From: Pranith Kumar Karampuri [mailto:pkarampu@xxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 20 octobre 2016 03:35
To: Simon Turcotte-Langevin <simon.turcotte-langevin@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: UPS_AssetStore_DevTeam <UPS_AssetStore_DevTeam2@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: GlusterFS native api
On Wed, Oct 19, 2016 at 9:31 PM, Simon Turcotte-Langevin <simon.turcotte-langevin@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hello Pranith,
We’re still investigating possible optimizations to our platform, and we were wondering: is the fuse translator very slow compared to native glusterfs operations?
Since we’re using a subset of operations available through fuse, we could create an abstraction layer from gluster’s native api instead of relying on a fuse mount.
Would that increase our performance/stability by a lot?
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