Re: newbie Question

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On Sun, Jan 11, 2009 at 4:32 PM, Rem P Roberti <rem@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Everyone.  I'm new to using Wine and haven't been able to successfully
install a Windows program yet.  I have Wine installed on a FreeBSD machine.
 My only attempt at an installation so far has been to try and install
Photoshop Elements 4.0. I run "/cdrom wine Setup.exe" frome the command
line, and the installation wizard appears and proceeds normally until
"finish".  At that point a Photoshop icon has been placed on the desktop.
 When I click on the icon the welcome screen appears and asks me which
feature of the program I want to use.  When I click on any of the choices
another screen appears which is totally white, and that's as far as it gets.
 I have tried the installation on a couple of occasions, but the end result
is always the same.  The program just won't load.  I have the feeling that
this is pilot error, but I'm not sure what to try next.  Any help would be


Thanks for the thread. It looks like a dead end for me at this stage, but I'll keep monitoring the situation.

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