Apparently it is possible to run Civilization 3 under wine, but i'm having no luck. It installed fine, but won't run. With recent CVS winex i get: [~/.wine/c_drive/civ3]$ wine Civilization3.exe fixme:module:CreateProcessA (E:\~ef7194.tmp,...): CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE ignored fixme:module:CreateProcessA (E:\~ef7194.tmp,...): NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS ignored err:int:INSTR_IDT_Emulate Evil attempt to exploit win9x system security flaws detected err:int:INSTR_IDT_Emulate UNIX system security is too strong, can't emulate properly fixme:win32:DEVICE_Open Unknown/unsupported VxD SICE. Try --winver nt40 or win31 ! fixme:win32:DEVICE_Open Unknown/unsupported VxD SIWVID. Try --winver nt40 or win31 ! It doesn't work with --winver nt40 either. And with the debian "wine_0.0.20011108-2_i386.deb" build i get: [~/.wine/c_drive/civ3]$ wine Civilization3.exe fixme:module:CreateProcessA (E:\~ef7194.tmp,...): CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE ignored fixme:module:CreateProcessA (E:\~ef7194.tmp,...): NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS ignored FIXME:pthread_rwlock_rdlock FIXME:pthread_rwlock_unlock FIXME:pthread_rwlock_rdlock FIXME:pthread_rwlock_unlock Then a message box pops up titled "A debugger has been detected", stating "Unload the debugger and try again". And it quits. My system is a progeny debian rc-1 system, glibc 2.2.4, xfree86 4.1.0, kernel 2.4.13 with preemptible kernel patch. Winex was compiled with gcc 3.0.2. Thanks. -- Tom "Moretom" Morton (