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- Re: Could not insatall Internet Explorer on linux through wine., (continued)
- Could not install Internet Expolerer on linux through wine, Susant Padhi
- PATCH: fix IDirectDrawSurface4 declaration, Christian Costa
- A few trivial Unicode-Ascii fixes, Matthew Davison
- wchar_t in msvcrt, Dimitrie O. Paun
- int10 wrong video mode fix, Andreas Mohr
- int21 file error fix, Andreas Mohr
- Add some WAVE_FORMAT constants, Francois Gouget
- final int21 move (11/11), György 'Nog' Jeney
- final int21 move (10/11), György 'Nog' Jeney
- small wtypes.idl fix, Ove Kaaven
- final int21 move (9/11), György 'Nog' Jeney
- final int21 move (8/11), György 'Nog' Jeney
- final int21 move (7/11),
György 'Nog' Jeney
- final int21 move (6/11), György 'Nog' Jeney
- final int21 move (5/11), György 'Nog' Jeney
- final int21 move (4/11), György 'Nog' Jeney
- final int21 move (3/11), György 'Nog' Jeney
- EnumFont16 fix, Huw D M Davies
- final int21 move (2/11), György 'Nog' Jeney
- final int21 move (1/11), György 'Nog' Jeney
- final int21 move (0/11), György 'Nog' Jeney
- Treeview A0, Dimitrie O. Paun
- ppconfig?, Tapio Kautto
- Dead Keys don´t work, Salatiel-Robson Oliveira
- Adding SwitchToThread to winbase.h,
Francois Gouget
- Added stubs for WINTAB{,32}.DLL, Patrik Stridvall
- Some fixes in capabilities, Lionel Ulmer
- Fake texture memory usage tracking, Lionel Ulmer
- Interrupts / Move int25 and int26 to winedos, Jukka Heinonen
- Fixes for asynchronous file IO, Martin Wilck
- New to Wine (halflife upgrade fales),
- Problem using Lotus Notes,
- Patch OLE32: PropVariantXXX functions, Alberto Massari
- Could not install Internet Expolerer 5 through wine.,
Susant Padhi
- PATCH: x11 SelectBitmap / CreateBitmap, Marcus Meissner
- Fix for bug 1162, Tony Lambregts
- Wine release 20021125, Alexandre Julliard
- GetNumberFormatA correction, Medland, Bill
- WinHelp Bug, Matthew Davison
- PATCH : Add some DDRAW and D3D definitions, Christian Costa
- DnsHostnameToComputerName stubs, steve . lustbader
- module error.,
- Issues found by winapi_check, Patrik Stridvall
- RE: [RFC] pthread emulation on FreeBSD (and Linux), Patrik Stridvall
- Small BiDi amendment, Shachar Shemesh
- can not install office xp,
Julien Motch
- TimerQueue stubs, steve . lustbader
- ntdll stubs, steve . lustbader
- advapi stubs, steve . lustbader
- How do wine work with network path?, Cesar Romero
- _stati64 (before _fstati64), Stefan Leichter
- Bug #416: Missing Exports in Winsocks, Andrew John Hughes
- fix for bug#1143 VarAnd with 2 integers, Ann and Jason Edmeades
- PATCH: tools/widl/parser.y fix, Gerald Pfeifer
- _lseeki64, Stefan Leichter
- _ fstati64, Stefan Leichter
- Some additionnal clean-ups, Lionel Ulmer
- fix some unicode -> ascii calls,
Matthew Davison
- Some additions to D3D, Lionel Ulmer
- [wine-users] Can't get Unreal to work in opengl mode,
- oneline fix for dinput, Jens H.
- VIDC, FireWire BSD
- Interrupts / Move int11, int15 and int5c to winedos, Jukka Heinonen
- DOS VGA / Text mode improvements, Jukka Heinonen
- PATCH: Reenable some D3D parts + some fixes, Christian Costa
- rpc_J_PL0-r4.diff, Greg Turner
- codecs (vidc), FireWire BSD
- propsheet: fix in search of someone to wear dark brown paper bag, Andreas Mohr
- Correct UnhookWindowsHook, Medland, Bill
- Re: wine/ windows/winproc.c windows/winpos.c windo ..., Greg Turner
- Compile user with -DSTRICT, Johan Dahlin
- dosconf move,
György 'Nog' Jeney
- Interrupts / Move int2f to winedos, Jukka Heinonen
- [Windows Media Player],
Gregory D Hough
- Compile gdi with -DSTRICT, Johan Dahlin
- EUS.x, daniel huhardeaux
- WM_MOUSEHOVER fix, Mike Hearn
- Tribes 1.x & Wine,
graham brookins
- GetThreadTimes,
Ryan Cumming
- Fix __int{8,16,32,64}, Dimitrie O. Paun
- Implementation of SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime() and TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTime() - Take 2, Martin Fuchs
- Implementation of SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime() and TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTime(), Martin Fuchs
- DVSD, FireWire BSD
- PATCH: objects/*.c aliasing, Marcus Meissner
- Wineinstall fix, Matthew Davison
- PATCH: wincon aliasing , part 2, Marcus Meissner
- Re: PostMessage and NULL HWND's, steve . lustbader
- Move some time fucntions to ntdll, György 'Nog' Jeney
- Compile shell32 with -DSTRICT, Johan Dahlin
Aric Stewart
- User.reg, Birkenhead Computer Services
- [RESENT] Pen width, style, Uwe Bonnes
- Kazaa lite and mandrake 9,
John Allman
- Patch: winsock.h problem, Martin Wilck
- winsock.h, Dimitrie O. Paun
- Installation and error 113,
Neil Hodge
- (With patch) Documentation build changes (try 4), Vincent Béron
- D3D revival patch...,
Lionel Ulmer
- PATCH: winpos - Restore iconified window, Rick Romero
- Font alias trouble?, John Squires
- Patch: SBS_SIZEBOX (scrollbar), Robert Shearman
- Problem with DllOverrides, Sylvain Petreolle
- msvfw32/msvideo, Eric Pouech
- Get rid of W->A calls: Get/SetClassLongA/W, Stefan Leichter
- Get rid of W->A calls: LoadImageW, Stefan Leichter
- Midi in OSS, Eric Pouech
- PATCH: winedump, Alberto Massari
- Patches for Simplified Chinese Support, Tisheng Chen
- Regedit,
Werner Schulte
- Win32s cleanups, Jukka Heinonen
- Interrupts / Remove obsolete stuff, Jukka Heinonen
- Problems with services, Lars Segerlund
- Wine & Metastock, Lim Yew Siang
- Printers,
Lucas Francisco A. Júnior
- another widl patch, Ove Kaaven
- MYOB Premier,
Tom Docking
- Patch for Bug 1145 - Compile ntdll with -DSTRICT, Andrew John Hughes
- Kazaa, Friedrich Slivovsky
- nothing seems to work,
- Winapi_check types, Vincent Béron
- richedit simplifications, Vincent Béron
- vxdcall calling convention,
Vincent Béron
- netdb.h protection, Vincent Béron
- Patch for bug 1150, Andrew John Hughes
- Add a few definitions in preparation for RichEdit overhaul, Robert Shearman
- PATCH: server/ aliasing, Marcus Meissner
- PATCH: large int / alias, Marcus Meissner
- PATCH: wincon.h / alias, Marcus Meissner
- Basic implementation of file change notification, Mike McCormack
- Running ChildView under Wine 20021031 - Codepage 850?,
Scott Balneaves
- Pen width, style, Uwe Bonnes
- Re: Problem running Anstoss2 under Wine,
Tony Lambregts
- Get rid of W->A calls: LoadKeyboardLayoutA/W, Stefan Leichter
- Nameless structs in C++, Patrik Stridvall
- int21 move finished,
György 'Nog' Jeney
- _ismbc* fourth try, Greg Turner
- Support commctrl macros in C++, Dimitrie O. Paun
- PeekNamedPipe def, Dimitrie O. Paun
- Implement registry change notification and test, Mike McCormack
- some ismbc* functions: third try, Greg Turner
- Interrupts / Drop references to msdos/int1a.c, 2nd try, Jukka Heinonen
- Interrupts / Drop references to msdos/interrupts.c, Jukka Heinonen
- Interrupts / Drop references to msdos/int1a.c, Jukka Heinonen
- Interrupts / Remove int31 handler from msdos, Jukka Heinonen
- Get rid of W->A calls: EnumDisplaySettingsA/W, Stefan Leichter
- Definitions for NtQueryFileInfo, Mike McCormack
- to show chinese character properly, yf
- FAQ in sgml format, Tony Lambregts
- StgIsStorageFile Try #2,
Ryan Cumming
Stub implementation of CABINET.DLL, Patrik Stridvall
Font selection - please review, Shachar Shemesh
Greg Turner
Rundll32 fixes, Alberto Massari
Fixes to include files, Alberto Massari
Ryan Cumming
Make LookupIconIdFromDirectoryEx16 Call LookupIconIdFromDirectoryEx, Ryan Cumming
WIN 3.1 App crashes.. Unhandled Exception, Michael Peddemors
process exit and FreeLibrary, Eric Pouech
C++ tests (2/2), Patrik Stridvall
C++ tests (1/2), Patrik Stridvall
Made tests compile on Windows, Patrik Stridvall
Documentation build changes (try 4), Vincent Béron
ComputerName - take 3, Martin Wilck
the dreaded rpcss patch (rpc_J_PL0), Greg Turner
MHTML: Microsoft IE SaveAs Feature, Raghavan, Srihari
int21 move, György 'Nog' Jeney
Improved ITypeInfo::Invoke, Alberto Massari
winspool driver not found ...,
David Woodyard
PATCH: ttydrv / curses conditionals, Marcus Meissner
PATCH: more vm86.h condiditionals, Marcus Meissner
simple test for DosPathName2NtPathName_U (take 2), Mike McCormack
Partial implementation of RtlDosPathNameToNtPathName_U (take 2), Mike McCormack
remerge of msvc re-raise exception patch from Alberto, Greg Turner
msvcrt.wcstod, Robert Shearman
Small notepad fixes,
Rok Mandeljc
winhelp: macro, Eric Pouech
Added stubs in Wininet, Alberto Massari
Resend: implement _ismbcalpha, _ismbcalnum, Greg Turner
Template support for font dialog 2,
Shachar Shemesh
steve . lustbader
rundll32 utility, Alberto Massari
SetDCBrushColor, steve . lustbader
Interrupts / DeviceIoControl cleanup, Jukka Heinonen
GetFileName95 Flags 0x00800000 not yet implemented, der engel frank
simple test for DosPathName2NtPathName_U, Mike McCormack
Documentation build changes (try 3), Vincent Béron
PATCH: silence ishelllink::SetShowCmd, Marcus Meissner
ie6 and wine,
V V Raja Rao
Update to reporting bugs sgml, Tony Lambregts
ms office,
Josh Sakofsky
PATCH: cups dynamic patch , take 2, Marcus Meissner
- Re: quartz.dll, Robert Wilkinson
PATCH: -- improve check for ucontext.h, Gerald Pfeifer
Re: Newbie Help,
Anton Piatek
Re: StretchDIBits (Take 2), steve . lustbader
Lotus Notes and Workpro, Kevin DeKorte
Header mismatch, Patrik Stridvall
winapi_check update (1/2), Patrik Stridvall
winapi_check update (2/2), Patrik Stridvall
Change __sparc__ check, Vincent Béron
PATCH: sysdeps_callonstack / ppc, Marcus Meissner
PATCH: OleLoadPictureEx, Marcus Meissner
Partial implementation of RtlDosPathNameToNtPathName_U, Mike McCormack
PATCH: ITypeInfo::GetDllEntry, Marcus Meissner
PATCH: typelib stuff, Marcus Meissner
PATCH: cups dynamical dependency, Marcus Meissner
Documentation build changes, Vincent Béron
Small update for documentation, Vincent Béron
Small DDraw logging fixes, Lionel Ulmer
Robert Wilkinson
PATCH: Enhance ddraw COM management (resubmitting), Christian Costa
ntdll: RtlUnicodeStringToInteger, Robert Shearman
ddraw fix, Marko Kreen
ReadFile speedup, Hannu Kotipalo
WinMM and drivers unload, Eric Pouech
WinHelp invocation (server side), Eric Pouech
WinHelp invocation (client side), Eric Pouech
Re: Wine 0.8: VB compatibility !!,
Dmitry Timoshkov
Accept any db2html/docbook2html, Vincent Béron
Regedit from ReactOS, Steven Edwards
imagelist.c NULL dereferencing bug, Rolf Kalbermatter
First OpenGL 'optionnal' patch, Lionel Ulmer
(n)curse backend for wineconsole, Eric Pouech
int21 move a8, György 'Nog' Jeney
winamp patch B0, Andreas Mohr
winamp patch A0,
Andreas Mohr
int21 move a7,
György 'Nog' Jeney
int21 mova a6,
György 'Nog' Jeney
int21 move a5, György 'Nog' Jeney
int21 move a3, György 'Nog' Jeney
int21 move a4, György 'Nog' Jeney
int21 move a2,
György 'Nog' Jeney
int21 move a1, György 'Nog' Jeney
int21 move a0, György 'Nog' Jeney
dosconf move try 3, György 'Nog' Jeney
Minor Int 0x11 stuff, admiral coeyman
Interrupts / Move int31 to winedos, Jukka Heinonen
resend update to sgml documentation, Tony Lambregts
update to documentation.sgml, authors.ent, Tony Lambregts
PATCH: server/context_i386.c -- unbreak, Gerald Pfeifer
Docs Update Phase 1, Patch 4, Dustin Navea
Check Point FW gui,
Kari Hurtta
Small fix for db2html-winehq,
Vincent Béron
Docs Update Phase 1, Patch 2, Dustin Navea
Docs Update Phase 1, Patch 3, Dustin Navea
Docs Update Phase 1, Patch 1, Dustin Navea
Reciept printers whit wine, Ivan Vargas
dx8 - multitexturing, Ann and Jason Edmeades
StretchDIBits, steve . lustbader
Registry Loading function, James K Whiting
LogonUser, Martin Wilck
widl patch again,
Ove Kaaven
patch for server/context_i386.c, Pierre Beyssac
HOWTO-winelib, Dimitrie O. Paun
Remove Perl testing framework, Dimitrie O. Paun
another small obj_base patch, Ove Kaaven
Re: Printing under Wine - Mission Impossible? (solved),
Dan Fer
msvcrt: _popen, Jaco Greeff
dosconf move try 2, György 'Nog' Jeney
Font metrics information,
Juraj Hercek
Gerald Pfeifer
sparc signal stuff fix and little adjustment in custcntl.h, Juraj Hercek
Interrupts / Move simple handlers to winedos, Jukka Heinonen
FreeBSD configure fix, Patrik Stridvall
PATCH: vm86.h check, Marcus Meissner
msvcrt: _wsystem implementation, Jaco Greeff
PATCH: more ras stubs, Marcus Meissner
Implemented body of HGLOBALStreamImpl::Clone, Alberto Massari
Export swscanf, Alberto Massari
Fixed IEnumFORMATETC::Clone, Alberto Massari
Fix to rpcrt4, Alberto Massari
Wininet UNICODE APIs, Alberto Massari
[PATCHLET] DeleteFile With Empty Paths,
Ryan Cumming
Kill OLE_GetFormatA, Ryan Cumming
DSTRICT: some fixes for gdi, Michael Stefaniuc
templates support to commdlg ChooseFont,
Shachar Shemesh
winapi_test update (1/2),
Patrik Stridvall
winapi_test update (2/2),
Patrik Stridvall
PATCH: DispCallFunc, Marcus Meissner
ComputerName, take 2, Martin Wilck
WIne and Office,
Anant Kabra
kazaa can not be installed, Julien Motch
ComputerName, Martin Wilck
Printing under Wine - Mission Impossible?,
Dan Fer
Real WCMD Patch, Ryan Cumming
Listview AB1, Dimitrie O. Paun
Listview AB0, Dimitrie O. Paun
/dlls/ntdll/tests: Rtl Strings Tests,
Robert Shearman
Implemented RtlUnicodeStringToInteger (bugs removed), Robert Shearman
obj_base.h patch, Ove Kaaven
dx8 patch, Ann and Jason Edmeades
Patch for Wine-20021031 heap allocation on Solaris 8 x86, John Wehle
winedbg: work around assert, Eric Pouech
wtypes patch,
Ove Kaaven
Re: Earthviewer 3D Setup, Sylvain Petreolle
Interrupts / Move most of int31 to winedos, Jukka Heinonen
PATCH: small ras stub, Marcus Meissner
Newbie Question,
Anton Piatek
PATCH: -- sys/mount.h and sys/user.h, Gerald Pfeifer
DirectDraw vtable fixes, Matthew Bloch
WCMD: Prompt improvements,
Ryan Cumming
Re: Attention to all Lotus Domino Admins using wine,
Kevin DeKorte
msvcrt-B09: _wsearchenv/_wexecl/_wexeclp/_wspawnl/_wspanwlp, Jaco Greeff
msvcrt-A08: _wsystem bugfix, Jaco Greeff
msvcrt-B07: _wsystem, Jaco Greeff
Implement RtlUnicodeStringToInteger (NTDLL),
Robert Shearman
msvcrt-B06: _system, Jaco Greeff
msvcrt-B04: _popen test, Jaco Greeff
msvcrt-B03: _popen/_wpopen/_pclose, Jaco Greeff
msvcrt-B02: printf test, Jaco Greeff
msvcrt-B05: _dup/_dup2, Jaco Greeff
msvcrt-B01: vfprintf/vfwprintf, Jaco Greeff
This Programm requires WindowsNT or WIndows2000,
Mario Ohnewald
rpc_I_PL0, Greg Turner
winapi_check update part II, Patrik Stridvall
BDE & Wine. How to setup properly?, Paulo Vaz
winapi_test update part II, Patrik Stridvall
msvcrt-A12: _dup/_dup2 HANDLE duplication, Jaco Greeff
New to wine question concerning Path Variable,
Scott Unruh
DAO 3.5 Support with Wine, Eduard Zikeli
msvcrt-A11: next free fd cleanup, Jaco Greeff
msvcrt-A10: _dup2, Jaco Greeff
msvcrt-A09: _close bugfix, Jaco Greeff
msvcrt-A08: _dup, Jaco Greeff
CSTR_ Defines, Ryan Cumming
msvcrt-A07: _popen use wcmd.exe, Jaco Greeff
winmm.waveOutOpen tests, Francois Gouget
Fix in wineoss.OSS_RawOpenDevice, Francois Gouget
RasEnumConnectionsW stub, Ryan Cumming
FormatMessage Fix,
Ryan Cumming
PATCH: some ole fixes, Marcus Meissner
controls/menu.c patch, Chris Morgan
PATCH: wineps / devmode size, Marcus Meissner
msvcrt-A05: _popen/_pclose test, Jaco Greeff
msvcrt-A06: _popen + COMSPEC, Jaco Greeff
msvcrt-A02: vfprintf/vfwprintf, Jaco Greeff
msvcrt-A04: _popen/_wopen/_pclose, Jaco Greeff
msvcrt-A03: *printf test case, Jaco Greeff
msvcrt-A01: vfprintf split, Jaco Greeff
move dosconf to winedos, György 'Nog' Jeney
anybody use IE6 on WINE?,
Jamil Ahmed
some random SystemParameterInfo constants floating around in my tree..., Greg Turner
Re: Wine FAQ - call for a volunteer, Tony Lambregts
dlls/msvcrt: msvcrt-popen-2-1.diff, Jaco Greeff
dlls/msvcrt/tests: msvcrt-popen-test-1.diff, Jaco Greeff
dlls/msvcrt: msvcrt-popen-2.diff,
Jaco Greeff
programs/wcmd: wcmd-1, Jaco Greeff
Hungarian resources 3, nagyzoli
Hungarian resources 2, nagyzoli
Fix RtlTimeToTimeFields, György 'Nog' Jeney
Interrupts / Some DOS extender fixes, Jukka Heinonen
Interrupts / Fix 32-bit eflags, Jukka Heinonen
Interrupts / Start using winedos handlers, Jukka Heinonen
Hungarian resources, nagyzoli
dlls/msvcrt: msvcrt-popen-1.2, Jaco Greeff
dlls/msvcrt: msvcrt-popen-1.1, Jaco Greeff
Work around some dumb games (and DDraw 'features'), Lionel Ulmer
Log more surface capabilities, Lionel Ulmer
Additionnal hacks to get D3D to somewhat work again, Lionel Ulmer
dlls/msvcrt: process.c (msvcrt-popen-1), Jaco Greeff
Wine release 20021031, Alexandre Julliard
Fix system metrics 2, Francois Gouget
Fix system metrics 1, Francois Gouget
I suck..., Greg Turner
widl patch,
Ove Kaaven
rpcfc.h patch, Ove Kaaven
Re: dlls/msvcrt: vfprintf.c (Patch 6.1), Jaco Greeff
Minnor fix to COMBOEX_... (and II), Carlos Lozano
winelib: porting Delphi apps,
Frank Joerdens
dlls/msvcrt/tests: printf (Patch 2: todo-ed), Jaco Greeff
App installation gets stuck, Giuliano Maurizio Laudone
rpc_H_PL9 (resend as per Michael's reccomendation), Greg Turner
dlls/msvcrt: vfprintf.c (Patch 6), Jaco Greeff
dlls/msvcrt/tests: printf, Jaco Greeff
rpc_H_PL9, Greg Turner
rpc_H_PL8, Greg Turner
PATCH: msvcrt except, Marcus Meissner
PATCH: msvcrt except ppc, Marcus Meissner
rpc_H_PL7, Greg Turner
rpc_H_PL6, Greg Turner
rpc_H_PL5, Greg Turner
rpc_H_PL4, Greg Turner
Fix for progman French resources, Vincent Béron
Minnor fix to COMBOEX_DrawItem, Carlos Lozano
Messagebox Crashes, Uwe Bonnes
Treeview notifications, Dimitrie O. Paun
wavemap fix, Eric Pouech
splitting msvideo/msvfw32, Eric Pouech
Listview AA0, Dimitrie O. Paun
Slovenian resources for progman,
Rok Mandeljc
Fix some types and function prototypes according to Platform SDK definitions, Dmitry Timoshkov
fixme error messages,
Eduard Zikeli
PATCH: ppc fix 2, Marcus Meissner
winsock + -DSTRICT - now correct, Martin Wilck
PATCH: ppc fix, Marcus Meissner
PATCH: escape \ in shell link, Marcus Meissner
wavemap & DSTRICT, Eric Pouech
WinMM & DSTRICT, Eric Pouech
Overiding builtin DLL's for Dreamweaver,
Dave Malone
rpc_H_PL2, Greg Turner
rpc_H_PL1, Greg Turner
DSTRICT: some more fixes for the user dll, Michael Stefaniuc
SHGetFileInfoA: Fixed SHGFI_SYSICONINDEX flag handling., Carlos Lozano
dlls/advapi32/RegFlushKey (Patch 2.1), Jaco Greeff
DOS VGA / Prevent crashes without console, Jukka Heinonen
dlls/msvcrt: vfprintf (Patch 5), Jaco Greeff
Interrupts / Add winedos16.dll, Jukka Heinonen
dlls/advapi32/RegFlushKey (Patch 2), Jaco Greeff
Interrupts / Add handlers to winedos, Jukka Heinonen
Listview mousewheel fix, Rein Klazes
Patch - add check for missing headers in shed/client.c when buildingntdll under mingw, Steven Edwards
PATCH: dlls\comctl32\tooltips.c, Sander van Leeuwen
winsock: WSASendDisconnect, Hagen Heiduck
Re: Spanish keyboard, Jeff Smith
Added some defines for compatibility with Windows headers, Patrik Stridvall
WOW silence, Eric Pouech
winmm 16/32 split (#15), Eric Pouech
winmm 16/32 split (#12), Eric Pouech
winmm 16/32 split (#10), Eric Pouech
winmm 16/32 split (#11), Eric Pouech
winmm 16/32 split (#7), Eric Pouech
winmm 16/32 split (#13), Eric Pouech
winmm 16/32 split (#9), Eric Pouech
winmm 16/32 split (#14), Eric Pouech
winmm 16/32 split (#8), Eric Pouech
Treeview notifications fix,
Dimitrie O. Paun
Bug #321: msvcrt-vfprintf-4.diff, Jaco Greeff
Bug #321: msvcrt-vfprintf-3.diff, Jaco Greeff
PATCH: Enhanced ddraw COM management, Christian Costa
winetest: ok and trace variants for more usefull failure messages, Patrik Stridvall
MS C tests compile fixes, Patrik Stridvall
Wine and Microsoft headers mismatch,
Patrik Stridvall
Asset Navigator and wine,
Stephen Francis
dlls/setupapi/infparse.c: GenInstall16 reporting, Jaco Greeff
dlls/advapi32/registry.c: RegFlushKey implementation,
Jaco Greeff
PATCH - wcmd fix, Steven Edwards
Bug #321: dlls/msvct/vf[w]printf functions (Patch 2), Jaco Greeff
MSVCRT._ismbcal.* quickie, Greg Turner
Windows setup requires 486?,
Dave Walton
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