atin@dhcp35-96:~/Downloads/gluster_users/abhishek_dup_uuid/duplicate_uuid/glusterd_2500/peers$ ls -lrt
total 8
-rw-------. 1 atin wheel 71 Jan 1 1970 5be8603b-18d0-4333-8590-38f918a22857
-rw-------. 1 atin wheel 71 Nov 18 03:31 26ae19a6-b58f-446a-b079-411d4ee57450
In board 2500 look at the date of the file 5be8603b-18d0-4333-8590-38f918a22857 (marked in bold). Not sure how did you end up having this file in such time stamp. I am guessing this could be because of the set up been not cleaned properly at the time of 8
-rw-------. 1 atin wheel 71 Jan 1 1970 5be8603b-18d0-4333-8590-38f918a22857
-rw-------. 1 atin wheel 71 Nov 18 03:31 26ae19a6-b58f-446a-b079-411d4ee57450
Here is the steps what I'd recommend for now:
1. rename 26ae19a6-b58f-446a-b079-411d4ee57450 to 5be8603b-18d0-4333-8590-38f918a22857, you should have only one entry in the peers folder in board 2500.
2. Bring down both glusterd instances
3. Bring back one by one
And then restart glusterd to see if the issue persists.
On Mon, Nov 21, 2016 at 9:34 AM, ABHISHEK PALIWAL <abhishpaliwal@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hope you will see in the logs......--On Mon, Nov 21, 2016 at 9:17 AM, ABHISHEK PALIWAL <abhishpaliwal@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:So, they will remain as same as previous.Hi Atin,It is not getting wipe off we have changed the configuration path from /var/lib/glusterd to /system/glusterd.--On Mon, Nov 21, 2016 at 9:15 AM, Atin Mukherjee <amukherj@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:Abhishek,rebooting the board does wipe of /var/lib/glusterd contents in your set up right (as per my earlier conversation with you) ? In that case, how are you ensuring that the same node gets back the older UUID? If you don't then this is bound to happen.On Mon, Nov 21, 2016 at 9:11 AM, ABHISHEK PALIWAL <abhishpaliwal@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:______________________________Also, we are not replacing any board from setup just rebooting.So could you please check what is the reason to get in this situation as it is very frequent in multiple case.I am attaching all logs from both the boards and the command outputs as well.We are having the setup of replicate volume setup with two brick but after restarting the second board I am getting the duplicate entry in "gluster peer status" command like below:Hi Team,Please lookinto this problem as this is very widely seen problem in our system.
# gluster peer status
Number of Peers: 2
Uuid: 5be8603b-18d0-4333-8590-38f918a22857
State: Peer in Cluster (Connected)
Uuid: 5be8603b-18d0-4333-8590-38f918a22857
State: Peer in Cluster (Connected)
Abhishek Paliwal
Gluster-users mailing list
--~ Atin (atinm)
Abhishek Paliwal
Abhishek Paliwal
~ Atin (atinm)
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