Gluster Development
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- Lot of EIO errors in disperse volume,
Ankireddypalle Reddy
- Release 3.10: Pending reviews,
- FWD: Log of Bug-Traige meeting, Ankit Raj
- Get GFID for a file through libgfapi,
Ankireddypalle Reddy
- Gerrit outage window on 21st Jan 2017,
Nigel Babu
- Requesting patch to be considered for 3.10 release,
Samikshan Bairagya
- What is the answer to the 3.9.1 release question?,
- New dev release - GlusterD2 v4.0dev-4, Prashanth Pai
- GlusterFS-3.7.19 tagging approaching, Kaushal M
- Weekly Community Meeting - 20170104,
Kaushal M
- New bugzilla component for tracking 'SSL' related issues,
Satheesaran Sundaramoorthi
- Jenkins restarted, Nigel Babu
- Cancellation of Bug-Traige meeting, Ankit Raj
- Top 5 test failures in 4 weeks, Nigel Babu
- On Gluster resiliency,
Ivan Rossi
- Need to understand this logging in disperse volume, Ankireddypalle Reddy
- Tests with timing assumptions, Jeff Darcy
- Website Review Volunteers needed,
Amye Scavarda
- Patches being posted by Facebook and plans thereof,
- Glusterfs-3.9 in Centos SIG, Ramesh Nachimuthu
- Re: Invitation: Re: Question on merging zfs snapshot supp... @ Tue Dec 20, 2016 2:30pm - 3:30pm (IST) (sriram@xxxxxxxxxxxxx),
- Ability to skip regression jobs?,
Nigel Babu
- FDL and Reconciliation Overview and Walkthrough,
Avra Sengupta
- Error being logged in disperse volumes,
Ankireddypalle Reddy
- Gluster Community Bug Triage meeting (Today), Ankit Raj
- static analysis updated,
- Release 3.10: Feature page status (and call for reviews),
- Invitation: Re: Question on merging zfs snapshot supp... @ Tue Dec 20, 2016 2:30pm - 3:30pm (IST) (gluster-devel@xxxxxxxxxxx), asengupt
- syncop_getxattr stuck,
Ankireddypalle Reddy
- GFID2 - Proposal to add extra byte to existing GFID,
- Nightly Pipeline Plans,
Nigel Babu
- Tool to find directory issues in Gluster Bricks, Aravinda
- [Focus Area] Gluster Experience for Developers and Integrations (GEDI),
Niels de Vos
- Weekly community meeting - 2016-12-14, Kaushal M
- Re: Regarding a consistent gfapi .t failure,
Poornima Gurusiddaiah
- semantics about OPEN in NFS,
jin deng
- 1402538 : Assertion failure during rebalance of symbolic links,
Ashish Pandey
- Announcing GlusterFS-3.7.18, Kaushal M
- Release 3.10 feature proposal: Disable creation of trash directory by default,
Anoop C S
- Release 3.10 feature proposal : Setting SELinux Context for entries inside Gluster Volumes,
Jiffin Tony Thottan
- Release 3.10 feature proposal: gfapi fix memory leak during graph switch,
Rajesh Joseph
- Release 3.10 feature proposal:: Statedump for libgfapi,
Rajesh Joseph
- Release 3.10 feature proposal : Introduce force option in snapshot restore,
Avra Sengupta
- Glusto Update, Nigel Babu
- Release 3.10 feature proposal: multi-threaded promotions and demotions in tiering, Milind Changire
- "du" a large count files in a directory casue mounted glusterfs filesystem coredump,
Lian, George (Nokia - CN/Hangzhou)
- Release 3.10 feature proposal : Parallel readdirp, Poornima Gurusiddaiah
- Gluster 3.10 feature proposal, switch to storhaug for ganesha and samba HA setup,
Kaleb Keithley
- Release 3.10 feature proposal : Gluster Block Storage CLI Integration,
Prasanna Kalever
- Feature proposal for 3.10 release: Support to retrieve maximum supported op-version,
Samikshan Bairagya
- Release 3.10 feature proposal : Volume expansion on tiered volumes.,
Hari Gowtham
- Regression failure :, Nithya Balachandran
- Avoid glusterfsd for every volume,
jin deng
- Cancelled: Weekly Community Meeting 2016-12-07, Kaushal M
- Etherpads and archiving, Kaushal M
- Release 3.10 feature proposal : Estimate time to complete rebalance,
Nithya Balachandran
- Geo-replication updates, Aravinda
- glustercli-python project updates, Aravinda
- Assertion failed: lru_inode_ctx->block_num > 0,
qingwei wei
- Closing 3.6 bugs.,
Hari Gowtham
- Weekly Community Meeting 2016-11-30,
Kaushal M
- glusterfsd/glusterfs process taking CPU load higher than usual,
- Hole punch support,
Ankireddypalle Reddy
- Question about EC Locking,
jayakrishnan mm
Regarding merge window for the approaching GlusterFS-3.7.18 release,
Samikshan Bairagya
EC volume: Bug caused by race condition during rmdir and inodelk, Ashish Pandey
Why vandermonde matrix is used in EC?,
404 -, Niklas Larsson
Why not all of my NFS servers are online?, Jin Li
Multiplexing status, November 22,
Jeff Darcy
Announcing release 3.10 schedule,
Weekly Community Meeting - 2016-11-23,
Kaushal M
discussion about mount slow issue when stop sn-0, Zhou, Cynthia (Nokia - CN/Hangzhou)
fstat updates, Nigel Babu
Dht crash in regression,
Poornima Gurusiddaiah
Duplicate UUID entries in "gluster peer status" command,
Gerrit downtime beginning now,
Nigel Babu
[release-3.7] Tag v3.7.17 doesn't actually exist in the branch,
Kaushal M
Dead translators,
Jeff Darcy
[GD2] New dev release - GlusterD2 v4.0dev-3,
Kaushal M
Community Meetings - Feedback on new meeting format,
Kaushal M
Notice: has changed,
move file in brck btu in .gluster I have a "copy", Sergio Traldi
question about nfs lookup result,
jin deng
Last week in GD2 - 2016-11-16, Kaushal M
Weekly Community Meeting - 2016-11-16,
Kaushal M
Re: [Gluster-users] gfid generation,
Kaushal M
Test failure stats,
Nigel Babu
Upstream smoke test failures,
Nithya Balachandran
Feature Request: Lock Volume Settings,
Lindsay Mathieson
ansible version requirements for gdeploy in the CentOS Storage SIG,
Niels de Vos
Re: [Gluster-users] Hole punch support,
Ravishankar N
Is it possible to turn an existing filesystem (with data) into a GlusterFS brick ?,
Sander Eikelenboom
Feature: Rebalance completion time estimation,
Susant Palai
FSFE pads to github wiki / alternative etherpad - info. required, Saravanakumar Arumugam
Glusto Status Update,
Nigel Babu
Please pause merging patches to 3.9 waiting for just one patch,
Pranith Kumar Karampuri
GlusterD 1.0 updates,
Atin Mukherjee
getting "Transport endpoint is not connected" in glusterfs mount log file.,
Weekly Community Meeting - 2016-11-09,
Kaushal M
posix_acl_access [Invalid argument] will cause any issue due to timeout,
Preventing lookups from serving metadata.,
Ravishankar N
Minutes: Gluster Community Bug Triage meeting (8th November 2016), Saravanakumar Arumugam
Last week in GD2,
Kaushal M
Feedback on DHT option "cluster.readdir-optimize",
Raghavendra Gowdappa
GlusterFS-3.7.17 released, Samikshan Bairagya - request to take in for 3.9, Atin Mukherjee
Help needed: NFS Debugging for Glusto tests and Glusto help in general,
Nigel Babu
What is the risk to upgrade glusterfs server version?,
Jin Li
Review request: Data corruption in write ordering of rebalance and application writes, Karthik Subrahmanya
Reboot for dirtycow, and the story of my unwarranted optimism,
Michael Scherer
More multiplexing results, Jeff Darcy
github:gluster/container-storage - team create request,
Michael Adam
Re: dht renamedir transactions, failures and crash consistency,
Raghavendra Gowdappa
Glusto-tests and libraries update,
Jonathan Holloway
Weekly community meeting - Nov 02, 2016, Kaushal M
Multiplexing status, 02 November 2016, Jeff Darcy
Reminder to add meeting updates, Kaushal M
Following up on Community Bootstrap Challenge, Amye Scavarda
A question of GlusterFS dentries!,
CentOS CI failing for libgfapi-python tests,
Niels de Vos
Allow ":" as brick path,
Gandalf Corvotempesta
Custom Transport layers,
Lindsay Mathieson
GlusterFS-3.9.0 - Delete or disable experimental features,
Kaushal M
Re: r.g.o seems to be down? <EOM>, Atin Mukherjee
Re: Gluster-devel Digest, Vol 31, Issue 61, Mohit Agrawal
Volgen-2.0 for GD2, Kaushal M
Review request - change pid file location to /var/run/gluster,
Saravanakumar Arumugam
automating straightforward backports, Pranith Kumar Karampuri
Re: [Gluster-Maintainers] glusterfs-3.9.0rc2 released, Kaleb S. KEITHLEY
Memory management and friends, Oleksandr Natalenko
Weekly community meeting - 26-Oct-2016, Kaushal M
NFS-Ganesha last week update, Jiffin Tony Thottan
Multiplexing status, October 26,
Jeff Darcy
mechanism to match volume identity,
Raghavendra Talur
Progress about small files performance,
Gandalf Corvotempesta
Week in GlusterD-2.0, Kaushal M
(legacy)GlusterD & SSL - status updates, Atin Mukherjee
Minutes from today's Gluster Community Bug Triage meeting (Oct 25 2016), Kaleb S. KEITHLEY
Gluster Test Thursday - Release 3.9,
Need inputs for solution for renames + entry self-heal data loss in afr,
Pranith Kumar Karampuri
Gluster Developer Summit 2016 Notes, Amye Scavarda
Regarding merge window for the approaching GlusterFS-3.7.17 release,
Samikshan Bairagya
Input/output error when files in .shard folder are deleted,
qingwei wei
What is the meaning of default 0 for performance.cache-max-file-size in glusterfs?, Jin Li
weird permission denied problem with owned but read-only files reexported via nfs-kernel-server, Omar Walid Llorente
FW: GlusterFS native api,
Simon Turcotte-Langevin
Possible problem introduced by,
Xavier Hernandez
problem with recent change to glfs_realpath,
Michael Adam
New style community meetings - No more status updates,
Kaushal M
GoGFAPI - Go bindings to libgfapi - Now under a Gluster project, Kaushal M
Container Repo Change + > 50K downloads of Gluster Container images,
Humble Devassy Chirammal
FOSDEM Devroom,
Amye Scavarda
glusterfs 3.8.5 and openssl 1.1.0,
Patrick Matthäi
Weekly Community Meeting 19 Oct 2016 - Minutes, Kaleb S. KEITHLEY
Possible race condition bug with tiered volume,
Dustin Black
GlusterD-2.0 v4.0dev-2, Kaushal M
Missing Debian packages,
Shane StClair
Participating in Outreachy for Gluster, Kanika Murarka
Need help in understanding IOZone config file,
Menaka Mohan
GlusterFS-3.7.16 released, Kaushal M
[Outreachy] Results of IOZone and smallfile bench tests with some changes.,
Menaka Mohan
Xavi documented how erasure coding algo works, Pranith Kumar Karampuri
Re: [Gluster-users] opportunist for outreachy,
Manikandan Selvaganesh
Check the possibility to incorporate DEBUG info permanently in build,
Memory-pool experiments, Jeff Darcy
Issue about the size of fstat is less than the really size of the syslog file,
Lian, George (Nokia - CN/Hangzhou)
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