Robert Baruch <> wrote: : Hi Uwe, : Thanks for the reply. I read your thread on VXD's from January 2001 and : now I understand that Wine can't support just any VXD. : Is "SHRINKER" some kind of decompressor? A long long time ago in a : galaxy far far away I wrote a utility which would decompress an MSDOS : self-decompressing-exe file that had been compressed by some utility I : never got the name of. Would there be any interest in some kind of patch : to Wine which would let this particular VXD's job be done within Wine? : Something that would detect the shrinker VXD and immediately act to : emulate it -- say, DEVICE_Open would look into the VXD to see if it's : name was SHRINK34? : I used winedbg to break the program just before it deletes the VXD, and : then used IDA to look inside the VXD. It has no API's, and a single : ioctl routine, which has five possible calls. Is there any interest in : pursuing this further? Well, there general saying in the wine community is that VXDs are win95 things and will go away, as MS-Os'es are moving to the NT. So gettting wine's behaviour right to run the non VXD shrunker parts would be another good thing. However I have seen VXD with regard to dongle protexted software also with the NT incarnation of wine and I thinks that the VXD is really requested when in NT mode, Bye -- Uwe Bonnes Institut fuer Kernphysik Schlossgartenstrasse 9 64289 Darmstadt --------- Tel. 06151 162516 -------- Fax. 06151 164321 ----------