Re: Partitioned tables and SELECT ... ORDER BY ... LIMIT

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So this is not obviously normal, I guess?)

My version is 9.2.9, constraint_exclusion set to 'partition'.

# \d user_feed_master
                                     Table "public.user_feed_master"
   Column   |            Type             |                           Modifiers
 id         | bigint                      | not null default nextval('user_feed_master_id_seq'::regclass)
 user_id    | integer                     | not null
 type       | smallint                    | not null
 added      | timestamp without time zone | not null
 active_id  | integer                     | not null
 url_id     | integer                     | not null
 channel_id | integer                     |
 updated    | timestamp without time zone | default now()
 activity   | text                        |
Number of child tables: 11 (Use \d+ to list them.)

# \d user_feed_201406 -- one of partitions
                                     Table "public.user_feed_201406"
   Column   |            Type             |                           Modifiers
 id         | bigint                      | not null default nextval('user_feed_master_id_seq'::regclass)
 user_id    | integer                     | not null
 type       | smallint                    | not null
 added      | timestamp without time zone | not null
 active_id  | integer                     | not null
 url_id     | integer                     | not null
 channel_id | integer                     |
 updated    | timestamp without time zone | default now()
 activity   | text                        |
    "user_feed_201406_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
    "user_feed_201406_url_id_user_id_idx" btree (url_id, user_id)
    "user_feed_201406_user_id_active_id_added_idx" btree (user_id, active_id, added DESC)
    "user_feed_201406_user_id_added_idx" btree (user_id, added DESC)
Check constraints:
    "user_feed_201406_added_check" CHECK (added >= '2014-06-01'::date AND added < '2014-07-01'::date)
Inherits: user_feed_master

# SELECT count(*) FROM user_feed_201406 WHERE user_id = 83586;                                                           count
(1 row)

EXPLAIN (ANALYZE,BUFFERS) SELECT url_id FROM user_feed_master WHERE user_id = 83586 AND added <= '2014-06-30 23:59:59.99999' ORDER BY added DESC LIMIT 100;
                                                                                            QUERY PLAN

 Limit  (cost=0.13..397.23 rows=100 width=12) (actual time=107.442..107.706 rows=100 loops=1)
   Buffers: shared hit=104 read=18
   I/O Timings: read=107.131
   ->  Result  (cost=0.13..19664.74 rows=4952 width=12) (actual time=107.442..107.695 rows=100 loops=1)
         Buffers: shared hit=104 read=18
         I/O Timings: read=107.131
         ->  Merge Append  (cost=0.13..19664.74 rows=4952 width=12) (actual time=107.440..107.683 rows=100 loops=1)
               Sort Key: public.user_feed_master.added
               Buffers: shared hit=104 read=18
               I/O Timings: read=107.131
               ->  Sort  (cost=0.01..0.02 rows=1 width=12) (actual time=0.006..0.006 rows=0 loops=1)
                     Sort Key: public.user_feed_master.added
                     Sort Method: quicksort  Memory: 25kB
                     ->  Seq Scan on user_feed_master  (cost=0.00..0.00 rows=1 width=12) (actual time=0.001..0.001 rows=0 loops=1)
                           Filter: ((added <= '2014-06-30 23:59:59.63551'::timestamp without time zone) AND (user_id = 83586))
               ->  Index Scan using user_feed_201312_user_id_added_idx on user_feed_201312 user_feed_master  (cost=0.00..1525.71 row
s=392 width=12) (actual time=15.020..15.020 rows=1 loops=1)
                     Index Cond: ((user_id = 83586) AND (added <= '2014-06-30 23:59:59.63551'::timestamp without time zone))
                     Buffers: shared hit=1 read=3
                     I/O Timings: read=14.980
               ->  Index Scan using user_feed_201401_user_id_added_idx on user_feed_201401 user_feed_master  (cost=0.00..966.92 rows
=272 width=12) (actual time=8.703..8.703 rows=1 loops=1)
                     Index Cond: ((user_id = 83586) AND (added <= '2014-06-30 23:59:59.63551'::timestamp without time zone))
                     Buffers: shared hit=2 read=2
                     I/O Timings: read=8.667
               ->  Index Scan using user_feed_201402_user_id_added_idx on user_feed_201402 user_feed_master  (cost=0.00..1356.38 row
s=396 width=12) (actual time=12.818..12.818 rows=1 loops=1)
                     Index Cond: ((user_id = 83586) AND (added <= '2014-06-30 23:59:59.63551'::timestamp without time zone))
                     Buffers: shared hit=2 read=2
                     I/O Timings: read=12.782
               ->  Index Scan using user_feed_201403_user_id_added_idx on user_feed_201403 user_feed_master  (cost=0.00..4400.92 row
s=1116 width=12) (actual time=16.959..16.959 rows=1 loops=1)
                     Index Cond: ((user_id = 83586) AND (added <= '2014-06-30 23:59:59.63551'::timestamp without time zone))
                     Buffers: shared hit=2 read=3
                     I/O Timings: read=16.921
               ->  Index Scan using user_feed_201404_user_id_added_idx on user_feed_201404 user_feed_master  (cost=0.00..5576.73 row
s=1375 width=12) (actual time=15.534..15.534 rows=1 loops=1)
                     Index Cond: ((user_id = 83586) AND (added <= '2014-06-30 23:59:59.63551'::timestamp without time zone))
                     Buffers: shared hit=2 read=3
                     I/O Timings: read=15.485
               ->  Index Scan using user_feed_201405_user_id_added_idx on user_feed_201405 user_feed_master  (cost=0.00..2895.72 row
s=714 width=12) (actual time=17.328..17.328 rows=1 loops=1)
                     Index Cond: ((user_id = 83586) AND (added <= '2014-06-30 23:59:59.63551'::timestamp without time zone))
                     Buffers: shared hit=2 read=3
                     I/O Timings: read=17.281
               ->  Index Scan using user_feed_201406_user_id_added_idx on user_feed_201406 user_feed_master  (cost=0.00..2781.28 row
s=686 width=12) (actual time=21.064..21.276 rows=100 loops=1)
                     Index Cond: ((user_id = 83586) AND (added <= '2014-06-30 23:59:59.63551'::timestamp without time zone))
                     Buffers: shared hit=93 read=2
                     I/O Timings: read=21.015
 Total runtime: 107.797 ms
(44 rows)

Best regards,
Dmitriy Shalashov

2014-10-16 17:19 GMT+04:00 François Beausoleil <francois@xxxxxxxxxxx>:

Le 2014-10-16 à 08:35, Дмитрий Шалашов <skaurus@xxxxxxxxx> a écrit :
> lets imagine that we have some table, partitioned by timestamp field, and we query it with SELECT with ordering by that field (DESC for example), with some modest limit.
> Lets further say that required amount of rows is found in the first table that query encounters (say, latest one).
> I am just wondering, why nevertheless PostgreSQL does read couple of buffers from each of the older tables?

Could you share a specific plan with us, as well as your PostgreSQL version? It would make the conversation much easier.

Can you also confirm your constraint_exclusion parameter is set to either 'partition' or 'on'?

François Beausoleil

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