Re: winex-source compiling

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Juho Ojaj�rvi wrote:

> I got many errormessages like this:
> DIRECT_xxxxxxx not defined in gl.h
> or something very like. I would put the whole thing here, but I already 
> deleted the winex directory.
> Could anyone help me?
> I have mandrake 8.1. 

do you have an nvidia graphics card? i have a geforce 2 mx and i had the 
same problem, but found that copying the GL directory from 
/usr/share/doc/NVIDIA_GLX-1.0/usr/include/ to /usr/include/ and 
installing glut-dev packages got it to compile. If you dont have a 
nvidia based card then i suggest you try installing mesaGL or something 
like that

then run "./configure --prefix=/usr" as you would normally and it should 
find the new files (configure should output something like "gl.h.... Found")

hope this helps

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