text);
HashAggregate (cost=2100211.06..2100211.11 rows=5 width=4) (actual time=27095.470..27095.487 rows=138 loops=1)
--plan 2, only 1 second spent on index scan of term_weekly table, however, as it selects the big table to do the hashing, it takes 22 seconds for the hash to complete. The advantage get from index has been totally lost because of this join order.
HashAggregate (cost=1429795.17..1429795.22 rows=5 width=4) (actual time=22991.289..22991.307 rows=138 loops=1)
Matheus de Oliveira
Analista de Banco de Dados
Dextra Sistemas - MPS.Br nível F!