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Upgrade WINE on RH7.2 now can't load,
Gregory Gulik
Version Mismatch Error (PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!), Someone
Could not load 'USER.DLL' (RH7.2),
John Hunt
Codeweaver's Wine - Autolaunch?,
Hal Vaughan
pthread rwlock implementation, Jukka Heinonen
Wine NT Services / Serial Port,
Richard Scheffenegger
Re: (fwd) Re: [Possible BUG]: Wine-20011108,
< < < FREE Online Seminar Unleash the Power of the Internet > > >, client . services
Keystone VB6 - 18 cd's - all levels 1 to 17 for 60$us for the reston year 2001,
VIRTUAL_SetProt and app crashes [Was: Re: LoadOEMResource crash], Robert Baruch
Virtual Gamestation under Wine, Nobody
err:font:XFONT_RealizeFont (PC-Bibliothek), Thomas Link
Re: LoadOEMResource crash [Was: Re: Problem report: SHRINKER.ERR, fix to DEVICE_Open/CreateFileA? ],
Robert Baruch
- Re: LoadOEMResource crash [Was: Re: Problem report: SHRINKER.ERR, fix to DEVICE_Open/CreateFileA? ], Pavel Troller
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: LoadOEMResource crash [Was: Re: Problem report: SHRINKER.ERR, fix to DEVICE_Open/CreateFileA? ], Robert Baruch
- Re: LoadOEMResource crash [Was: Re: Problem report: SHRINKER.ERR, fix to DEVICE_Open/CreateFileA? ], Robert Baruch
- Re: LoadOEMResource crash [Was: Re: Problem report: SHRINKER.ERR, fix to DEVICE_Open/CreateFileA? ], Robert Baruch
- Re: LoadOEMResource crash [Was: Re: Problem report: SHRINKER.ERR, fix to DEVICE_Open/CreateFileA? ], Robert Baruch
- Re: LoadOEMResource crash [Was: Re: Problem report: SHRINKER.ERR, fix to DEVICE_Open/CreateFileA? ], Robert Baruch
Timer problem, Wenlin2 and Wine (was Re: mouse problem with 'standard' Windows program), Dr. David P.S. Fong
Unhandled Exception error, debugger won't finish, newbie here..., chip
ttydrv fix, Eric Laforest
Re: Resource temporarily unavailable (fwd), T REX
SHLWAPI pre-update updates, Jon Griffiths
Will these run?,
Tim from AZ
Tim from AZ
Treeview trivial edit, Medland, Bill
Fix toolbar memory fault,
Dave Hawkes
Wine and Lotus Notes,
Richard Thomas
trouble installing first app, Kirk R. Wythers
trouble getting my first app to install (JMP),
Kirk R. Wythers
MS Office problems,
Tim Aerts
remove me please, Matthew
[Possible BUG]: Wine-20011108,
Pavel Tsekov
Paradox 9 runtime, Dave
Terminal Services are extremely slow!,
windows or no windows?,
Kirk Wythers
Read/WriteProcessMemory fix, Andrew
Client Access Experss 5250 Emulation,
Dalton Corporation
MySQL at localhost and Wine apps, Thomas Watz
Sound with Wine,
Thomas Watz
Registry, HKEY, CONFIGDIR CorelDraw problems,
Jonathan A. Hedstrom
Problem report: SHRINKER.ERR, fix to DEVICE_Open/CreateFileA?,
Robert Baruch
Fix for MS debug info problems with winedbg (with patch!), Dave Hawkes
Fix for MS debug info problems with winedbg, Dave Hawkes
Out of memory using wineconsole, Sylvain Petreolle
550$, 1 Week in France + French in a school + food+ accomodation, Arome.Commun
Program installation, Oliver Sampson
Wine + FlasFiler = winsock problem,
Dariusz Mazur
IT$B4XO"%^%K%e%"%kK]Lu%A%'%C%+!<!J%U%j!<%i%s%5!<!KJg=8(B, KUNGPA-KOREA
whats up 937481344,
What to do after a reboot is required ? - PLS HELP THANKS,
rtcw under wine, Machek Bastian
Fix DIALOG_CreateIndirect killing focus, Dave Hawkes
Fix for toolbar notifying after destruction, Dave Hawkes
Wine segfaulting,
Pavel Troller
Fix toolbar command notification, Dave Hawkes
Visual FoxPro 5 apps,
Rick Romero
Packing in 16-bit headers, Jukka Heinonen
unsubscribe REMOVE UNSUBSCRIBE remove, Matthew
"Encore is not installed properly...",
Luis Pablo Gasparotto
Problems saving files using Visio 2000, Luis Pablo Gasparotto
$6 for signing up, $20 in the first 5 mins, and 10% per refferal, i made $200 today!, Skooter
Agent application launching behavior, Oliver Sampson
Agent sending mail behavior,
Oliver Sampson
Agent spell checker behavior,
Oliver Sampson
Tsunami MPEG Encoder probs,
Claudio Di Martino
UNC patch,
Stefan Leichter
Desperately trying to build a wine.conf,
Christian Moosmann
Serial Errors,
Carlos Saldarriaga
mbcs update, François Gouget
getenv is case insensitive, François Gouget
mktime fix, François Gouget
Patch to make several demos (demoscene demos) work, Steinar H. Gunderson
Re: Strange keyboard behavior with Num Lock,
gerard patel
Serial problem with Zworld,
Andrew Campbell
very small patch to listview.c file, Ondřej Macek
Wine newbie needs help, please!,
Agent Clipboard issues revisited,
Oliver Sampson
Running Agent with Opera under Wine, Oliver Sampson
ULTRAHle N64 Emulator,
- <Possible follow-ups>
- patch, Stefan Leichter
- patch, Stefan Leichter
- Patch, Jacek Caban
Wine and Derive 5,
Alexander Kreuzer
[PATCH] filedlg95 CreateTemplateDialog, Gerard Patel
[PATCH] comm misc fixes, Gerard Patel
[PATCH] Wineconf handling of config with several Windows install, Gerard Patel
[PATCH] Horrid wineoss hack,
Gerard Patel
Some Agent clipboard issues,
Oliver Sampson
IPX support in Starcraft - Why can't I get it working?,
David Bronaugh
Recurrent message inbugger,
Sylvain Petreolle
Newbie: WineX CVS problem,
Is it impossible to use Windows ME,
Lennart Svensson
wine: error while loading shared libraries:,
Console fix #2 (resent), eric pouech
Console fix (#1) (resent), eric pouech
Include only needed headers in programs/winhelp, James Juran
Correction to SHLWAPI_169, Guy L. Albertelli
CreateBitmap() fix, Erik Inge Bolsø
Control Panels,
DirectX 8.0,
Sebastian Jaenicke
compatible DC/Bitmap fixes, eric pouech
MSACM fix,
eric pouech
various MMIO fixes, eric pouech
Computer name?,
Can't find xmessage,
Jim Holman
Yet another wine problem...,
Persistent error?,
err:ntdll....., Bernard Mercé
Nothing more than solitaire...,
Silvan Pagan
Running console apps,
Pavel Troller
The Best Prepaid Phone Card Yet, go
Wine and Poser 4,
bob h
debugging my application,
dga2.c fix, Glenn Schrader
newbie: WINE / Windows / Office Question,
Stuart Blake Tener
Wine and Lightwave,
Fix message trace indent, Guy L. Albertelli
Implement undocumented ToolBar feature, Guy L. Albertelli
fixme:commdlg:GetFileName95 Flags 0x00000002 not yet implemented,
Bob Washburne
SystemParametersInfo: DoubleClick actions, Andriy Palamarchuk
SuSE 7.2 & Outlook,
David Mackay
Correct .spec file parameters for some GDI32 APIs, Dmitry Timoshkov
err:cursor:CURSORICON_Destroy Destroying active cursor! <- problem,
Tiago Simoes
Lightwave and wine, BG
keyboard problem in wine, Tiago Simoes
half life: whether can run without opengl. problems with cs,
Sergey V. Udaltsov
[PATCH] Locks between peb lock and window lock, Gerard Patel
wine exits to debugger immediately. Searching for dll files?,
Do's & Don'ts when creating a Win app to be wine compatible ?,
Andreas Koch
System DLLs,
red wines & tannin,
<Possible follow-ups>
ODBC, Luis Ulloa Bonilla
odbc, Chris Lourenço
ODBC, Javier González
Autocad without an installed Windows,
Roland Rodrigus
Does Wine leave a Zombie-Thread behind?,
Axel Braun
first timer, so go easy on me,
segv while compiling,
Steve Hanov
[patch] Winsock fixes, Paul Rupe
printing and wine,
Richard Canada
problems with the serial port,
Debugger - no keyboard,mouse has no effect, Sylvain Petreolle
Annoying font metrics,
Eduardo G. Andrade
wine's winhelp doesn't compile,
Sylvain Petreolle
Quickie question regarding wine functionality...,
digital UNIX,
Vincent Filion
Re: best release?,
Johan Karlsson
fullscreen - input (mouse+keyboard)not work,
Resource temporarily unavailable,
- Re: Resource temporarily unavailable, Andreas Mohr Usenet 10/01
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Resource temporarily unavailable, T REX
- Re: Resource temporarily unavailable, T REX
- Re: Resource temporarily unavailable, T REX
- Re: Resource temporarily unavailable, T REX
- Re: Resource temporarily unavailable, T REX
- Re: Resource temporarily unavailable, T REX
- Re: Resource temporarily unavailable, T REX
- Re: Resource temporarily unavailable, T REX
- Re: Resource temporarily unavailable, T REX
- Re: Resource temporarily unavailable, T REX
- Re: Resource temporarily unavailable, T REX
- Re: Resource temporarily unavailable, T REX
- Re: Resource temporarily unavailable, T REX
- Re: Resource temporarily unavailable, T REX
- Re: Resource temporarily unavailable, T REX
- Re: Resource temporarily unavailable, T REX
- Re: Resource temporarily unavailable, T REX
- Re: Resource temporarily unavailable, Mike McCormack
- Re: Resource temporarily unavailable, T REX
- Re: Resource temporarily unavailable, Mike McCormack
- Re: Resource temporarily unavailable, T REX
- Re: Resource temporarily unavailable, T REX
- Re: Resource temporarily unavailable, T REX
- Re: Resource temporarily unavailable, T REX
- Re: Resource temporarily unavailable, T REX
- Re: Resource temporarily unavailable, T REX
- Re: Resource temporarily unavailable, T REX
- Re: Resource temporarily unavailable, T REX
- Re: Resource temporarily unavailable, T REX
- Re: Resource temporarily unavailable, T REX
- Re: Resource temporarily unavailable, lawson_whitney
- Re: Resource temporarily unavailable, T REX
- Re: Resource temporarily unavailable, T REX
- Re: Resource temporarily unavailable, T REX
- Re: Resource temporarily unavailable, Mike McCormack
- Re: Resource temporarily unavailable, T REX
- Re: Resource temporarily unavailable, Mike McCormack
- Re: Resource temporarily unavailable, T REX
- Re: Resource temporarily unavailable, T REX
Signal 11 while compiling wine...,
Marco Bizzarri
Question about toolbar..., Marco Bizzarri
ImageList fixes,
Michael Stefaniuc
Have a nice day!!!!!!!!!!!!,
Winereal at 98%CPU and nothing happens,
Newbie Installing from cd,
winex cvs problem, James Smaldon
wine on redhat 7.2,
Re: winex-source compiling, James Smaldon
wine & Lightwave,
Johan Karlsson
Xpm nightmare!!!,
Windows Help function,
David Barrena
running office 2000 under wine without windows, Chris Marshall
./configure errors,
Bob Ellis
Wine & Delta Force,
Dial-up connection,
Kerem Koy
deadlock or something,
Windows Solitaire Has Died,
BV Smith
CCNA MCSE MCSD MCDBA Exam Guides 886, ihtjur
err:module:BUILTIN32_dlopen failed to load .so lib for builtin x11drv.dll,
Stian Eikeland
Problem displaying images, C McMains
Computer Based Training programs, Nasa
Get/SetScreenSaveTimeout user driver functions, Andriy Palamarchuk
documentation: debug.h ==> debugtools.h, Michael Stefaniuc
Help function, David Barrena
98, 98se or Me,
John Robert Zebidiah Atkinson
Direct Connect,
Darren Evans
How to get Civ 3 running...,
Tom Morton
wine + Myst III Exile,
wine mailing list
RTCW on Wine questions.........,
Chris Wertman
PATCH: xterm support for wineconsole, Marcus Meissner
[HvP] Outing im Outland, Huerbine von Pleuselspink
A great new search engine 7321, jmoore
write permissions - chapter 2,
Setup Question,
Alex Rodelius
Total Newbie here..,
Re: OK, I'm doing something stupid.,
D. C. Sessions
another console related fix, eric pouech
Re: mmsystem should be loaded at startup,
Joshua Thielen
fixme:font:RemoveFontResource16 ("mwedn.fot"): stub,
Winelib update, Andreas Mohr
Fix for ugly things... (#2), Andreas Mohr
Decorationless managed window patch, Ove Kaaven
Winehq / WineX?,
corrections due to structure union name changes, Chris Green
Quick fix for crashing menus, Jukka Heinonen
[ANN] new RPMs for SuSE 7.1, Manfred H. Winter
PE loading fixes, Andrew Lewycky
Internet Explorer on fresh wine installation,
Has anyone got a wine.conf that's Ok with starcraft ???,
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