I tried also with an upsert function CREATE FUNCTION upsert_func(sql_insert text, sql_update text) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ BEGIN EXECUTE sql_update; IF FOUND THEN RETURN; END IF; BEGIN EXECUTE sql_insert; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN EXECUTE sql_update; END; RETURN; END; $$; with the same result on the memory used...
The tables hold 355000 rows in total.
On Thursday 18 December 2014 12:16:49 Alessandro Ipe wrote: > Hi, > > > A grep in a nightly dump of this database did not return any AFTER trigger. > The only keys are primary on each daily table, through > ADD CONSTRAINT "MSG_YYYY-MM-DD_pkey" PRIMARY KEY (slot, msg); > and on the global table > ADD CONSTRAINT msg_pkey PRIMARY KEY (slot, msg); > > > Regards, > > > A. > > On Wednesday 17 December 2014 12:49:03 Tom Lane wrote: > > Alessandro Ipe <Alessandro.Ipe@xxxxxxxx> writes: > > > My dtrigger definition is > > > CREATE TRIGGER msg_trigger BEFORE INSERT ON msg FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE > > > PROCEDURE msg_function(); so it seems that it is a BEFORE trigger. > > > > Hm, no AFTER triggers anywhere? Are there foreign keys, perhaps? > > > > regards, tom lane