On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 4:53 AM, Tom Lane <tgl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
johno <jan.suchal@xxxxxxxxx> writes:A more readily optimizable query is
> I am trying to optimize a simple query that returns first 100 rows that
> have been updated since a given timestamp (ordered by timestamp and id
> desc). If there are several rows with the same timestamp I need to a
> second condition, that states that I want to return rows having the given
> timestamp and id > given id.
> The obvious query is
> SELECT * FROM register_uz_accounting_entities
> WHERE effective_on > '2014-07-11' OR (effective_on = '2014-07-11' AND
> id > 1459)
> ORDER BY effective_on, id
> LIMIT 100
SELECT * FROM register_uz_accounting_entities
WHERE (effective_on, id) > ('2014-07-11'::date, 1459)
ORDER BY effective_on, id
Yes, but that query has completely different semantics - I can't change that.
This formulation allows the planner to match both the WHERE and ORDER BY
clauses directly to the two-column index.
Are both fields really used? I was under the impression that only the first column from index can be used when there is a range query.
As noted earlier, that's unlikely to be an improvement, because on its
> I've tried to optimize this query by pushing down the limit and order by's
> into explicit subselects.
face it specifies more computation. Postgres is not terribly bright
about UNIONs, either.
Despite the cost calculation in explain the actual query times are very different. I get consistent sub 50ms responses from the optimized one (union with pushing down the limits) and 500+ms for the plain one (when not using bitmap index scan).
Is this possible optimization considered by query planner or do I have "force" it?
Thanks again for your time and effort, I appreciate it.
regards, tom lane