Linux Kernel Development Newbies
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Contents of CR3 register when a kernel thread is executed,
Attr Groups in sysfs.,
Gasparini Andrea
FW: Kernelnewbies Digest, Vol 5, Issue 20, ashutosh mishra
How to retrieve page pointer from vm_area_struct?,
Park Chan ho
task snapshot mechanism,
Tharindu Rukshan Bamunuarachchi
Distributed Computing,
Rigved Rakshit
question about alloc_bootmem,
javaweb zhang
Not able to see all the symbols in the output of "nm" command,
Madhavi Manchala
Problem with booting using qemu,
Minwoo Lee
Enabling Signals in kernel,
Vijay Ram Chitrapu
BSP device driver customization, Naveen Kumar
order of call to built-in modules,
David Shwatrz
Netfilter and Tcpdump,
Sowmya Sridharan
Linux MMC framework,
Hanumant Singh
Interested in Working on Linux kernel projects in TCP/IP stack,
murugan k
Interpreting call trace,
Daniel Baluta
inode query,
mohit verma
Mentoring for GSoC,
Greg Freemyer
Problems with yaffs2 and kenrel 2.6.38,
Gasparini Andrea
Problem with event handler in Timer interrupt, Asha R
Scheduling policy,
Laurențiu Dascălu
kernel API's regarding time conversions,
Mohammed Shafi
query regarding kernel daemon,
shubham sharma
Problem in timer interrupt handler with Linux 2.6.27 version,
Asha R
question regarding down_interruptible,
Vijay Ram Chitrapu
GSOC 2011 proposal: Linux kernel library, Lucian Adrian Grijincu
why only C?,
mohit verma
i/o opening error for PCI access,
Sengottuvelan S
Re: Cannot get I/O permissions,
Sengottuvelan S
Regarding enable paging code and swapper_pg_dir.,
Broadcom Ethernet card not working with new kernels - intermittently being registered as two different devices,
julie Sullivan
how to get kernel functions calling stack/invokation ordert,
Requirement of Linux port,
Jacky Lam
Snooping on sockets/file descriptors,
Debug Kernel Crash,
swathi suresh
ARM : Kernel : Setting up of MMU in head.S,
Prakash K.B.
A query on GARP updates, Sowmya Sridharan
Avoid mandatory locks? Really? According to linux/Documentation/filesystems/mandatory-locking.txt,
Kevin O'Gorman
[virtual memory] page_table_lock & mmap_sem,
Venkatram Tummala
mapping address pointer to page structure,
swathi suresh
Re: Kernelnewbies Digest, Vol 4, Issue 41, solmac john
linux gpio,
Jürgen Lambrecht
libpci for MIPS cross compilation, Sengottuvelan S
kernel optimized for core 2 and later processors Debian/Ubuntu,
mac address inside eeprom.,
Andrea Gasparini
Debug kernel panic with gdb?,
Arvid Brodin
maranello for staging ?,
Jim Cromie
Regarding hugetlbfs,
solmac john
Unable to remove kernel module showing permanent using lsmod,
sakthi selvam
console debugging without a serial line,
julie Sullivan
ACPI errors during bootup,
<Query> Regarding static and shared (dynamic) libraries linking,
Leelakrishna A
Re: hi one doubt, Mulyadi Santosa
Debugging Infinite Loop,
Dev Null
[no subject], nijil yes
kernel space logging,
Anand Arumugam
Problem with rootfs mounting,
Problem compiling BCM Wireless driver on 2.6.37 (lib80211 symbol issue),
Shreyansh Jain
how can I get page fault addressed with perf,
zhao bao
gsoc mentor request, nijil yes
User space context switch,
mohit verma
Common signal handler system call,
mohit verma
slab: cache sizes for kmalloc,
Maksym Planeta
inconsistent lock state on call to kmem_cache_zalloc(),
Arvid Brodin
Questions about this patch: [PATCH] ARM: Use generic BUG() handler, anish kumar
GSoC project idea: HFS Plus journal,
Naohiro Aota
is the best place for stable releases ?,
Jim Cromie
RE:Limiting the Input Ethernet Throughput,
Praveen kumar
Re: FW: smart card driver (ricoh) with ubuntu, Alexander Beregalov
Cache disable verification,
Prabhu nath
Difference between qdisc and qdisc_sleeping, netdev_queue, Henrique Rodrigues
On sg_miter_next sg_miter_stop,
va stg2010
UART and servo controller,
Carlo Caione
I have a problem with schedule() and sys_perf_event_open.,
Minwoo Lee
Linux hibernation,
Jacky Lam
Gsoc participation,
Maksym Planeta
getconf CLK_TCK and CONFIG_HZ,
Jim Cromie
SIGPROF received ( profile timer expired ),
अनिकेत आगाशे
Create a one-to-many tunnel,
release used memory,
Andreas Leppert
SPI over GPIO,
Alexandru Caramida
error: #error Unknown data abort handler type from glue.h file, Madhavi Manchala
how does fork() copy threads of a process in multi-processor (SMP),
lalit mohan tripathi
project ideas,
mohit verma
Need an understanding on Bluetooth driver,
Tirtha Ghosh
Regarding memory compaction,
solmac john
Trying to compile linux 2.6.38,
Ian Porter
fanotify enlightenment,
Belisko Marek
Fwd: help with unknown symbols when trying to load kernel module,
julie Sullivan
where is __memory_barrier in kernel ?,
writing a module to expose information,
Littlefield, Tyler
about printk and console_loglevel,
From which point onwards the kernel execution starts,
AQ Tast
hard coded value for idcode field in struct cpu_table, Madhavi Manchala
Network Drivers Master Slave,
sugnan prabhu
kprobes for fun and profit :), amit mehta
Memory Compaction feature., naveen yadav
scheduling - more doubts,
what is the kernel symbol for user space grant access driver,
Tapas Mishra
Simple write to an UART mode register fails,
Frey ext-FA, Maurus
cudaram - a block device exposing nvidia gpus ram implemented with cuda, Piotr Jaroszyński
To display indirect block numbers?,
kashish bhatia
[PATCH 1/5] tg3: use <linux/io.h> and <linux/uaccess.h> instead <asm/io.h> and <asm/uaccess.h>,
Javier Martinez Canillas
[PATCH 3/5] tg3: Enclose macro with complex values in parenthesis, Javier Martinez Canillas
[PATCH 4/5] tg3: Don't use IRQF_SAMPLE_RANDOM, Javier Martinez Canillas
[PATCH 5/5] tg3: Fix inline keyword usage, Javier Martinez Canillas
likely kernel/driver problem with 3G USB stick,
Simon Leung
Disabling an interrupt,
Jacky Lam
interrupting the compile process and restart from where I stopped,
Tapas Mishra
Regarding threaded irq,
anish singh
Linux support for Samsung S3C2510A Processor,
Madhavi Manchala
Errors in booting a new image built,
To schedule a process?,
kashish bhatia
system call number,
mohit verma
Practical character driver,
Sameer Rahmani
messages printed lots of times,
mohit verma
from relative to absolute pathname,
mohit verma
question about macro __DO_TRACE,
zhao bao
syscalls performance,
Mauro Romano Trajber
Zhang Meng
PCI express, link down problem.., SHANKARCHEKURI
UML related query,
mohit verma
Debugging memset crashes,
Praveen kumar
Problem with PCI Driver on Ubuntu 10.10 i386,
Adhyas Avasthi
Mohammed Shafi
Thread scheduling in 2.6 kernels,
Mandeep Sandhu
Macro definitions for FL_DATA and FL_IMAGE,
Madhavi Manchala
what is __get_cpu_var() ?,
Murali N
Some doubts on MUTEX,
subin gangadharan
adding a system call,
mohit verma
new link list,
mohit verma
Socket program in kernel,
lm_device & platform_device, Arun S
the use sin_zero in sockaddr_in,
Ftracing in kernel,
Erlon Cruz
Issue on kernel with module insertion when Rootfs is NFS mounted,
naveen yadav
how to write modified inode back to disk?,
kashish bhatia
How to verify block numbers of file ?,
kashish bhatia
pci config space,
How to read data of specified disk block in ext2 ?,
kashish bhatia
Repetitive Mails and some errors with gmail,
Anuz Pratap Singh Tomar
Page Table query,
anish singh
Page table queries,
anish singh
Query regarding work queue,
Leelakrishna A
struct assignment?,
SRIO maintenance read hangs (mpc8548),
shrikant hegde
I2C concept,
where can i find PCI rfc document,
allocating memory at boot,
Philip Downer
How to free data block of ext2 fs?,
kashish bhatia
iomem and ioports,
task_struct related query,
mohit verma
some questions about kernel source,
The difference between sk_err_soft and sk_err, Simon Liu
directory entry,
mohit verma
multicore and crash,
naveen yadav
Page Cache Address Space Concept,
piyush moghe
Any known memory leak issues in handling SIGEV threads in Linux?,
Sowmya Sridharan
module prob,
mohit verma
Mapping memory between kernel and user space,
Sri Ram Vemulpali
Linux kernel network stack,
Sri Ram Vemulpali
fsck for NFS,
Getting struct page for userspace pointer, Nikolaus Rath
Another ISP1761 / FTDI / serial problem,
Arvid Brodin
Ad-hoc arm board,
Andrea Gasparini
Doubt regarding Minor Numbers and alloc_chrdev_region,
Sankar P
Regarding Buddy Allocator,
Sri Ram Vemulpali
DMA to Userspace,
Nikolaus Rath
kernel idle fucntion......,
Murali N
When "probe" is called?,
Joy Sun
What is __init?,
Joy Sun
some question about snprintf,
Ian Porter
netlink interface,
mohit verma
Thread Affinity structure,
Sri Ram Vemulpali
Re: Thread Affinity structure, Mulyadi Santosa
how to give su permissions to debugging console,
Pradeep Kumar
x86 memory detection,
Arun S
Regarding PREEMPT_RT option,
Sri Ram Vemulpali
Regarding SIGSEGV,
Sri Ram Vemulpali
avoid ip forward replaces the source MAC address,
Elvis Yoan Tamayo Mollares
> 2GB memset is very slow,
Jason Nymble
process exception,
Sri Ram Vemulpali
what is spinlock depth,
Sri Ram Vemulpali
typecheck code,
Sri Ram Vemulpali
Please correct this code,
Sri Ram Vemulpali
storing the messages at events,
mohit verma
storing the logs,
mohit verma
Fwd: storing the logs, mohit verma
Fwd: storing the logs, mohit verma
motivation behind pr_xxx macros,
Himanshu Aggarwal
Creating the same random numbers,
Andreas Leppert
if you're in ottawa this tuesday, come out and say hi,
Robert P. J. Day
apparent workaround for i915 "black screen" issue,
Robert P. J. Day
printk(KERN_x...) vs dev_x(),
Sutharshan Ramamoorthy / Prod
"inconsistent lock state", Arvid Brodin
Doubt regarding read/write testing, Gaurav Mahajan
Doubt regarding, Gaurav Mahajan
How to identity processor architecture,
scrubbing in linux volume manager,
Multi core arch,
Sri Ram Vemulpali
can we measure the traffic between user and kernel mode,
Added about new kernel on old distro (was Re: most likely, i'll be giving a kernel talk at ottawa LUG next week),
Mulyadi Santosa
most likely, i'll be giving a kernel talk at ottawa LUG next week,
Robert P. J. Day
Cloning 'struct file',
Daniel Baluta
i see the intel i915 black screen issue is back,
Robert P. J. Day
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