Postgresql Users
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adding a bdr node using bcv backup,
(Daniel Stolf)
How to stop autovacuum for daily partition old tables,
AI Rumman
long transfer time for binary data,
Syntax error for Function,
Sachin Srivastava
ERROR for '@' for function,
Sachin Srivastava
Postgres and timezones,
Steve Rogerson
BDR with postgres 9.5,
Error in Update and Set statement,
Sachin Srivastava
How can I use a dynamic column name after NEW. or OLD. in trigger procedure?,
Peter Devoy
Odd quoting behavior from \set,
Jim Nasby
Building 9.4 rpm for Red Hat 5,
AI Rumman
How can i add a postgresql connection using inno setup?,
Missing RHEL rpm(pg_catcheck-95) in postgres 9.5 repo.,
Kaliappa, Karthic
Postgre compatible version with RHEL 7.2,
Deepti Sharma S
Question about the postgresql's certifications,
Jaime Manuel Padron Cano
about test_parser installation failure problem(PostgreSQL in 9.5.0)?,
Re: [BUGS] about test_parser installation failure problem(PostgreSQL in 9.5.0)?,
Alvaro Herrera
Setting privileges for users,
Dynamic collation support,
Merlin Moncure
“Loop” in plpgsql Function - PostgreSQL 9.2,
CoC [Final],
Joshua D. Drake
Error installing 9.5 on Win 2012 R2: data dir not created,
Adding node to bdr group,
Cj B
PgDay LFNW April 23rd & 24th (can you speak?),
Joshua D. Drake
Andy Colson
Postgres BDR bdr_init_copy fails,
master slave failover - secondary slaves,
Steven Livingstone
v9.1, DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS behaving oddly,
Williamson, Michael
Synchronous replication,
Exclude bdr data from dump,
Roland van Laar
pg_dump problem with dropped NOT NULL on child table,
Karsten Hilbert
Call postgres PL/Python stored function from another PL/Python block.,
Why PG uses nested-loop join when no indexes are available?,
David Grelaud
[BDR] Best practice to automatically abort a DDL operation when one node is down,
plpython3 package absent in 9.5 repository,
Clodoaldo Neto
Changing varchar length by manipulating pg_attribute,
Christian Ramseyer
Re: [BUGS] permissions.,
Shulgin, Oleksandr
Unable to build python extension with PGXS,
Jim Nasby
Data Packaging/Data Unpacking,
oleg yusim
Query Questions - PostgreSQL,
Saulo Merlo
Moving a large DB (> 500GB) to another DB with different locale,
Andreas Joseph Krogh
Blocked updates and background writer performance,
Cory Tucker
postgres user with password read-only user without?,
Ted Toth
PostgreSQL upgrade 9.3.4 -> 9.3.10,
Dev Kumkar
Text parameter is treated as sql query in postgresql function,
Yash Gajbhiye
Giving error for function,
Sachin Srivastava
row-level security, views and materialized views?,
Karl Czajkowski
plv8 binaries for PostgreSQL 9.5 on Windows,
Igal @
Building PostgreSQL in Eclipse on Windows,
Igal @
Joshua D. Drake
- Re: WIP: CoC,
Brian Dunavant
- Re: WIP: CoC,
Joshua D. Drake
- Re: WIP: CoC,
James Keener
- Re: WIP: CoC,
Brian Dunavant
- Re: WIP: CoC,
Joshua D. Drake
- Re: WIP: CoC,
Tom Lane
- Re: WIP: CoC,
Joshua D. Drake
- Re: WIP: CoC,
James Keener
- Re: WIP: CoC V2,
Joshua D. Drake
- Re: WIP: CoC V2,
Alban Hertroys
- Re: WIP: CoC V3,
Joshua D. Drake
- Re: WIP: CoC V3,
Andy Chambers
- Re: WIP: CoC V4,
Joshua D. Drake
- Re: WIP: CoC V4,
Jim Mlodgenski
- Re: WIP: CoC V4,
Oleg Bartunov
- Re: WIP: CoC V5,
Joshua D. Drake
- Re: WIP: CoC V5,
Kevin Grittner
- Re: WIP: CoC V5,
Joshua D. Drake
- Re: WIP: CoC V5,
Joshua D. Drake
- Re: WIP: CoC V5,
Tom Lane
- Re: WIP: CoC V5,
Bill Moran
- Re: WIP: CoC V5, etc., etc., etc., etc., ....,
Berend Tober
- Re: WIP: CoC V5, etc., etc., etc., etc., ....,
Joshua D. Drake
- Re: WIP: CoC V5, etc., etc., etc., etc., ....,
Adrian Klaver
- Re: WIP: CoC V5, etc., etc., etc., etc., ....,
Berend Tober
- Re: WIP: CoC V5,
Joshua D. Drake
- Re: WIP: CoC V5,
Geoff Winkless
- Re: WIP: CoC V5,
Chris Travers
- Re: WIP: CoC V2,
Regina Obe
- Re: WIP: CoC,
James Keener
- Re: WIP: CoC,
Adrian Klaver
- Re: WIP: CoC,
Greg Sabino Mullane
Intel Skylake hardware failures,
[no subject],
Regina Obe
New hacker item posted,
Jim Nasby
Bug Tracker,
James Keener
Code of Conduct,
Bret Stern
Unmet dependency Ubuntu 15.10,
Offline Tablespaces and Partial Restore,
Pedro França
9.4 -> 9.5 upgrade problem when both python2 and python3 present,
Paul Jones
BDR: cascading setup,
Oleksii Kliukin
Japanese, was: Re: Code of Conduct: Is it time?,
Karsten Hilbert
Slow Query - PostgreSQL 9.2,
Saulo Merlo
Things to notice (was Re: Code of Conduct: Is it time?, broken thread I hope),
Andrew Sullivan
Large Binary Columns - Slow Query,
Saulo Merlo
Request - repeat value of \pset title during \watch interations,
David G. Johnston
- Re: Request - repeat value of \pset title during \watch interations,
Michael Paquier
- Re: Request - repeat value of \pset title during \watch interations,
Tom Lane
- Re: Request - repeat value of \pset title during \watch interations,
David G. Johnston
- Re: Request - repeat value of \pset title during \watch interations,
Tom Lane
- Re: Request - repeat value of \pset title during \watch interations,
David G. Johnston
- Re: Request - repeat value of \pset title during \watch interations,
Michael Paquier
- Re: Request - repeat value of \pset title during \watch interations,
David G. Johnston
- Re: Request - repeat value of \pset title during \watch interations,
Michael Paquier
- Re: Request - repeat value of \pset title during \watch interations,
David G. Johnston
- Re: Request - repeat value of \pset title during \watch interations,
Michael Paquier
- Re: Request - repeat value of \pset title during \watch interations,
David G. Johnston
- Re: Request - repeat value of \pset title during \watch interations,
David G. Johnston
- Re: Request - repeat value of \pset title during \watch interations,
David G. Johnston
- Re: [HACKERS] Request - repeat value of \pset title during \watch interations,
Robert Haas
- Re: [HACKERS] Request - repeat value of \pset title during \watch interations,
Michael Paquier
- Re: [HACKERS] Request - repeat value of \pset title during \watch interations,
Robert Haas
- Re: [HACKERS] Request - repeat value of \pset title during \watch interations,
David G. Johnston
- Re: [HACKERS] Request - repeat value of \pset title during \watch interations,
Robert Haas
- Re: [HACKERS] Request - repeat value of \pset title during \watch interations,
Tom Lane
- Re: [HACKERS] Request - repeat value of \pset title during \watch interations,
David G. Johnston
- Re: [HACKERS] Request - repeat value of \pset title during \watch interations,
Tom Lane
- Re: Request - repeat value of \pset title during \watch interations,
David G. Johnston
- Re: Request - repeat value of \pset title during \watch interations,
Robert Haas
- Re: Request - repeat value of \pset title during \watch interations,
David G. Johnston
- Re: [HACKERS] Request - repeat value of \pset title during \watch interations,
Alvaro Herrera
- Re: [HACKERS] Request - repeat value of \pset title during \watch interations,
Tom Lane
- Re: [HACKERS] Request - repeat value of \pset title during \watch interations,
Tom Lane
- Re: Request - repeat value of \pset title during \watch interations,
David G. Johnston
- Re: Request - repeat value of \pset title during \watch interations,
Tom Lane
- Re: [HACKERS] Request - repeat value of \pset title during \watch interations,
Alvaro Herrera
- Re: Request - repeat value of \pset title during \watch interations,
Michael Paquier
- Re: Request - repeat value of \pset title during \watch interations,
David G. Johnston
- Re: Request - repeat value of \pset title during \watch interations,
David G. Johnston
Execute commands in single-user mode,
Andreas Joseph Krogh
Schemas, Roles & Search Path,
Don Parris
New Slave - timeline ERROR,
Support for BDR in 9.5?,
Andrew Biggs (adb)
No postgresql-9.5-prefix ?,
Tim Smith
PostgreSQL 9.5, mysql_fdw, and IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA question,
Deven Phillips
Using xmax to detect deleted rows,
Meel Velliste
Packages for Ubuntu Wily,
Henning Hoefer
pg_upgrade 9.4 -> 9.5 with pg_trgm fails for me,
Karsten Hilbert
Re: pg_upgrade 9.4 -> 9.5 with pg_trgm fails for me,
Tom Lane
Re: pg_upgrade 9.4 -> 9.5 with pg_trgm fails for me,
Karsten Hilbert
Recovery regression tests,
Function error,
Sachin Srivastava
Any way to selectively color query output in psql?,
David G. Johnston
pg_upgrade on Windows,
Igal @
RAM of Postgres Server,
Sachin Srivastava
Trigger function interface,
Tatsuo Ishii
Definitive answer: can functions use indexes?,
Seamus Abshere
Re: [BUGS] BUG #13847: WARNING: skipping "pg_toast_" --- cannot vacuum indexes, views, or special system tables VACUUM,
Navaneethakrishnan Gopal
9.5rc1 RLS select policy on insert?,
Ted Toth
Conflict detection in ON CONFLICT,
Nicolas ALBEZA
Off topic - How to start a new thread,
D'Arcy J.M. Cain
Postgresql 9.3 not coming up after restart in centos,
Submitting to this list,
Melvin Davidson
Failing to known state,
oleg yusim
Unique constraints and indexes.,
Steve Rogerson
Re: [SQL] plv8 installation problem,
Adrian Klaver
Code of Conduct: Is it time?,
Joshua D. Drake
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