Linux Kernel Development Newbies
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- Re: How can I fetch the files likely directory /usr/src/kernels/<kernel version> from kernel source tree?, (continued)
- Reusable Memory Manager,
Kenneth Adam Miller
Question about porting over magic lantern kernel hardware support to mainline, nick
Basic question about malloc,
Basic question about namespaces,
Bruno Ferreira
kbuild- sub directroy makefile,
ratheesh kannoth
Links to understand File System,
sahil aggarwal
sched: RT throttling activated, Abhishek Bist
WARNING: at net/ipv4/tcp.c, Abhijeet Bhatikar
Achieve multi-threading in MIPS assembly,
Chaturvedi, Akash
process tracking,
Mustafa Hussain
User space API for reading register information,
manty kuma
How do _you_ read the linux source?,
Question about assembly in set bit function for x86 architecture,
Write and understand Assembly code in .S file for ARM,
What is kmemleak_alloc used for?,
yoma sophian
qemu problem,
Mustafa Hussain
percolating ERESTARTSYS beyond PCI subsystem,
Milton Krutt
About bootmem allocation/freeing flow,
yoma sophian
Imprecise external aborts (0x1406), Tejas Joglekar
Question about fixmap, Alexander Kuleshov
Heap Management Problem,
xtime variable in kernel 4.0,
Mohammad A Khasawneh
upstream EXPORT_SYMBOL() for out of tree module?,
confusion about locking [ Pls help ],
Er Krishna
Problem with SPI RTC DS3234 on RaspberryPi 2,
John Whitmore
Out of Date Project Ideas on Btrfs,
Spoon feeding,
Nicholas Krause
RT process priority > Interrupts ?,
manty kuma
[milton@xxxxxxxxx: Re: Delaying an interrupt handler], Milton Krutt
maybe dumb question about RCU,
Jeff Haran
Out of openat flag space,
David Legault
scull_init_module() in scull driver, Rock Lee
VFS/driver core overhead,
cross-compiling kernel using a 32-bit toolchain on a 64-bit machine,
Mandeep Sandhu
packet_mmap: How to kernel address from user-space address, selvamuthukumar v
Learning things,
Joris Bolsens
/sys/module/ info for pci driver,
rahul b
"Hurr durr I'ma sheep",
Kaushal Shriyan
Reading kernel code,
Nicholas Krause
Question about shared interrupts in devicetree,
Stefan Wahren
Help learning from my mistakes,
Nicholas Krause
PCIE Switch Bringup Problem, Ashish Khetan
How can I make a multi-page size block request in kernel?, Hyukjoong Kim,
Hemanth Kumar
Function Pointer Question,
Nicholas Krause
what is the precise udev event that handles miscdevices?,
Robert P. J. Day
coming shortly: series of simple kernel questions i should know the answers to,
Robert P. J. Day
The Eudyptula Challenge - Sending task,
Leonardo Ariel Carreras Rodríguez
mmap text file,
Ssagarr Patil
How to auto-load kernel module when peripheral,
Woody Wu
Questions about the zoned page frame allocator and fix mapped addresses,
Sunny Shah
Re: Can add new module without upgrade the kernel?,
Woody Wu
[no subject],
Woody Wu
- Re:, Anuz Pratap Singh Tomar
Time stamp of Kernel log prints is not including the suspend time, manty kuma
usage of dma_common_mmap, Malte Vesper
Atomics and memory barriers,
Malte Vesper
scatterlist copy to buffer and copy back, leo kirotawa
mapping driver allocated memory to process, Malte Vesper
Kernel Linked Lists (list_splice),
Leandro M Barbosa
Profiling processes in Linux kernel,
Sreejith M M
Fwd: Kernelnewbies Digest, Vol 52, Issue 41,
Vishwas Srivastava
Delaying an interrupt handler,
Milton Krutt
apparent sleep,
Milton Krutt
Writing driver for a net device which does not support interrupt,
Freeman Zhang
a good video about programming and software engg in Linux kernel, Anuz Pratap Singh Tomar
Question abount bh_lru_lock(), Rock Lee
Question about ixgbe and ixgbevf,
Kevin Wilson
Sysfs requirement for running generic_buffer.c application - IIO sensors,
Re: Sysfs requirement for running generic_buffer.c application - IIO sensors, Daniel Baluta
Kernel thread scheduling,
Vincenzo Scotti
LXC/cgroups process group scheduling in linux 3.18+,
Nobin Mathew
use of dev->dev_t,
Malte Vesper
Android Binder Issue,
David Legault
Kernel booting stuck at "CPU1: Booted secondary processor",
Is RCU not safe enough to protect dcache hlist?,
Setting cred->security field of a newly created process, noyb noybee
Start it again .. Returning the Kernel Writing, Ruben Safir
the study of programming languages, Meyer Lansky
kernel development returning to after 10 years, Ruben Safir
Scull Driver - Read,
sahil aggarwal
Get Back Into Kernel Work,
mntinfo of process,
Nilesh Chate
CHECK: Alignment should match open parenthesis,
palik imre
Re:question scheduler, Meyer Lansky
Missing sys_enter_open events, sahil aggarwal
Help with learning scheduler O(1),
Meyer Lansky
Understanding the mapping of physical memory to kernel address space,
Sunny Shah
I am new here,
Leonardo Ariel Carreras Rodríguez
RCU is not safe enough to protect __d_lookup ?,
Rock Lee
Kernel Locking Question,
Nicholas Krause
Tracing allocators of virtual memory and main memory,
sahil aggarwal
confusing code....whats the point of this construct ?,
Nicholas Mc Guire
Difference between and /proc/kallsyms,
Raw binary Image of linux,
chirag garg
How to generate a kernel source tree with macros expanded?,
Tao Jiang (姜涛)
getting interrupt number,
Ronit Halder
Get local CPU id,
Matwey V. Kornilov
Documentation/Test application to test the HID I2C sensorhub, s.rawat
question scheduler, Meyer Lansky
How to check if a file is a present in a directory(directly/indirectly),
noyb noybee
menuconfig: can not select scsi device support,
robert rottermann
locking a device for exclusive use by userspace process (or kernel thread),
Yann Droneaud
Question on mutex code,
Matthias Bonne
Google Summer of Code 2015,
Galactuz Prime
I want to remove my current kernel after upgradtion of new kernel,
Anurudh Tiwari
Perf API vs Ftrace,
sahil aggarwal
Are there any API's to create ring buffers easily in kernel?,
manty kuma
ACCESS_ONCE usage inside llist_add_batch function,
Cihangir Akturk
Broadcom-sta (aka wl) --> Error! Bad return status for module build on kernel,
Lukas Singer
Re: Getting error "failed to setup attributes" on Adding Custom Fields in accelerometer HID driver, s.rawat
Eudyptula challenge task 6 reply,
Getting error "failed to setup attributes" on Adding Custom Fields in accelerometer HID driver,
What happens when an interrupt comes while in middle of printk?,
manty kuma
Query regarding Kernel Space Memory,
Vishwas Srivastava
Kernel log buffer - How to refresh it?,
manty kuma
Identify true error value for kernel API's like kmalloc() and ioremap(),
manty kuma
Re: Kernelnewbies Digest, Vol 51, Issue 31, souri abdel
Port Newer Kernel to Android Device,
Beginner in Kernel Development,
sahil aggarwal
memcpy and restrict, Tolga Ceylan
Kernel Mocking,
Kenneth Adam Miller
Linux and interrupts. How do they work?, Farm Dve
overview of bust_spinlocks, manty kuma
Grzegorz Dwornicki
unlikely compiler flag propagation,
Matthias Brugger
Mail client for android,
Ricardo Ribalda Delgado
executing insmod hangs the entire os,
noyb noybee
Linux do_coredump() and SMP systems,
Sudharsan Vijayaraghavan
What is the kernel log buffer format, manty kuma
Maintainer of .mailmap and CREDITS,
Ricardo Ribalda Delgado
60KB Shared library memory on /proc/<pid>/maps, yaniv levy
error: missing syscalls when compiling kernel module,
noyb noybee
Download patch from email.,
Anand Moon
documentation for kmem_cache API, Jeff Haran
Amazon VPS, long UDP packets are seen by sniffer, but don't reach application, Andrey Utkin
Question on MSI support in PCI and PCI-E devices,
Andrey Utkin
Replacing "-custom" in my New Kernel development configuration,
Wireless, how to use dual band, Robert Clove
HID Custom Sensor driver in linux kernel,
workqueues - how to use them correctly,
Roshan A
Overlapping regions in DT,
Stefan Wahren
Getting path in inode_permission,
noyb noybee
Is writer starvation a potential problem with RCU?,
Jeff Haran
mount namespace + d_path question, David Legault
eudyptula response time,
Dean Michael Ancajas
Does CPU set the Referenced bit Memory Management, Rakhi Hemani
Get Mount target from path,
manty kuma
Zram not working on a different Android version, Leandro M Barbosa
why is "const u32 (*tab)[256]" not kerneldoc-able?,
Robert P. J. Day
[PATCH][kerneldoc] Remove non-functional DocBook "!D" tag, Robert P. J. Day
any plans to generate the DocBook manual for open firmware?, Robert P. J. Day
Running into a problem compilation an application on linux.,
Omkar Houddin
wrapper device driver,
riya khanna
Question regarding strange-looking code in drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_ppp.c,
Bas Peters
Eudyptula challenge submissions (patch versus proof),
Tolga Ceylan
Mount Compressed File like a Folder,
Lucas Tanure
Eudyptula Challenge response submission,
Alisha Jain
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: Eudyptula Challenge response submission, harshkdev
spinlock variable protection,
Matwey V. Kornilov
what should be a simple question about sysfs attributes ...,
Robert P. J. Day
x86 boot gdt, Alexander Kuleshov
Intercepting memory mapped files,
Kunal Baweja
Kernel source tagging,
Xavier Naveira
Propper use of pci_map_sg,
Malte Vesper
Linux Kernel readlink equivalent,
David Legault
Is this a good first patch for enabling screen rotation?,
Brock York
Can I submit simple patches like this to the primary ML?,
Vinícius Tinti
why i can't find suspend to disk(hibernation) funciont in kernel mainline statble release! Is it supported ?, sizel
Eudyptula Challenge Task 03 Queue Question,
Patrick Creech
Sreejith M M
Question about switch_mm function,
Sreejith M M
[no subject], Grzegorz Dwornicki
Ticketing spinlocks - How to get to the owner who locked the spinlock?,
manty kuma
Kernel 64bit Crash/Hung,
Giridhara RP (grp)
linux-tools perf for ARM boards., Anand Moon
difference between struct proto and struct proto_ops,
Hi , why the function smp_setup_processor_id is blank ?, sizel
Framebuffer Fonts, Ssagarr Patil
One question,
Meyer Lansky
examples of `<hardirq-safe> -> <hardirq-unsafe>`, 孙建希
PCIe bus enumeration,
J.Hwan Kim
confusion in interrup handler,
Er Krishna
Block Device Driver Tutorial,
Gunjan Mehta
SIze of a file shows 124 GB while available size is less than 16 GB,
manty kuma
Maintainer Hasn't Picked up my patch after git resend for Ipmi subsystem, nick
Debugging an ARP issue (no resp to ARP requests),
Mandeep Sandhu
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