On Sat, Jan 9, 2016 at 2:22 PM, drum.lucas@xxxxxxxxx <drum.lucas@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
rsync would be something like:from slave1:rsync -av data/pg_xlog slave2:/var/lib/postgresql/data/
Normally I run something like the following from the slave I am setting up.
rsync -azr --progress --partial postgres@$MASTER_IP:/var/lib/postgresql/data /var/lib/postgresql/data/ --exclude postmaster.pid
rsync -azr --progress --partial postgres@$MASTER_IP:/var/lib/postgresql/data /var/lib/postgresql/data/ --exclude postmaster.pid
I didn't unterstand why doing RSYNC twice... sorry
Unless the source db cluster you are rsync'ing from is stopped, there will be changes to data files replicated from the master. The second rsync might not be necessary given the WALs are shipping from the master to slave2.