I have a table of tree nodes with a tsquery column. To get a subtree's tsquery, I need to OR all of its nodes' tsqueries together.
I defined a custom aggregate using tsquery_or:
CREATE AGGREGATE tsquery_or_agg (tsquery)
sfunc = tsquery_or,
stype = tsquery
I defined a custom aggregate using tsquery_or:
CREATE AGGREGATE tsquery_or_agg (tsquery)
sfunc = tsquery_or,
stype = tsquery
but I've found that
is about a hundred times slower than this:
('(' || string_agg(query::text, ')|(') || ')')::tsquery
is about a hundred times slower than this:
('(' || string_agg(query::text, ')|(') || ')')::tsquery
That works perfectly so I'm happy to continue doing it, but I'm curious to know why the difference is so great and if anything can be done about it?